A General collection of the best and most interesting voyages and travels in all parts of the world oder kurz General Collection of Voyages and Travels ist eine 1808–1814 in siebzehn Bänden erschienene Sammlung von Reiseberichten, die von dem schottischen Antiquar, Kartographen, Autor, Numismatiker und Historiker John Pinkerton (1758–1826) herausgegeben wurde. Die Reihe erschien in London bei Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme. Das monumentale Gesamtwerk umfasst sechs Bände zu Europa, fünf zu Asien, drei zu Amerika und zwei zu Afrika mit der folgenden Untergliederung: Bd. 1–6: Europa, Bd. 7–10: Asien, Bd. 11: Asiatische Inseln, Bd. 12–13: Nordamerika, Bd. 14: Südamerika, Bd. 15–16: Afrika, Bd. 17: Supplement (mit einem Generalindex).[1]




Band I[2]

  • The Voyages of Sir Hugh Willoughby and others to the Northern Parts of Russia and Siberia
  • First Voyage of the Dutch to the North of Europe
  • Second Voyage of the same
  • Third Voyage of the same
  • Dissertation of John Isaac Pontanus, concerning the North East Passage
  • Regnard's Journey to Lapland, &c.
  • Journey of Maupertuis to the Polar Circle
  • Onthier’s Journal of a Voyage to the North
  • Travels of M. Arwid Ehrenmalm into Western Nordland, &c.
  • Account of Danish Lapland, by Leems
  • Allison’s Voyage from Archangel
  • A new Account of Samoiedia and the Samoiedes
  • Journal of Seven Seamen left at Spitsbergen
  • Phipps’s Journal of a Voyage to the North Pole
  • Le Roy’s Narrative of Four Russian Sailors, cast upon the Island of East Spitsbergen
  • Backstrom’s Voyage to Spitsbergen
  • Von Troil’s Letters on Iceland
  • Kergueland’s Voyage to the North
  • Earl of Cumberland’s Voyage to the Azores
  • Raleigh’s Report of an Engagement near the Azores
  • Voyage to Tercera, by De Chaste

Band II[3]

  • Voyage to England and Scotland, by Gonzales
  • Shaw’s Tour to the West of England
  • Sketch of a Tour into Derbyshire, by William Bray, F. A. S.
  • Oryctography of Derbyshire, by Ferber
  • Travels through several parts of England, by C. P. Moritz
  • Skrine’s Tour through Wales
  • Malkin’s Tour through Wales
  • Hassel’s Tour to the Isle of Wight
  • Heath’s Account of the Islands of Scilly
  • Robertson’s Tour through the Isle of Man

Band III[4]

  • A Tour in Scotland, by Thomas Pennant, Esq.
  • Pennant’s Second Tour in Scotland
  • Account of the Drosacks, from Garnet’s Tour
  • Martin’s Description of the Western Islands
  • Martin’s Voyage to St. Kilda
  • An Account of Hirta and Rona, by Sir George Mackenzie, of Tarbat
  • Brand’s Description of the Orkneys, and Shetland
  • An Abstract of Young’s Tour in Ireland
  • Hamilton’s Letters on the Northern Coast of Ireland

Band IV[5]

  • Lister’s Journey to Paris, 1698
  • Young’s Travels in France
  • Saussure’s Attempts to reach the Summit of Mont Blanc
  • Ramond’s Journey to the Summit of Mont Perdu

Band V[6]

Band VI[7]

  • Riesbeck’s Travels through Germany
  • Coxe’s Travels in Denmark
  • Coxe’s Travels in Norway
  • Fortia’s Travels in Sweden
  • Coxe’s Travels in Russia

Band VII

  • Travels of Rabbi Benjamin
  • ____________Rubruquis
  • ____________Marco Polo
  • ____________Two Mahometans
  • Nieuhoff’s Travels in China
  • Bell’s Travels in Asia
  • Hamel’s Travels in Korea
  • A Description of Tibet
  • The Travels of Goez from Lahor to China
  • Travels through Tibet, by several Missionaries
  • Caron’s Account of Japan
  • Diary on the Coast of Japan, 1673
  • Kaempfer’s History of Japan

Band VIII[8]

  • Journal of Sir Thomas Roe, Ambassador to the Great Mogul
  • Bernier’s Voyage to the East Indies
  • Extract from Taverniers Voyages, concerning the Diamond Mines
  • Hamilton’s Account of the East Indies
  • Low’s Discovery of the Banians
  • Buchanan’s Journey through Mysore, Canara, and Malabar

Band IX

  • Extracts from the Travels of Pietro Delle Valle in Persia
  • Abstracts of Chardin’s Travels in Persia
  • Description of Persia, from Harris’s Collection, republished by Dr. Campbell
  • Francklin’s Tour in the South of Persia
  • Extracts from Forster’s Travels, concerning the Northern Parts of Persia
  • Accounts of Independent Tartary
  • Jenkinson’s Travels to Bucharia
  • Balbi’s Voyage to Pegu
  • Fitch’s Voyage to Pegu, &c.
  • Symes’s Embassy to Ava
  • Turpin’s History of Siam
  • Baron’s Description of Tonqueen
  • Richards’s History of Tonquin
  • Bovis’s History of Cochin China

Band X

  • Niebuhr’s Travels in Arabia
  • Blount’s Voyage to the Levant
  • Dandini’s Voyage to Mount Libanus
  • Maundrell’s Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem
  • Journey from Cairo to Mount Sinai
  • Dr. Pococke’s Travels in the East

Asiatische Inseln


Band XI[9]



Band XII

  • Colon’s Discovery of the West Indies
  • Discoveries made by the English in America from the Reign of Henry VII. to the Close of that of Queen Elizabeth
  • Frobisher’s First Voyage in search of the North West Passage to China, made in 1576
  • Frobisher’s Zweite Voyage made for the Discovery of the North West Passage, made in 1577, with a Description of the Country and People
  • Frobisher’s Third Voyage for the Discovery of the North West Passage, made in 1578
  • Discovery of, and Voyages to, Virginia
  • Cartier’s Discovery of the Island of New France


  • Smith’s History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles
  • Lahontan’s Travels in Canada
  • Memoirs of North America
  • Kalm’s Travels in North America
  • Burnaby’s Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America, in 1759 and 1760



Band XIV

Band XV

  • A Voyage to Abyssinia, by Father Jerome Lobo
  • Poncet’s Journey to Abyssinia
  • Browne’s Journey to Dar-Fur
  • Pococke’s Travels in Egypt
  • Addison’s Account of West Barbary
  • Windhuss’s Journey to Mequinez
  • Shaws’s Travels in Barbary
  • Lempriere’s Tour to Morocco
  • Abd Allatif's Relation respecting Egypt

Band XVI

  • Thunberg’s Account of the Cape of Good Hope
  • Voyage to Congo, by Angelo and Carli
  • Merolla’s Voyage to Congo
  • The strange Adventures of Andrew Battel, of Leigh, in Essex, sent by the Portuguese *Prisoner to Angola
  • Bosman’s Description of the Coast of Guinea
  • Proyart’s History of Loango, Kakongo, and other Kingdoms in Africa
  • Adamson’s Voyage to Senegal, the Island of Goree, and the River Gambia
  • Santos’ History of Eastern Ethiopia
  • Rochon’s Voyage to Madagascar
  • Glas’s History of the Canary Islands
  • Park’s Travels in Africa




  • Retrospect of the Origin, Progress of Discovery, by Sea and Land, in ancient, modern and *most recent times
  • Critical Catalogue of Books of Voyages and Travels
  • General Index

Siehe auch



  1. worldcat.org / Table of contents
  2. Digitalisat
  3. Digitalisat
  4. Digitalisat
  5. Digitalisat
  6. Digitalisat
  7. Digitalisat
  8. Digitalisat
  9. Digitalisat


  • Pinkerton, John (Hrsg.): A General Collection of the Best and Most Interesting Voyages and Travels in All Parts of the World; Many of Which are now Translated into English. London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme [etc.] 1808–1814.
General Collection of Voyages and Travels (Alternativbezeichnungen des Lemmas)
A General collection of the best and most interesting voyages and travels in all parts of the world • General Collection of Voyages and Travels • A General Collection of the Best and Most Interesting Voyages and Travels in All Parts of the World • Many of which are Now First Translated Into English