Hinweis: Leere nach dem Veröffentlichen den Browser-Cache, um die Änderungen sehen zu können.
- Firefox/Safari: Umschalttaste drücken und gleichzeitig Aktualisieren anklicken oder entweder Strg+F5 oder Strg+R (⌘+R auf dem Mac) drücken
- Google Chrome: Umschalttaste+Strg+R (⌘+Umschalttaste+R auf dem Mac) drücken
- Edge: Strg+F5 drücken oder Strg drücken und gleichzeitig Aktualisieren anklicken
/// <syntaxhighlight lang="javascript"><nowiki> i m p o r t U t i l i t y
/// WP/importUtility/?.js
/// 2013-05-12 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
// ResourceLoader: compatible;
// dependencies: user,
// mediawiki.api, mediawiki.api,
// mediawiki.user, mediawiki.util
// namespaces: -1, 4
// doc: w:de:Wikipedia:Importwünsche/importUtility
/// Fingerprint: #0#0#
/// @license GPL [//www.mediawiki.org/w/COPYING] (+GFDL, LGPL, CC-BY-SA)
/*jshint curly:true, forin:false, latedef:true, laxbreak:true,
strict:true, trailing:true, undef:true, white:false */
/*global window, document, jQuery, mediaWiki */
/*jslint forin:false, plusplus: true, vars: true, white: true */
/*globals window: true, document: true, jQuery: true, mediaWiki: true */
( function ( mw, $ ) {
"use strict";
var IUTIL,
vsn = -0.782;
if ( typeof mw.libs.importUtility !== "object" ||
! mw.libs.importUtility ) {
mw.libs.importUtility = { };
IUTIL = mw.libs.importUtility;
IUTIL.doc = "[[w:de:Wikipedia:Importwünsche/importUtility]]";
IUTIL.type = "importUtility";
IUTIL.vsn = vsn;
if ( ! IUTIL.loaded ) {
IUTIL.archive = { };
IUTIL.batch = { };
IUTIL.cnf = { };
IUTIL.difflink = { };
IUTIL.edit = { };
IUTIL.form = { };
IUTIL.greet = { };
IUTIL.known = { };
IUTIL.mod = { };
IUTIL.notify = { };
IUTIL.quiet = { };
IUTIL.proj = { };
IUTIL.rename = { };
IUTIL.spec = { };
IUTIL.table = { };
IUTIL.utl = { };
IUTIL.versions = { max: 1000,
sketch: "<!--#rv-->"
IUTIL.zone = { };
IUTIL.cnf.dewiki = { archive:
{ sectDone: "(erl.)",
sectHead: "h3",
sectTerm: "(erledigt)",
solvedIU: "{{Erledigt|",
stopIU: "{{Nicht archivieren"
+ "|Zeigen=nein}}"
{ start: "<init time=\"",
suggest: "Antrag"
{ lazyFr: false,
lazyTo: false,
shift: "\\* *'''Ziel''': *"
+ "\\[{{(?:FULLURL|fullurl):"
+ "([^|\n]*)"
+ "\\|action=history",
sketch: "Versionsanzahl:",
source: "\\* *'''Fremdlemma''': *"
+ "\\[{{(?:FULLURL|fullurl):"
+ "([a-z][-a-z]+):"
+ "([^|\n]+)"
+ "\\|action=history",
swap: "{{Anfrage auf Upload stellen}}"
{ sect: "Dein Importwunsch zu"
+ " [[:{{{s}}}]]",
skeleton: "Wikipedia:Importwünsche/"
+ "Benutzernachricht"
{ source: "Wikipedia:Importwünsche/Robinson"
{ "sourceTW": "WP:IMP",
"sourceIU": "WP:IU"
{ source: "Benutzer:Importartikel",
support: "Importwünsche/Wartung"
minutes: 60, // timeoffset
slang: "de",
submitUP: "Importwünsche/Importupload",
submitTW: "Importwünsche"
}; // 2013-01-23
IUTIL.cnf.swift = IUTIL.type + "Form";
// sessionStorage item ID for form data
// Uses:
// > .type
// 2012-12-15 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
IUTIL.cnf.spooling = "//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons"
+ "/d/de/Ajax-loader.gif";
// throbber URL
// 2012-12-15 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
// Requires: JavaScript 1.3 String.fromCharCode
// MediaWiki 1.18 (mw.libs, jQuery core)
IUTIL.cnf.texts = {
// 2013-01-21 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
"AjaxWait": {"en": "Contacting server",
"de": "Kommuniziere mit dem GROSSEN GURU"},
"Archive": {"en": "Resolved",
"de": "Erledigt"},
"Cancel": {"en": "Cancel",
"de": "Abbruch"},
"Completed": {"en": "Completed",
"de": "Abgearbeitet"},
"Count": {"en": "Number of revisions:",
"de": "Versionsanzahl:"},
"Counting": {"en": "Counting revisions ...",
"de": "Zähle Versionen ..."},
"DeleteIssue": {"en": "Delete",
"de": "Löschen"},
"Done": {"en": "(done)",
"de": "(erl.)"},
"Error": {"en": "ERROR!",
"de": "FEHLER!"},
"ErrorAjax": {"en": "ERROR!<br />Ajax transfer failed.",
"de": "FEHLER!<br />Ajax (API) fehlgeschlagen."},
"ErrorAlready": {"en": "ERROR!\nPage has been processed already.",
"de": "FEHLER!\nSeite wurde bereits angepasst\n"
+ "{{Importartikel}} schon eingefügt."},
"ErrorData": {"en": "Data not recognized",
"de": "Daten wurden nicht erkannt"},
"ErrorNoUserPg": {"en": "ERROR!\nNot a user subpage",
"de": "FEHLER!\nKeine Benutzer-Unterseite."},
"ErrorSignat": {"en": "ERROR!\nSignature not recognized",
"de": "FEHLER!\nSignatur nicht lesbar"},
"Export": {"en": "Export",
"de": "Export"},
"GreetingAdd": {"en": "Optional addendum for message,"
+ " terminated by greetings."
+ " Free pipe symbols '|' not permitted."
+ " <strong>No Preview!</strong>",
"de": "Optionale Ergänzung der Nachricht,"
+ " endend mit Grußformel."
+ " <strong>Keine Vorschau!</strong>"},
"Malicious": {"en": "Malicious data detected in field",
"de": "Bösartige Daten gefunden im Feld"},
"Move": {"en": "Move imported page",
"de": "Importierte Seite verschieben"},
"Moved": {"en": "Page moved",
"de": "Importierte Seite verschoben"},
"MoveSpace": {"en": "Source not in user space",
"de": "Quellseite nicht im BNR"},
"MoveToSame": {"en": "Source and target page equal",
"de": "Quellseite gleich Zielseite"},
"Moving": {"en": "Page moving",
"de": "Importierte Seite wird verschoben"},
"NotFound": {"en": "Page not found",
"de": "Seite wurde nicht gefunden"},
"NoUserName": {"en": "No user name",
"de": "Kein Benutzername"},
"PageAdapt": {"en": "Adapt page text",
"de": "Seitentext anpassen"},
"PageAdapted": {"en": "Page has been adapted.",
"de": "Seite wurde angepasst."},
"PageAdapting": {"en": "Page adaption.",
"de": "Seite wird angepasst."},
"PageUpdated": {"en": "Page has been updated.",
"de": "Seite wurde aktualisiert."},
"Robinson": {"en": "No notification required",
"de": "Benötigt keine Benachrichtigung"},
"SendNotifier": {"en": "Send notification",
"de": "Sende Benachrichtigung"},
"Start": {"en": "Start import",
"de": "Import starten"},
"Started": {"en": "Import has been started.",
"de": "Import gestartet."},
"Swap": {"en": "Request at Upload",
"de": "Anfrage auf Upload"},
"Tic": {"en": String.fromCharCode(10003)},
"Update": {"en": "Update table",
"de": "Aktualisiere Tabelle"},
"UserNotified": {"en": "User has been notified.",
"de": "Benutzer wurde benachrichtigt."},
"UserNotify": {"en": "User notifícation",
"de": "Benutzer informieren"},
"UserNotifying": {"en": "User notification.",
"de": "Benutzer wird benachrichtigt."}
}; // .cnf.texts
IUTIL.cnf.trans = {
// 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
"de" : "de",
"de-at" : "de",
"de-ch" : "de",
"de-formal" : "de",
"als" : "de",
"bar" : "de",
"dsb" : "de",
"frr" : "de",
"gsw" : "de",
"hsb" : "de",
"ksh" : "de",
"lb" : "de",
"nds" : "de",
"pdc" : "de",
"pdt" : "de",
"pfl" : "de",
"sli" : "de",
"stq" : "de",
"vmf" : "de"
}; // .cnf.trans
IUTIL.archive.fault = function ( about ) {
// Show API failure on archive stamp
// Precondition:
// about -- JSON info of ajax query or string
// Uses:
// > .archive.$div
// jQuery().empty()
// jQuery().append()
// mw.log()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.archive
// 2012-12-26 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $d = IUTIL.archive.$div;
$d.append( $( "<span style='border: solid 2px #FF0000;"
+ " color: #FF0000;"
+ " margin-left: 5px;'>"
+ "<strong>ERROR</strong>"
+ ( typeof about === "string" ? " " + about
: "" )
+ "</span>" ) );
mw.log( {loud:true}, "IUTIL.archive.fault()", 2, about );
}; // .archive.fault()
IUTIL.archive.feed = function ( arrived ) {
// Set archive marker by API
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON result of ajax query
// Uses:
// > mw.Api
// > .type
// > .vsn
// mw.user.tokens.get()
// .cnf.feature()
// .archive.flip()
// mw.Api.post()
// .archive.fault()
// (.archive.fine)
// (.archive.fault)
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.archive
// 2013-01-28 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var i = false,
n = false,
shift = false,
sucks = "feed",
sum = false,
swap = false,
if ( arrived ) {
q = arrived.query;
if ( q ) {
w = q.normalized;
if ( w ) {
w = w[ 0 ];
if ( w ) {
shift = w.to;
w = /#([1-9][0-9]*)$/.exec( w.from );
if ( w ) {
n = parseInt( w[ 1 ], 10 );
w = q.pageids;
if ( w ) {
i = w[ 0 ];
if ( i ) {
w = q.pages;
if ( w ) {
w = w[ i ];
if ( w ) {
w = w.revisions;
if ( w ) {
w = w[ 0 ];
if ( w ) {
stamp = w.timestamp;
story = w[ "*" ];
if ( story ) {
w = IUTIL.archive.flip( story );
if ( w ) {
if ( w[ 0 ] === story ) {
swap = false;
sucks = sucks + "/equal";
} else {
swap = w[ 0 ];
sum = "/* " + w[ 1 ] + " */ ";
if ( n && shift && sum && swap && stamp ) {
q = new mw.Api();
w = { action: "edit",
token: mw.user.tokens.get( "csrfToken" ),
basetimestamp: stamp,
minor: false,
section: n,
summary: sum
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( "Archive", true )
+ " / " + IUTIL.type + " " + IUTIL.vsn,
text: swap,
title: shift };
q.post( w ).done( IUTIL.archive.fine )
.fail( IUTIL.archive.fault );
} else {
IUTIL.archive.fault( sucks );
}; // .archive.feed()
IUTIL.archive.fine = function () {
// Show API success on archive stamp
// Uses:
// > .archive.$div
// jQuery().empty()
// jQuery().append()
// .cnf.feature()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.archive
// 2012-12-26 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $d = IUTIL.archive.$div;
$d.append( $( "<span style='border: solid 1px #00A000; "
+ " color: #00A000;"
+ " padding: 2px;"
+ " margin-left: 5px;'>"
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( "Archive", false )
+ "</span>" ) );
}; // .archive.fine()
IUTIL.archive.fire = function ( address ) {
// Set archive marker by API: Retrieve section content
// Precondition:
// address -- section number
// Uses:
// > mw.Api
// > .cnf.project.submitUP
// > mw.util.$content
// < .archive.$div
// jQuery().find()
// mw.Api.get()
// jQuery().empty()
// .batch.$flow()
// jQuery().append()
// (.archive.feed)
// (.archive.fault)
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.archive
// 2012-12-31 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var q = new mw.Api(),
w = { action: "query",
indexpageids: true,
prop: "revisions",
rvlimit: 1,
rvprop: "content|timestamp",
titles: "Project:" + IUTIL.cnf.project.submitUP
+ "#" + address,
rvsection: address },
$d = mw.util.$content.find( "#importUtility_" + address );
if ( $d.length ) {
q.get( w ).done( IUTIL.archive.feed )
.fail( IUTIL.archive.fault );
IUTIL.archive.$div = $d;
$d.append( IUTIL.batch.$flow( 16, "margin-left:10px" ) );
}; // .archive.fire()
IUTIL.archive.flip = function ( already ) {
// Modify text in order to set archive template
// Precondition:
// already -- text
// Postcondition:
// Return Array, or false if nothing to do
// [0] modified text
// [1] basic section title
// Uses:
// this
// > .cnf.project.archive.sectDone
// > .cnf.project.archive.sectTerm
// > .cnf.project.archive.stopIU
// > .cnf.project.archive.solvedIU
// 2013-01-28 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var g,
pA = IUTIL.cnf.project.archive,
slot = already,
s = " " + pA.sectDone + " ==",
sT = " " + pA.sectTerm + " ",
sum = false,
i = slot.indexOf( s );
if ( i > 0 ) {
sum = slot.substr( 0, i );
slot = sum + sT + "==" + slot.substr( i + s.length );
} else if ( slot.indexOf( sT ) < 0 ) {
g = /\b((=+)([^=\n].*[^=\n]))\2\n/.exec( slot );
if ( g ) {
if ( g[ 1 ].length > 6 ) {
sum = g[ 1 ];
slot = sum + sT + g[ 2 ] + "\n"
+ slot.substr( g[ 0 ].length );
s = pA.stopIU;
i = slot.indexOf( s );
if ( i > 0 ) {
slot = slot.substr( 0, i ) + slot.substr( i + s.length );
i = slot.toLowerCase().indexOf( pA.solvedIU.toLowerCase() );
if ( i < 0 ) {
slot = slot + "\n\n" + pA.solvedIU + "1=~~~~}}";
if ( sum ) {
g = new RegExp( "^==+ *([^ ].*[^ ]) *$" );
g = g.exec( sum );
if ( g ) {
sum = g[ 1 ];
return ( slot === already ? false
: [ slot, sum ] );
}; // .archive.flip()
IUTIL.archive.found = function ( access ) {
// Equip IU section with archive button, if appropriate
// Precondition:
// access -- index (not used)
// Postcondition:
// Return true for continued iteration
// Uses:
// > .cnf.project.archive.sectDone
// .cnf.feature()
// jQuery()
// jQuery().text()
// jQuery().append()
// Remark: Used as jQuery callback -- 'this' is DOM element
// 2013-05-12 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $h = $( this ),
pA = IUTIL.cnf.project.archive,
s = $h.children( "span.mw-headline" ).text();
if ( s.indexOf( pA.sectDone ) > 0 ) {
s = $h.children( "span.mw-editsection" )
.children( "a" ).attr( "href" );
if ( s ) {
g = /section=([1-9][0-9]*)\b/.exec( s );
if ( g ) {
g = g[1];
s = "<span id='importUtility_" + g + "'>"
+ " "
+ "<button type='button'"
+ " onclick='mw.libs.importUtility"
+ ".archive.fire(" + g + ")'"
+ ">"
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( "Archive", false )
+ "</button>"
+ "</span>";
$h.append( $( s ) );
return true;
}; // .archive.found()
IUTIL.archive.furnish = function ( ) {
// Equip IU page with appropriate archive buttons
// Uses:
// this
// > mw.util.$content
// > .cnf.project.archive.sectHead
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().each()
// (.archive.found)
// 2012-12-26 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
mw.util.$content.find( IUTIL.cnf.project.archive.sectHead )
.each( this.found );
}; // .archive.furnish()
IUTIL.batch.failed = function ( apply ) {
// Equip page with error message box
// Precondition:
// apply -- String: HTML error message text, or false
// Uses:
// > .$msg
// jQuery().empty()
// jQuery().attr()
// .cnf.feature()
// jQuery().append()
// 2012-12-31 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
IUTIL.$msg.attr( "style", "border: solid 2px #FF0000;"
+ " color: #FF0000;"
+ " margin: 3px;"
+ " padding: 1em;" );
IUTIL.$msg.append( $( ( apply ? apply
: "<strong>"
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( "Error", false )
+ "</strong>" ) ) );
}; // .batch.failed()
IUTIL.batch.fine = function ( apply ) {
// Equip page with success message
// apply -- message keyword
// Uses:
// this
// > .$msg
// jQuery().empty()
// jQuery().attr()
// jQuery().text()
// jQuery().append()
// .cnf.feature()
// 2012-12-31 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $t = $( "<span />" );
IUTIL.$msg.attr( "style", "border: solid 1px #00A000;"
+ " color: #00A000;"
+ " margin: 3px;"
+ " padding: 1em;" );
$t.text( IUTIL.cnf.feature( apply, false ) );
IUTIL.$msg.append( $t );
}; // .batch.fine()
IUTIL.batch.fired = function ( await ) {
// Equip page with waiting loop and throbber
// await -- message keyword, or false
// Uses:
// this
// > .$msg
// jQuery().empty()
// jQuery().attr()
// .batch.$flow()
// jQuery().append()
// jQuery().text()
// .cnf.feature()
// 2013-01-08 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $t = $( "<span />" );
IUTIL.$msg.attr( "style", "border: solid 1px #0000FF;"
+ " color: #0000FF;"
+ " margin: 3px;"
+ " padding: 1em;" );
IUTIL.$msg.append( this.$flow() );
IUTIL.$msg.append( $( "<span> </span>" ) );
$t.text( IUTIL.cnf.feature( ( await ? await : "AjaxWait" ),
false ) );
IUTIL.$msg.append( $t );
}; // .batch.fired()
IUTIL.batch.$flow = function ( alter, adapt ) {
// Create throbber
// Precondition:
// alter -- number of pixels other than standard, or false
// adapt -- additional style, or false
// Postcondition:
// Return jQuery with throbber IMG
// Uses:
// > .cnf.spooling
// jQuery()
// 2012-12-31 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var s = "<img src='" + IUTIL.cnf.spooling + "'"
+ " height='" + ( alter ? alter : "24" ) + "'"
+ ( adapt ? " style='" + adapt + "'" : "" )
+ " />";
return $( s );
}; // .batch.$flow()
IUTIL.cnf.favorite = function () {
// Guess user language
// Uses:
// this
// > .cnf.trans
// >< .cnf.slang
// mw.config.get()
// 2012-12-23 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var s;
if ( ! this.slang ) {
s = mw.config.get( "wgUserLanguage" ).toLowerCase();
s = this.trans[ s ];
this.slang = ( s ? s : "en" );
}; // .cnf.favorite()
IUTIL.cnf.feature = function ( apply, adhere ) {
// Wrap message text access for user or project language
// Precondition:
// apply -- text keyword
// adhere -- true: project language; else user language
// Postcondition:
// Return text closest to user language
// Uses:
// this
// > .cnf.slang
// > .cnf.texts
// > .cnf.project.slang
// .cnf.favorite()
// Remark: To be replaced
// if one day ResourceLoader3 gives access to
// gadget@translatewiki
// 2012-12-18 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var e,
r, slang;
if ( ! this.slang ) {
e = this.texts[ apply ];
if ( e ) {
slang = ( adhere ? this.project.slang : this.slang );
r = e[ slang ];
if ( ! r ) {
r = e.en;
if ( ! r ) {
r = "???" + apply + "???";
} else {
r = "***" + apply + "***";
return r;
}; // .cnf.feature()
IUTIL.difflink.fault = function ( arrived ) {
// Show API failure on difflink generation
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON info of ajax query
// Uses:
// .batch.failed()
// mw.log()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.difflink
// 2013-01-05 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
IUTIL.batch.failed( false );
mw.log( {loud:true}, "IUTIL.difflink.fault()", 2, arrived );
}; // .difflink.fault()
IUTIL.difflink.fire = function ( applicant ) {
// Turn REVISIONTIMESTAMP of request into difflink
// Precondition:
// applicant -- originator nick, or false
// Uses:
// this
// > .cnf.project.difflink.start
// > mw.Api
// < .idPage
// .edit.feed()
// .zone.factory()
// .utl.format()
// mw.config.get()
// mw.Api.get()
// (.difflink.found)
// (.difflink.fault)
// 2013-01-23 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var b, e, i, s, w,
d = false,
q = IUTIL.cnf.project.difflink.start;
if ( q ) {
s = IUTIL.edit.feed( false );
if ( s ) {
i = s.indexOf( q );
if ( i > 0 ) {
s = s.substr( i + q.length, 14 );
if ( /^[0-9]{14}$/.test( s ) ) {
d = IUTIL.zone.factory( s );
if ( d ) {
IUTIL.idPage = mw.config.get( "wgArticleId" );
i = d.valueOf();
d = 15000;
b = new Date( i + d );
e = new Date( i - d );
q = new mw.Api();
w = { action: "query",
prop: "revisions",
rvlimit: 3,
rvprop: "ids",
rvuser: applicant,
rvstart: IUTIL.utl.format( b ),
rvend: IUTIL.utl.format( e ),
pageids: IUTIL.idPage };
q.get( w ).done( this.found ).fail( this.fault );
}; // .difflink.fire()
IUTIL.difflink.found = function ( arrived ) {
// Show API success on difflink generation
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON result of ajax query
// Uses:
// > .idPage
// > .cnf.project.difflink.suggest
// > .cnf.project.difflink.start
// .edit.feed()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.difflink
// 2013-01-21 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var i, k,
q = arrived.query,
if ( q ) {
q = arrived.query;
if ( q ) {
q = q.pages;
if ( q ) {
q = q[ IUTIL.idPage ];
if ( q ) {
q = q.revisions;
if ( q ) {
q = q[ 0 ];
if ( q ) {
q = q.revid;
if ( q ) {
s = IUTIL.edit.feed( false );
if ( s ) {
k = IUTIL.cnf.project.difflink.start;
i = s.indexOf( k );
if ( i > 0 ) {
s = s.substr( 0, i ) + "</span>"
+ "([{{fullurl:{{PAGENAME}}|diff="
+ q + "}} "
+ IUTIL.cnf.project.difflink.suggest + "])"
+ s.substr( i + k.length + 25 );
IUTIL.edit.feed( s );
}; // .difflink.found()
IUTIL.edit.failing = function ( about ) {
// Warn on missing data
// Precondition:
// about -- explanation, or false
// Uses:
// this
// > .$msg
// jQuery().empty()
// .batch.failed()
// .cnf.feature()
// 2012-12-31 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
IUTIL.batch.failed( "<strong>"
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( "Error" )
+ " * "
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( "ErrorData" )
+ ( about ? " (" + about + ")" : "" )
+ "</strong>" );
}; // .edit.failing()
IUTIL.edit.fault = function ( about ) {
// Bounce invalid request
// Uses:
// this
// >< .cnf.project.edit.swap
// .edit.feed()
// .edit.flag()
// mw.log()
// 2012-12-19 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
this.feed( this.feed( false )
+ "\n\n"
+ IUTIL.cnf.project.edit.swap + " --~~~~" );
this.flag( "Swap" );
mw.log( {loud:true}, "IUTIL.edit.fault()", 2, about );
}; // .edit.fault()
IUTIL.edit.feed = function ( apply ) {
// Retrieve content of text area
// Precondition:
// apply -- false: retrieve content; string: insert
// document.ready
// Postcondition:
// Return textarea string; or false
// Uses:
// this
// > .edit.$textarea
// > wikEd
// jQuery().val()
// wikEd.UpdateFrame()
// wikEd.UpdateTextarea()
// 2013-01-05 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var i, j, l,
r = false;
if ( this.$textarea ) { // editing
l = ( typeof apply === "string" );
if ( l ) {
r = apply;
i = r.indexOf( "<!-- *** " );
if ( i > 0 ) {
j = r.indexOf( " *** -->", i );
if ( j > 0 ) {
r = r.substr( 0, i ) + r.substr( j + 8 );
this.$textarea.val( r );
if ( window.wikEd
&& typeof window.wikEd === "object"
&& ! window.wikEd.disabled
&& window.wikEd.turnedOn
&& window.wikEd.useWikEd
&& window.wikEd.UpdateFrame
&& window.wikEd.UpdateTextarea ) {
if ( l ) {
} else {
if ( apply === false ) {
r = this.$textarea.val();
} // editing
return r;
}; // .edit.feed()
IUTIL.edit.fetch = function () {
// Retrieve transfer information from edit area
// Postcondition:
// Returns object with appropriate data, or false
// .lang -- source language other than current
// .from -- source page
// .target -- target page
// .originator -- user
// .requestID -- oldid, for upload mode
// .versions -- non-empty: found
// Uses:
// this
// > .cnf.project
// > .mode
// > .cnf.project.edit.shift
// > .cnf.project.edit.lazyTo
// > .cnf.project.edit.source
// > .versions.sketch
// > .cnf.project.edit.lazyFr
// >< .cnf.project.edit.reFrom
// >< .cnf.project.edit.reTo
// .edit.feed()
// mw.config.get()
// .edit.failing()
// .edit.filter()
// 2013-01-28 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var g, o, p,
r = false,
s = this.feed( false );
if ( s ) {
p = IUTIL.cnf.project.edit;
if ( ! p.reFrom ) {
p.reFrom = new RegExp( p.source );
g = p.reFrom.exec( s );
if ( ! g && IUTIL.mode === 1 ) { // OBSOLET check mit DerHexer
p.reFrom = new RegExp( "\\* *"
+ "'''Fremdlemma''': \\[//"
+ "([a-z][-a-z]+)"
+ "\\.wiki.+\\.org"
+ "/w/index\\.php"
+ "\\?title="
+ "([^ \n]+)"
+ "&action=history " );
g = p.reFrom.exec( s );
p.reFrom = false;
if ( g ) {
r = { "from": g[ 2 ] };
if ( ! p.lazyFr ) {
r.from = decodeURIComponent( r.from );
r.from = r.from.replace( /\+/g, " " );
if ( g[ 1 ] ) {
if ( g[ 1 ] !== mw.config.get( "wgContentLanguage" ) ) {
r.lang = g[ 1 ];
if ( r ) {
if ( s.indexOf( IUTIL.versions.sketch ) > 0 ) {
r.versions = "*";
if ( ! p.reTo ) {
p.reTo = new RegExp( p.shift );
g = p.reTo.exec( s );
if ( ! g && IUTIL.mode===1 ) {// OBSOLET check mit DerHexer
p.reTo = new RegExp( "\\* '''Ziel''': \\[//[-a-z]+"
+ "\\.wiki.+\\.org/w/index\\.php"
+ "\\?title="
+ "([^ \n]*)"
+ "&action=history " );
g = p.reTo.exec( s );
p.reTo = false;
if ( g ) {
r.target = g[ 1 ];
if ( ! p.lazyTo ) {
r.target = decodeURIComponent( r.target );
r.target = r.target.replace( /\+/g, " " );
o = s.indexOf( "<span style=\"display:none\"" );
if ( o >= 0 ) {
s = s.substr( o + 25 );
if ( IUTIL.mode === 2 ) {
g = "{{fullurl:{{PAGENAME}}|diff=";
p = s.indexOf( g );
if ( p > 0 ) {
p = s.substr( p + g.length );
g = /^([0-9]+)\}\}/.exec( p );
if ( g ) {
r.requestID = g[ 1 ];
o = s.indexOf( "\n" );
if ( o > 0 ) {
s = s.substr( 0, o );
o = s.indexOf( "</span>" );
if ( o > 0 ) {
s = s.substr( 0, o + 1 );
g = />([^<\n]+)</.exec( s );
if ( g ) {
r.originator = g[ 1 ];
if ( ! r.target ) {
r.target = r.from;
if ( r.lang ) {
if ( ! IUTIL.cnf.space ) {
IUTIL.cnf.space =
mw.config.get( "wgFormattedNamespaces" )[ 2 ];
if ( r.originator ) {
r.target = IUTIL.cnf.space + ":"
+ r.originator + "/"
+ r.target;
} else {
this.failing( IUTIL.cnf.space );
r = this.filter( r );
} else {
this.failing( false );
return r;
}; // .edit.fetch()
IUTIL.edit.fiat = function () {
// Mark section as done
// Uses:
// this
// .cnf.feature()
// .edit.feed()
// .edit.fill()
// 2012-12-18 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var got,
signal = IUTIL.cnf.feature( "Done", true ),
story = this.feed( false ),
i = story.indexOf( "\n" ),
if ( i > 6 ) {
s = story.substr( 0, i );
if ( s.substr( 0, 2 ) === "==" ) {
if ( s.indexOf( signal ) < 0 ) {
re = new RegExp( "^(=+[^=].*[^= ]) *(=+) *$", "" );
got = re.exec( s );
if ( got ) {
story = got[1] + " " + signal + " " + got[2]
+ story.substr( i );
this.feed( story );
this.fill( "Done" );
}; // .edit.fiat()
IUTIL.edit.field = function () {
// Ensure availability of edit area object
// Uses:
// this
// > mw.util.$content
// >< .edit.$textarea
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().attr()
// 2012-12-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $form;
if ( ! this.$textarea ) {
$form = mw.util.$content.find( "#editform" );
if ( $form.length ) {
this.$textarea = $form.find( "#wpTextbox1" );
if ( this.$textarea.length ) {
if ( this.$textarea.attr( "readonly" ) ) {
this.$textarea = false;
} else {
this.$textarea = false;
}; // .edit.field()
IUTIL.edit.file = function () {
// Export page: Open form
// Uses:
// mw.util.getUrl()
// window.open()
// 2012-12-26 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
window.open( mw.util.getUrl( "Special:Export" ),
"_blank" );
alert(".file()\n Noch nicht so weit.");
}; // .edit.file()
IUTIL.edit.fill = function ( action ) {
// Add process note on edit area and summary
// Precondition:
// action -- keyword
// Uses:
// this
// .edit.feed()
// .cnf.feature()
// .utl.firm()
// .edit.flag()
// 2012-12-15 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var s = this.feed( false )
+ "\n* "
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( action, true )
+ " --"
+ IUTIL.utl.firm();
this.feed( s );
this.flag( action );
}; // .edit.fill()
IUTIL.edit.filter = function ( ask ) {
// Sanitize retrieved content
// Precondition:
// ask -- input object
// Postcondition:
// Returns same or sanitized ask
// < .§
// Uses:
// .batch.failed()
// .cnf.feature()
// window.alert()
// 2013-01-03 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var r = ask,
stuff, symbol;
if ( ask ) {
for ( symbol in r ) {
stuff = r[ symbol ];
if ( stuff.indexOf( "<" ) >= 0 ) {
r[ symbol ] = stuff.replace( /</g, "<" );
r[ "§" ] = symbol;
stuff = IUTIL.cnf.feature( "Malicious" )
+ " '" + symbol + "'";
window.alert( stuff );
IUTIL.batch.failed( "<strong>"
+ stuff + "<br /><br />"
+ r[ symbol ]
+ "</strong>" );
} // for symbol in r
return r;
}; // .edit.filter()
IUTIL.edit.finish = function () {
// Remove edit section content
// Uses:
// this
// .edit.feed()
// .edit.flag()
// 2012-12-15 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
this.feed( "" );
this.flag( "Completed" );
}; // .edit.finish()
IUTIL.edit.finished = function () {
// Mark section as resolved for archiving
// Uses:
// this
// .archive.flip()
// .edit.feed()
// .edit.flag()
// 2012-12-25 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var story = this.feed( false );
story = IUTIL.archive.flip( story );
if ( story ) {
this.feed( story );
this.flag( "Archive" );
}; // .edit.finished()
IUTIL.edit.fire = function ( action ) {
// Perform action on page section editing
// Precondition:
// action -- keyword
// omitted: Start page processing
// Uses:
// this
// > .edit.$textarea
// .edit.field()
// .edit.finished()
// .greet.failed()
// .edit.finish()
// .edit.fiat()
// .edit.file()
// .rename.fire()
// .edit.fix()
// .edit.fill()
// .greet.fire() // .notify.fire()
// .edit.forward()
// .edit.fault()
// .greet.furnish()
// .edit.furnish()
// 2013-01-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
if ( this.$textarea ) {
switch ( action ) {
case "Archive" :
case "Cancel" :
case "DeleteIssue" :
case "Done" :
case "Export" :
case "Move" :
case "PageAdapt" :
case "Moved" :
case "PageAdapted" :
case "Started" :
case "UserNotified" :
this.fill( action );
case "SendNotifier" :
case "Start" :
case "Swap" :
case "UserNotify" :
} // switch action
}; // .edit.fire()
IUTIL.edit.fix = function () {
// Adapt target page content
// Uses:
// this
// > .type
// < .mod.lang
// .edit.fetch()
// .utl.fold()
// .mod.fire()
// .edit.fill()
// .cnf.feature()
// 2012-12-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var o = this.fetch(),
t = IUTIL.utl.fold( o.target );
if ( t[1] === 2 ) {
IUTIL.mod.lang = o.lang;
if (wgUserName==="PerfektesChaos") {
IUTIL.mod.fire( t ); // LIFE TEST
this.fill( "PageAdapting" );
} else {
window.alert( IUTIL.type + "\n\n"
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( "ErrorNoUserPg", false ) );
alert(".fix()\n Noch nicht so weit.");
}; // .edit.fix()
IUTIL.edit.flag = function ( action ) {
// Update summary
// Precondition:
// action -- keyword
// Uses:
// this
// > mw.util.$content
// >< .edit.$summary
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().val()
// .cnf.feature()
// 2012-12-15 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var i, s;
if ( ! this.$summary ) {
this.$summary = mw.util.$content.find( "#wpSummary" );
s = this.$summary.val();
i = s.indexOf( " */" );
if ( i > 0 ) {
s = s.substr( 0, i + 3 ) + " ";
} else {
s = s + " * ";
s = s + IUTIL.cnf.feature( action, true );
this.$summary.val( s );
}; // .edit.flag()
IUTIL.edit.force = function ( action, assign, $append ) {
// Insert button into suite
// Precondition:
// action -- keyword
// assign -- label key, if not action
// $append -- container, or false
// Uses:
// this
// > .edit.$buttons
// .cnf.feature()
// jQuery()
// jQuery().append()
// 2013-01-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var s = "<button type='button'"
+ " id='importUtility_act_" + action + "'"
+ " onclick='mw.libs.importUtility.edit.fire"
+ "(\"" + action + "\")'"
+ ">"
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( ( assign ? assign : action ) )
+ "</button>"
+ "<span> </span>",
$c = ( $append ? $append : this.$buttons );
$c.append( $( s ) );
}; // .edit.force()
IUTIL.edit.forward = function () {
// Start special page run
// Uses:
// this
// window
// > .mode
// > .cnf.project.spec.sourceTW
// > .cnf.project.spec.sourceIU
// > .cnf.swift
// > window.sessionStorage
// .edit.fetch()
// .utl.fold()
// jQuery.toJSON()
// mw.util.getUrl()
// window.open()
// .edit.fill()
// 2013-02-02 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var o = this.fetch(),
i, p, s, t;
if ( o ) {
p = IUTIL.cnf.project.spec;
if ( IUTIL.mode === 1 ) {
p = { "interwiki": o.lang,
"frompage": o.from,
"mw-interwiki-comment": p.sourceTW
t = IUTIL.utl.fold( o.target );
switch ( t[ 0 ] ) {
case 0 : // (main)
p.namespace = 0;
p[ "mw-interwiki-rootpage-interwiki" ] = t[ 1 ];
case 2 : // user:
// user
s = o.target + "\f";
i = s.indexOf( "/" + o.from + "\f" );
if ( i < 0 ) {
s = o.target;
} else {
s = s.substr( 0, i + 1 );
// Workaround for Special:Import target page limitation
i = s.indexOf( "/" );
if ( i > 0 ) {
s = s.substr( 0, i + 1 );
p[ "mw-interwiki-rootpage-interwiki" ] = s;
p.originator = o.originator;
} // switch t[ 0 ]
} else {
s = p.sourceIU // TODO test
+ ( o.requestID ? " * " + wgServer + wgScript
+ "?diff=" + o.requestID
: "" )
+ " * [["
+ ( o.lang ? o.lang + ":" : "" )
+ o.from + "]]";
p = { "mw-interwiki-rootpage-upload": o.target,
"mw-import-comment": s
if ( window.sessionStorage ) {
window.sessionStorage.setItem( IUTIL.cnf.swift,
$.toJSON( p ) );
window.open( mw.util.getUrl( "Special:Import" ),
"_blank" );
this.fill( "Start" );
}; // .edit.forward()
IUTIL.edit.furnish = function () {
// Insert button suite on request page (editing)
// Precondition:
// document ready
// Uses:
// this
// > mw.util.$content
// > .mode
// > .$div
// >< .edit.$buttons
// .utl.furnish()
// jQuery()
// jQuery().prepend()
// .edit.fetch()
// .versions.fire()
// .edit.force()
// .difflink.fire()
// .quiet.fresh()
// 2013-01-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var o;
if ( ! this.$buttons ) {
this.$buttons = $( "<div id='importUtilityButtons' />" );
o = this.fetch();
if ( o ) {
if ( o.from && ! o.versions ) {
IUTIL.versions.fire( o );
if ( IUTIL.mode === 2 ) {
this.force( "Export" );
this.force( "Start" );
this.force( "Started", "Tic" );
if ( o ) {
if ( o.lang ) {
this.force( "Move" );
this.force( "Moved", "Tic" );
this.force( "PageAdapt" );
this.force( "PageAdapted", "Tic" );
this.force( "UserNotify" );
this.force( "UserNotified", "Tic" );
if ( IUTIL.mode === 1 ) {
if ( o ) {
if ( ! o.lang ) {
this.force( "Swap" );
} else {
this.force( "Done" );
this.force( "Archive" );
this.force( "DeleteIssue" );
IUTIL.$div.prepend( this.$buttons );
if ( IUTIL.mode === 2 && o ) {
IUTIL.difflink.fire( o.originator );
}; // .edit.furnish()
IUTIL.form.fetch = function ( access ) {
// Get data based upon most recent sessionStorage, and reset
// Precondition:
// access -- sessionStorage item
// object map { id: value }
// "jquery.json" loaded
// Postcondition:
// Returns object if present
// sessionStorage item has been cleared
// Uses:
// >< window.sessionStorage
// JSON.parse()
// 2012-12-25 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var s,
r = false;
if ( window.sessionStorage ) {
s = window.sessionStorage.getItem( access );
if ( s ) {
if ( typeof s === "string" ) {
try {
r = JSON.parse( s );
} catch ( e ) {
window.sessionStorage.setItem( access, null );
return r;
}; // .form.fetch()
IUTIL.form.fill = function ( assign ) {
// Fill any form based upon object
// Precondition:
// assign -- object map { id: value }
// document ready
// Uses:
// > mw.util.$content
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().val()
// 2012-12-23 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var s, $e;
for ( s in assign ) {
$e = mw.util.$content.find( "#" + s );
if ( $e.length ) {
$e.val( assign[ s ] );
} // for s in assign
}; // .form.fill()
IUTIL.form.freeze = function ( access ) {
// Disable particular control(s) on any form
// Precondition:
// access -- ID of control
// Uses:
// > mw.util.$content
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().attr()
// jQuery().prop()
// 2013-01-19 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var $e = mw.util.$content.find( "#" + access );
if ( $e.length ) {
// $e.attr( "disabled", null ); // Useless
//TODO $e.prop( "disabled", true );
}; // .form.freeze()
IUTIL.greet.failed = function ( ) {
// Remove user notification form
// Uses:
// > .$msg
// jQuery().empty()
// 2013-01-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
}; // .greet.failed()
IUTIL.greet.fire = function ( ) {
// Send user notification
// Uses:
// this
// > .$msg
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().val()
// .utl.filter()
// .notify.fire()
// 2013-01-21 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var s,
$ta = IUTIL.$msg.find( "#greeting" );
s = $ta.val();
if ( s ) {
do {
if ( s.charCodeAt( 0 ) <= 32 ) {
s = s.substr( 1 );
} else {
break; // while s
} while ( s );
s = IUTIL.utl.filter( s );
IUTIL.notify.fire( s );
}; // .greet.fire()
IUTIL.greet.furnish = function () {
// Create user notification form
// Uses:
// this
// > .$msg
// > .cnf.project.source
// > .cnf.user.greetcols
// jQuery().empty()
// jQuery().attr()
// .edit.fetch()
// .quiet.find()
// .mw.util.getUrl()
// .cnf.feature()
// jQuery().append()
// .edit.force()
// jQuery().append()
// known.fire()
// 2013-01-19 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var o = IUTIL.edit.fetch(),
IUTIL.$msg.attr( "style",
"margin-top: 1em;"
+ " margin-bottom: 1em;"
+ " border: solid 2px #808080;"
+ " padding: 1em;" );
if ( o ) {
slot = o.originator;
if ( IUTIL.quiet.find( slot ) ) {
s = mw.util.getUrl( IUTIL.cnf.project.quiet.source );
s = "<div style='border: solid 1px #800000;"
+ " color: #800000;"
+ " padding: 0.5em;"
+ " font-weight: bold;"
+ " margin-bottom: 0.5em;'>"
+ "<a href='" + s + "' target='_blank'>"
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( "Robinson", false )
+ "</a></div>";
IUTIL.$msg.append( s );
s = "→ <a href='"
+ mw.util.getUrl( "User:" + slot ) + "'"
+ " target='_blank'>" + slot + "</a> ";
IUTIL.$msg.append( s );
IUTIL.edit.force( "SendNotifier", false, IUTIL.$msg );
IUTIL.edit.force( "Cancel", false, IUTIL.$msg );
s = ( IUTIL.cnf.user.greetcols ? IUTIL.cnf.user.greetcols
: 80 );
s = "<div style='margin-top: 1em;'>"
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( "GreetingAdd", false )
+ "<br />"
+ "<textarea id='greeting' rows='4' cols='" + s + "' />"
+ "</div>";
IUTIL.$msg.append( s );
IUTIL.known.fire( slot );
}; // .greet.furnish()
IUTIL.known.fault = function ( arrived ) {
// Show API failure on account check
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON info of ajax query, or false
// Uses:
// .batch.failed()
// mw.log()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.known
// 2013-01-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
IUTIL.batch.failed( false );
mw.log( {loud:true}, "IUTIL.known.fault()", 2, arrived );
}; // .known.fault()
IUTIL.known.found = function ( arrived ) {
// Process API failure on account check
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON info of ajax query, or false
// Uses:
// > .$div
// .cnf.feature()
// jQuery()
// jQuery().append()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.known
// 2013-01-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var q = false;
if ( arrived ) {
q = arrived.query;
if ( q ) {
q = q.users;
if ( q ) {
q = q[ 0 ];
if ( q ) {
if ( ! q.userid ) {
q = q.name;
q = "<div style='border: solid 5px #FF0000;"
+ " color: #FF0000;"
+ " font-weight: bold;"
+ " padding: 1em;"
+ " margin: 10px;'>"
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( "NoUserName" )
+ ": " + q
+ "</div>";
IUTIL.$div.append( $( q ) );
}; // .known.found()
IUTIL.known.fire = function ( account ) {
// Check whether account is valid
// Uses:
// > mw.Api
// .utl.furnish()
// (.known.found)
// (.known.fault)
// 2013-01-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var q = new mw.Api(),
w = { action: "query",
list: "users",
ususers: account,
usprop: "blockinfo" };
q.get( w ).done( this.found ).fail( this.fault );
}; // .known.fire()
IUTIL.mod.fault = function ( arrived ) {
// Postprocess after ajax request failure
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON info of ajax query
// Uses:
// .batch.failed()
// .cnf.feature()
// mw.log()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.mod
// 2012-12-31 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
IUTIL.batch.failed( "<strong>"
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( "*********", false )
+ "</strong>" );
mw.log( {loud:true}, "IUTIL.mod.fault()", 2, arrived );
}; // .mod.fault()
IUTIL.mod.fetch = function () {
// Retrieve page content for adaption per API
// Precondition:
// WSTM modules have been loaded
// Uses:
// > mw.Api
// > .mod.subject
// .batch.fired()
// .edit.fill()
// mw.Api.get()
// (.mod.found)
// (.mod.fault)
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.mod
// 2012-12-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var q = new mw.Api(),
w = { action: "query",
prop: "revisions",
rvlimit: 1,
rvprop: "content",
titles: IUTIL.mod.subject };
IUTIL.edit.fill( "PageAdapting" );
q.get( w ).done( IUTIL.mod.found )
.fail( IUTIL.mod.fault );
}; // .mod.fetch()
IUTIL.mod.fine = function ( about ) {
// Page has been written via ajax
// Precondition:
// about -- message keyword
// Uses:
// .batch.fine()
// .edit.fill()
// 2012-12-31 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
IUTIL.batch.fine( about );
IUTIL.edit.fill( about );
}; // .mod.fine()
IUTIL.mod.fire = function ( apply ) {
// Initialize page adaption
// Precondition:
// apply -- Array[2]: namespace number, title
// Uses:
// this
// > .mod.lang
// >< .cnf.reSpace
// >< mw.libs.WikiSyntaxTextMod
// < .mod.space
// < .mod.subject
// < .mod.wstm
// .mod.fetch()
// .mod.fired()
// mw.loader.load()
// (.mod.fired)
// 2012-12-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
if ( apply[ 0 ] === 2 ) { // user:
if ( ! IUTIL.cnf.reSpace ) {
IUTIL.cnf.reSpace = new RegExp( " ", "g" );
this.space = "User:";
this.subject = this.space +
apply[ 1 ].replace( IUTIL.cnf.reSpace, "_" );
if ( typeof mw.libs.WikiSyntaxTextMod !== "object" ||
! mw.libs.WikiSyntaxTextMod) {
mw.libs.WikiSyntaxTextMod = { };
this.wstm = mw.libs.WikiSyntaxTextMod;
this.wstm.config = { lang: { write: { linklang:
IUTIL.mod.lang } },
load: { inhibit: true },
mod: { template: { noop: true } }
if ( this.wstm.api ) {
if ( this.wstm.api.loaded ) {
} else {
this.wstm.api.load( this.fetch );
} else {
this.wstm.config.load.after = this.fired;
mw.loader.load( "//en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php"
+ "?title=User:PerfektesChaos"
+ "/js/WikiSyntaxTextMod/r.js"
+ "&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript"
+ "&maxage=86400&smaxage=40000",
"text/javascript" );
}; // .mod.fire()
IUTIL.mod.fired = function () {
// WSTM head module has been loaded
// Uses:
// > .mod.wstm
// .mod.fetch()
// (.mod.fetch)
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.mod
// 2012-12-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
if ( IUTIL.mod.wstm.api.loaded ) {
} else {
IUTIL.mod.wstm.api.load( IUTIL.mod.fetch );
}; // .mod.fired()
IUTIL.mod.flip = function ( access, assign, about, allow, after ) {
// Store any page content by ajax request
// Precondition:
// access -- page name
// assign -- text content
// about -- message keyword
// allow -- permit page creation
// after -- function on done
// Uses:
// this
// > mw.Api
// > .type
// mw.user.tokens.get()
// .cnf.feature()
// mw.Api.get()
// (.mod.fault)
// 2012-12-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var q = new mw.Api(),
w = { action: "edit",
token: mw.user.tokens.get( "csrfToken" ),
title: access,
text: assign,
summary: IUTIL.cnf.feature( about, true )
+ " / " + IUTIL.type + " " + IUTIL.vsn,
nocreate: ! allow };
q.get( w ).done( after )
.fail( IUTIL.mod.fault );
}; // .mod.flip()
IUTIL.mod.format = function ( adjust ) {
// Postprocess page content after ajax request
// Precondition:
// adjust -- text content
// Uses:
// this
// > .mod.wstm
// > .mod.story
// .mod.flip()
// 2012-12-19 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var t;
if ( adjust.indexOf( "{{Importartikel}}" ) < 0 ) {
t = this.mod.wstm.api.textMod( adjust );
if ( t ) {
t = "{{Importartikel}}\n\n" + t[ 1 ];
this.flip( this.story,
this.formatted );
} else {
window.alert( this.type + "\n\n"
+ this.cnf.feature( "ErrorAlready", false ) );
}; // .mod.format()
IUTIL.mod.formatted = function () {
// Imported page has been saved
// Uses:
// .mod.fine()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.mod
// 2012-12-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
IUTIL.mod.fine( "PageAdapted" );
}; // .mod.formatted()
IUTIL.mod.found = function ( arrived ) {
// Postprocess page content after ajax request
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON result of ajax query
// Uses:
// < .mod.story
// .mod.format()
// .mod.fine()
// .mod.fault()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.mod
// 2012-12-19 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var pid = false,
q = ( typeof arrived === "object" );
if ( q ) {
q = arrived.query;
if ( q ) {
q = q.pages;
if ( q ) {
for ( pid in q ) {
q = q[ pid ];
if ( q ) {
IUTIL.mod.format( q.revisions[ 0 ][ "*" ] );
IUTIL.mod.story = q.title;
pid = true;
break; // for pid
} // for pid in q
if ( pid === true ) {
IUTIL.mod.fine( arrived );
} else {
}; // .mod.found()
IUTIL.notify.fault = function ( arrived ) {
// Show API failure on message body access
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON info of ajax query
// Uses:
// .cnf.feature()
// .batch.failed()
// mw.log()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.notify
// 2013-01-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
IUTIL.batch.failed( "<strong>"
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( "Error" )
+ " * .notify</strong>" );
mw.log( {loud:true}, "IUTIL.notify.fault()", 2, arrived );
}; // .notify.fault()
IUTIL.notify.fine = function () {
// Show API success on user notification
// Uses:
// > .$msg
// > .notify.submitter
// .batch.fine()
// jQuery().append()
// .cnf.feature()
// mw.util.getUrl()
// .edit.fill()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.notify
// 2012-12-31 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
IUTIL.batch.fine( "UserNotified" );
IUTIL.$msg.append( $( "<span> "
+ "<a href='"
+ mw.util.getUrl(
IUTIL.notify.submitter )
+ "' target='_blank'>*</a></span>" ) );
IUTIL.edit.fill( "UserNotified" );
}; // .notify.fine()
IUTIL.notify.fire = function ( append ) {
// Notify user
// Precondition:
// append -- additional greetings
// Uses:
// this
// > .cnf.project.notify.skeleton
// > .cnf.project.notify.sect
// > .type
// > .vsn
// > mw.Api
// < .notify.submitter
// .edit.fetch()
// .utl.fold()
// .utl.factory()
// mw.user.tokens.get()
// mw.Api.post()
// .batch.fired()
// .edit.fill()
// .cnf.feature()
// .edit.failing()
// (.notify.fine)
// (.notify.fault)
// 2013-01-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var p,
say = IUTIL.cnf.project.notify.skeleton,
sum = IUTIL.cnf.project.notify.sect,
t, // translation map
w = IUTIL.edit.fetch();
if ( w.originator ) {
t = { "l": ( w.lang ? w.lang : "" ),
"u": w.originator };
if ( w.from ) {
t.s = ( w.lang ? w.lang + ":" + w.from : w.from );
if ( w.target ) {
t.t = w.target;
p = IUTIL.utl.fold( t.t );
if ( p && say ) {
t.n = p[ 0 ];
say = say + "|l={{{l}}}"
+ "|n={{{n}}}"
+ "|s={{{s}}}"
+ "|t={{{t}}}"
+ "|u={{{u}}}";
if ( append ) {
say = say + "|g=" + append;
} else {
say = false;
this.submitter = "User talk:" + w.originator;
if ( say ) {
say = "{{subst:"
+ IUTIL.utl.factory( say, t )
+ "}}~~~~"
+ "\n<!--" + IUTIL.type + " " + IUTIL.vsn + "-->";
if ( sum ) {
sum = IUTIL.utl.factory( sum, t );
} else {
this.submitter = false;
if ( say && sum && this.submitter ) {
q = new mw.Api();
w = { action: "edit",
token: mw.user.tokens.get( "csrfToken" ),
minor: false,
section: "new",
summary: sum,
text: say,
title: this.submitter };
q.post( w ).done( IUTIL.notify.fine )
.fail( IUTIL.notify.fault );
IUTIL.edit.fill( "UserNotifying" );
} else {
IUTIL.edit.failing( false );
}; // .notify.fire()
IUTIL.proj.fair = function () {
// Process page open action after loading ressources
// Precondition:
// ressources are available
// Uses:
// document
// > .cnf.swift
// > .mode
// > .cnf.project.minutes
// jQuery().ready()
// .form.fetch()
// .zone.fetch()
// (.proj.fire)
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.proj
// 2013-01-23 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
$( document ).ready( IUTIL.proj.fire );
IUTIL.form.fetch( IUTIL.cnf.swift );
if ( IUTIL.mode === 2 ) {
IUTIL.zone.fetch( IUTIL.cnf.project.minutes );
}; // .proj.fair()
IUTIL.proj.fire = function () {
// Perform page open action on request project page
// Precondition:
// document is ready
// Uses:
// > .options
// > .mode
// < .cnf.user
// mw.config.get()
// .proj.focus()
// .edit.fire()
// .table.furnish()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.proj
// 2013-01-19 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var lock = mw.config.get( "wgIsArticle" );
if ( IUTIL.options && typeof IUTIL.options === "object" ) {
IUTIL.cnf.user = IUTIL.options;
} else {
IUTIL.cnf.user = { };
if ( IUTIL.mode === 3 ) {
if ( lock ) {
} else if ( lock ) {
} else {
IUTIL.edit.fire( false );
}; // .proj.fire()
IUTIL.proj.focus = function () {
// Divert all section edit links on request page name to new window
// Precondition:
// Upload request page view
// Uses:
// document.links
// > .mode
// .archive.furnish()
// 2012-12-26 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var e, i,
n = document.links.length;
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
e = document.links[ i ];
if ( e.href.indexOf( "&action=edit§ion=" ) ) {
e.target = "_blank";
} // for i
if ( IUTIL.mode === 2 ) {
}; // .proj.focus()
IUTIL.quiet.fault = function ( arrived ) {
// Show API failure on Robinson list access
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON info of ajax query
// Uses:
// .cnf.feature()
// .batch.failed()
// mw.log()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.quiet
// 2013-01-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
IUTIL.batch.failed( "<strong>"
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( "Error" )
+ " * .quiet</strong>" );
mw.log( {loud:true}, "IUTIL.quiet.fault()", 2, arrived );
}; // .quiet.fault()
IUTIL.quiet.fetch = function () {
// Retrieve data and revision ID of Robinson list storage
// Postcondition:
// Returns revision ID
// Uses:
// this
// > window.localStorage
// > .quiet.storage
// < .quiet.story
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.quiet
// 2013-01-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var g,
r = -1;
if ( typeof window.localStorage === "object" ) {
this.story = window.localStorage.getItem( this.storage );
if ( this.story ) {
g = /\f#([0-9]+)\n/.exec( "\f" + this.story );
if ( g ) {
r = parseInt( g[1], 10 );
} else {
this.story = "";
return r;
}; // .quiet.fetch()
IUTIL.quiet.find = function ( aware ) {
// Retrieve data and revision ID of Robinson list storage
// Precondition:
// aware -- User name in question, may be empty
// Postcondition:
// Returns true if enlisted
// Uses:
// this
// > window.localStorage
// > .quiet.storage
// >< .quiet.story
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.quiet
// 2013-01-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var r = false;
if ( aware ) {
if ( typeof window.localStorage === "object" ) {
this.story = window.localStorage.getItem( this.storage );
if ( this.story ) {
r = ( this.story.indexOf( "\n" + aware + "\n" ) > 0 );
return r;
}; // .quiet.find()
IUTIL.quiet.fresh = function () {
// Update Robinson list on localStorage
// Uses:
// this
// > mw.Api
// > .cnf.project.quiet.source
// > .type
// < .quiet.storage
// (.quiet.furnish)
// (.quiet.fault)
// 2013-01-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var q = new mw.Api(),
w = { action: "query",
indexpageids: true,
prop: "revisions",
rvlimit: 1,
rvprop: "ids|content",
titles: IUTIL.cnf.project.quiet.source };
this.storage = IUTIL.type + "_Robinson";
q.get( w ).done( this.furnish )
.fail( this.fault );
}; // .quiet.fresh()
IUTIL.quiet.furnish = function ( arrived ) {
// Refresh localStorage with Robinson list page, if changed
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON result of ajax query
// Uses:
// this
// > .quiet.storage
// < .quiet.story
// >< window.localStorage
// .quiet.fetch()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.quiet
// 2013-01-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var k = -1,
q = arrived.query,
s = false,
if ( q ) {
q = arrived.query;
if ( q ) {
w = q.pageids;
if ( w ) {
k = w[ 0 ];
if ( IUTIL.quiet.fetch() === k ) {
k = -2;
if ( q && k > 0 ) {
q = q.pages;
if ( q ) {
q = q[ k ];
k = -3;
if ( q ) {
q = q.revisions;
if ( q ) {
q = q[ 0 ];
if ( q ) {
s = q[ "*" ];
k = q.revid;
if ( s ) {
q = new RegExp( "\n# *\\[\\[[^:\n]+:([^\n]+)\\]\\]" );
k = "#" + k + "\n\n";
do {
w = q.exec( s );
if ( w ) {
k = k + w[ 1 ] + "\n";
s = s.substr( w.index + w[ 0 ].length);
} while ( w );
k = k + "|";
if ( typeof window.localStorage === "object" ) {
try {
window.localStorage.setItem( IUTIL.quiet.storage, k );
} catch ( e ) {
IUTIL.quiet.story = k;
} else {
IUTIL.quiet.story = k;
}; // .quiet.furnish()
IUTIL.rename.fault = function ( arrived ) {
// Show API failure on page move
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON info of ajax query
// Uses:
// .batch.failed()
// mw.log()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.rename
// 2013-01-01 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
IUTIL.batch.failed( false );
mw.log( {loud:true}, "IUTIL.rename.fault()", 2, arrived );
}; // .rename.fault()
IUTIL.rename.fine = function () {
// Show API success on page move
// Uses:
// .batch.fine()
// .edit.fill()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.rename
// 2013-01-01 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
IUTIL.batch.fine( "Moved" );
IUTIL.edit.fill( "Moved" );
}; // .rename.fine()
IUTIL.rename.fire = function () {
// Move target page
// Workaround for: Special:Import target page limitation
// Uses:
// > mw.Api
// > .type
// > .vsn
// .edit.fetch()
// .utl.fold()
// .cnf.feature()
// .batch.failed()
// mw.user.tokens.get()
// mw.Api.post()
// .batch.fired()
// .edit.fill()
// .edit.failing()
// (.rename.fine)
// (.rename.fault)
// 2013-01-01 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var q,
shift = false,
source = false,
w = IUTIL.edit.fetch();
if ( w ) {
if ( w.from && w.target ) {
q = IUTIL.utl.fold( w.target );
if ( q ) {
source = w.from;
shift = w.target;
if ( q[ 0 ] === 2 ) { // user
if ( q[ 2 ] ) {
source = q[ 2 ] + source;
shift = shift;
} else {
shift = false;
if ( source ) {
if ( source === shift ) {
IUTIL.batch.failed( "<strong>"
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( "Error" )
+ " * "
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( "MoveToSame" )
+ "</strong>" );
} else if ( shift ) {
q = new mw.Api();
w = { action: "move",
token: mw.user.tokens.get( "csrfToken" ),
from: source,
to: shift,
reason: "Workaround for "
+ "[[Special:Import]]"
+ " target page limitation * "
+ IUTIL.type + " " + IUTIL.vsn,
movetalk: true,
noredirect: true };
q.post( w ).done( IUTIL.rename.fine )
.fail( IUTIL.rename.fault );
IUTIL.edit.fill( "Moving" );
} else {
IUTIL.batch.failed( "<strong>"
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( "Error" )
+ " * "
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( "MoveSpace" )
+ "</strong>" );
} else {
IUTIL.edit.failing( false );
}; // .rename.fire()
IUTIL.spec.fair = function () {
// Process page open action after loading ressources
// Precondition:
// ressources are available
// Uses:
// document
// jQuery().ready()
// (.spec.fire)
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.spec
// 2012-12-26 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
$( document ).ready( IUTIL.spec.fire );
}; // .spec.fair()
IUTIL.spec.feed = function () {
// Perform special Import page open action
// Precondition:
// document is ready
// Uses:
// this
// > mw.util.$content
// > .cnf.swift
// >< .mode
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().eq()
// jQuery().attr()
// .form.fetch()
// jQuery().attr()
// .form.fill()
// .form.freeze()
// .known.fire()
// 2013-01-17 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var o, s, $e;
o = IUTIL.form.fetch( IUTIL.cnf.swift );
if ( o ) {
if ( o.interwiki ) {
s = "#mw-import-upload-form";
} else {
s = "#mw-import-interwiki-form";
IUTIL.mode = -2;
$e = mw.util.$content.find( s );
if ( $e.length ) {
$e.attr( "style", "display:none" );
IUTIL.form.fill( o );
if ( IUTIL.mode === -1) {
IUTIL.form.freeze( "frompage" );
IUTIL.form.freeze( "namespace" );
IUTIL.form.freeze( "interwiki" );
IUTIL.form.freeze( "mw-interwiki-rootpage" );
if ( o.originator ) {
IUTIL.known.fire( o.originator );
}; // .spec.feed()
IUTIL.spec.fire = function () {
// Perform special page open action
// Precondition:
// document is ready
// Uses:
// > .mode
// > mw.util.$content
// .form.freeze()
// .spec.feed()
// .spec.flush()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.spec
// 2012-12-26 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
if (wgUserName==="PerfektesChaos") {
var sx = '<form method="post" action="Spezial:Importieren&action=submit"id="mw-import-interwiki-form"><p>Wähle aus.</p><input type="hidden" value="submit" name="action" /><input type="hidden" value="interwiki" name="source" /><input type="hidden" value="12345+\" name="editToken" /><select name="interwiki"><option value="de">de</option><option value="en">en</option><option value="sv">sv</option></select> Quell-Wiki/-Seite<input name="frompage" size="50" value="" /><input name="interwikiHistory"id="interwikiHistory" type="checkbox" checked="checked" value="1" /> Alle Versionen dieser Seite importieren <input name="interwikiTemplates" id="interwikiTemplates" type="checkbox" value="1" /> Alle Vorlagen einschließen<select class="namespaceselector" id="namespace" name="namespace"><option value="" selected="">alle</option><option value="0">(Seiten)</option><option value="1">Diskussion</option><option value="2">Benutzer</option><option value="15">Kategorie Diskussion</option></select> Zielnamensraum<input name="log-comment" id="mw-interwiki-comment"type="text" /> Grund <input name="rootpage"id="mw-interwiki-rootpage"type="text" /> Zielstammseite (optional) <input type="submit" value="Importieren" title="[s]" /></form>';
mw.util.$content.append( $( sx ) );
var s = ( IUTIL.mode === -1 ? "interwikiTemplates"
: "wpExportTemplates" );
IUTIL.form.freeze( s );
if ( IUTIL.mode === -1 ) {
} else {
}; // .spec.fire()
IUTIL.spec.flush = function () {
// Perform special Export page open action
// Uses:
// 2012-12-26 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
// Nur die aktuelle Version der Seite exportieren id=curonly false
// textarea name="pages" ausfüllen
}; // .spec.flush()
IUTIL.table.factory = function ( assign, ahead ) {
// Create marker comment
// Precondition:
// assign -- keyword
// ahead -- true: "begin" else "end"
// Postcondition:
// Return comment
// 2013-01-19 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
return "<!--importUtility " + assign
+ ( ahead ? " begin" : " end" )
+ " -->";
}; // .table.factory()
IUTIL.table.fault = function ( arrived ) {
// Show API failure on maintenance page updating
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON info of ajax query, or false
// Uses:
// .batch.failed()
// mw.log()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.table
// 2013-01-05 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
IUTIL.batch.failed( false );
mw.log( {loud:true}, "IUTIL.table.fault()", 2, arrived );
}; // .table.fault()
IUTIL.table.feed = function ( arrived ) {
// Retrieve one category member entry for this user
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON info of ajax query, or false, or null
// Uses:
// > .table.$i
// >< .table.item
// >< .table.pages
// >< .table.query
// jQuery().text()
// .table.feed()
// .table.fetch()
// (.table.feed)
// (.table.fault)
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.table
// 2013-01-08 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var i, p, q, s,
t = IUTIL.table;
if ( arrived ) {
if ( arrived.limits ) {
t.max = arrived.limits.revisions;
t.query.rvlimit = t.max;
i = -1;
p = t.pages[ t.item ];
q = arrived.query;
if ( q && p ) {
if ( q.pageids ) {
i = q.pageids[ 0 ];
p[ 0 ] = i;
q = q.pages;
if ( q && i > 0 ) {
q = q[ i ];
if ( q ) {
q = q.revisions;
if ( q ) {
p[ 5 ] = q[ 0 ].timestamp.substr( 0, 10 );
i = q.length - 1;
if ( i ) {
p[ 4 ] = q[ i ].timestamp.substr( 0, 10 );
} else {
p[ 4 ] = "(1)";
} else {
p[ 5 ] = "-.-";
} else if ( arrived === false ) { // setup
t.item = -1;
t.max = "max";
t.query = { action: "query",
prop: "revisions",
indexpageids: true,
rvlimit: t.max,
rvprop: "timestamp" };
if ( t.item < t.pages.length ) {
i = -9;
t.$i.text( "#" + t.item );
s = t.pages[ t.item ];
if ( s ) {
s = s.title;
if ( s ) {
t.pages[ t.item ] = [ false, // [0] curid
s, // [1] user space path
false, // [2] log entry
false, // [3] title
false, // [4] first user edit
false, // [5] last user edit
false ]; // [6] last edit
i = s.lastIndexOf( "/" );
if ( i > 0 ) {
t.query.titles = s;
t.pages[ t.item ][ 3 ] = s.substr( i + 1 );
s = s.substr( 0, i );
i = s.indexOf( ":" );
if ( i > 0 ) {
t.query.rvuser = s.substr( i + 1 );
q = new mw.Api();
q.get( t.query ).done( t.feed ).fail( t.fault );
} else {
IUTIL.table.feed( null );
} else {
IUTIL.table.fetch( false );
}; // .table.feed()
IUTIL.table.fetch = function ( arrived ) {
// Retrieve logbook entries one by one
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON info of ajax query, or false
// Uses:
// > .table.$n
// > .table.$i
// >< .table.item
// >< .table.pages
// >< .table.query
// jQuery().text()
// mw.Api()
// .table.fetch()
// .table.flow()
// (.table.fetch)
// (.table.fault)
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.table
// 2013-01-08 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var q,
t = IUTIL.table;
if ( arrived ) {
q = arrived.query;
if ( q ) {
q = q.logevents;
if ( q ) {
if ( q.length ) {
t.pages[ t.item ][ 2 ] =
q[ 0 ].timestamp.substr( 0, 10 ) + "/*";
} else if ( arrived === false ) { // setup
t.item = -1;
t.query = { action: "query",
list: "logevents",
letype: "import",
lelimit: 1,
leprop: "timestamp" };
t.$n.text( "/" + t.pages.length );
if ( t.item < t.pages.length ) {
t.$i.text( "log " + t.item );
q = t.pages[ t.item ];
if ( q ) {
t.query.letitle = q[ 1 ];
q = new mw.Api();
q.get( t.query ).done( t.fetch ).fail( t.fault );
} else {
IUTIL.table.fetch( null );
} else {
IUTIL.table.flow( false );
}; // .table.fetch()
IUTIL.table.fill = function ( arrived ) {
// Retrieve content of maintenance page
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON info of ajax query
// Uses:
// < .table.story
// .table.fresh()
// .table.fault()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.table
// 2013-01-08 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var i,
q = arrived.query,
w = q.pageids;
IUTIL.table.story = false;
if ( w ) {
i = w[ 0 ];
if ( i ) {
w = q.pages;
if ( w ) {
w = w[ i ];
if ( w ) {
w = w.revisions;
if ( w ) {
w = w[ 0 ];
if ( w ) {
IUTIL.table.story = w[ "*" ];
if ( IUTIL.table.story ) {
} else {
}; // .table.fill()
IUTIL.table.fine = function ( arrived ) {
// Show API success on table page updating
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON info of ajax query, or false
// Uses:
// .batch.fine()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.table
// 2013-01-05 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
IUTIL.batch.fine( "PageUpdated" );
}; // .table.fine()
IUTIL.table.finish = function ( arrived ) {
// Retrieve last edit one by one
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON info of ajax query, or false
// Uses:
// > .table.max
// > .table.$i
// >< .table.item
// >< .table.pages
// >< .table.query
// .table.format()
// jQuery().text()
// (.table.finish)
// (.table.fault)
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.table
// 2013-01-08 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var q, s,
t = IUTIL.table;
if ( arrived ) {
q = arrived.query;
if ( q ) {
q = q.pages;
if ( q ) {
q = q[ t.pages[ t.item ][ 0 ] ];
if ( q ) {
q = q.revisions;
if ( q ) {
s = q[ 0 ].timestamp.substr( 0, 10 );
if ( s === t.pages[ t.item ][ 5 ] ) {
s = "===";
t.pages[ t.item ][ 6 ] = s;
} else if ( arrived === false ) { // setup
t.item = -1;
t.query = { action: "query",
prop: "revisions",
rvlimit: 1,
rvprop: "timestamp" };
if ( t.item < t.pages.length ) {
t.$i.text( "... " + t.item );
t.query.pageids = t.pages[ t.item ][ 0 ];
q = new mw.Api();
q.get( t.query ).done( t.finish ).fail( t.fault );
} else {
}; // .table.finish()
IUTIL.table.fire = function () {
// Update table on maintenance page
// Uses:
// this
// > mw.Api
// > .cnf.project.table.support
// < .table.$i
// < .table.$n
// .batch.fired()
// mw.Api.get()
// jQuery().append()
// jQuery().find()
// (.table.fill)
// (.table.fault)
// 2013-01-08 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var q = new mw.Api(),
w = { action: "query",
indexpageids: true,
prop: "revisions",
rvlimit: 1,
rvprop: "content",
titles: "Project:"
+ IUTIL.cnf.project.table.support };
IUTIL.batch.fired( false );
q.get( w ).done( this.fill )
.fail( this.fault );
IUTIL.$msg.append( "<span> </span>"
+ "<span id='IUTIL-table-i' />"
+ "<span id='IUTIL-table-n' />" );
this.$i = IUTIL.$msg.find( "#IUTIL-table-i" );
this.$n = IUTIL.$msg.find( "#IUTIL-table-n" );
}; // .table.fire()
IUTIL.table.flow = function ( arrived ) {
// Analyze revisions comments for missing log entry
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON info of ajax query, or false
// Uses:
// > .table.max
// > .table.$i
// >< .table.item
// >< .table.pages
// >< .table.query
// .table.flow()
// jQuery().text()
// .table.finish()
// (.table.flow)
// (.table.fault)
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.table
// 2013-01-08 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var e, i, j, k, n, p, q,
t = IUTIL.table;
if ( arrived ) {
q = arrived.query;
if ( q ) {
q = q.pages;
if ( q ) {
q = q[ t.pages[ t.item ][ 0 ] ];
if ( q ) {
q = q.revisions;
if ( q ) {
n = q.length;
if ( n ) {
e = q[ 0 ];
k = e.size;
for ( i = 1; i < n; i++ ) {
p = q[ i ];
j = p.size;
if ( k - j === 0 ) {
if ( t.reVsn.test( e.comment ) ) {
t.pages[ t.item ][ 2 ] =
e.timestamp.substr( 0, 10 )
+ "/-";
break; // for i
e = p;
k = j;
} // for i
} else if ( arrived === false ) { // setup
t.item = -1;
t.query = { action: "query",
prop: "revisions",
rvlimit: t.max,
rvprop: "size|comment|timestamp" };
t.reVsn = new RegExp( "^[0-9]+ Versionen\\b" );
if ( t.item < t.pages.length ) {
if ( t.pages[ t.item ][ 2 ] ) {
IUTIL.table.flow( null );
} else {
t.$i.text( "q " + t.item );
t.query.titles = t.pages[ t.item ][ 1 ];
q = new mw.Api();
q.get( t.query ).done( t.flow ).fail( t.fault );
} else {
IUTIL.table.finish( false );
}; // .table.flow()
IUTIL.table.fold = function ( amount ) {
// Integrate collected data into page
// Precondition:
// amount -- wikitable with all entries
// Uses:
// this
// > .type
// > .vsn
// > .cnf.project.table.support
// > .table.$n
// > .table.story
// .table.folder()
// jQuery().text()
// mw.user.tokens.get()
// (.table.fine)
// (.table.fault)
// 2013-01-19 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var d = new Date(),
i = 0,
q = new mw.Api(),
w = { action: "edit",
token: mw.user.tokens.get( "csrfToken" ),
minor: false,
summary: "Updated; " + IUTIL.type + " " + IUTIL.vsn,
title: "Project:"
+ IUTIL.cnf.project.table.support };
this.folder( "TABLE", amount );
this.folder( "TIMESTAMP", d.toLocaleString() );
d = 0;
do {
i = amount.indexOf( "\n|-", i + 2 );
} while ( i > 0 );
this.folder( "COUNT", d );
this.$n.text( "UPDATING" );
w.text = this.story;
q.post( w ).done( IUTIL.table.fine )
.fail( IUTIL.table.fault );
}; // .table.fold()
IUTIL.table.folder = function ( at, against ) {
// Exchange
// Precondition:
// at -- wikitable with all entries
// against -- wikitable with all entries
// Uses:
// this
// >< .table.story
// .table.factory()
// 2013-01-19 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var i, j, s,
start = this.factory( at, true );
i = this.story.indexOf( start );
if ( i > 0 ) {
i += start.length;
s = this.factory( at, false );
j = this.story.indexOf( s, i );
if ( j > 0 ) {
this.story = this.story.substr( 0, i )
+ against
+ this.story.substr( j );
}; // .table.folder()
IUTIL.table.format = function () {
// Format collected data as wikitable
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON info of ajax query, or false
// Uses:
// this
// > .table.max
// > .table.pages
// > .table.$i
// > .table.$n
// jQuery().text()
// .table.fold()
// 2013-01-19 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var d, e, i, j, u,
p = this.pages,
n = p.length,
s = "";
this.$i.text( "" );
this.$n.text( "format" );
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
e = p[ i ];
s = s + "\n\n|-\n| <!--" + e[ 0 ] + "-->"; // [0] curid
d = e[ 1 ];
if ( d ) { // [1] user space path
j = d.indexOf( ":" );
if ( j > 1 ) {
u = d.substr( j + 1 );
j = u.indexOf( "/" );
if ( j > 1 ) {
u = "'''" + u.substr( 0 , j ) + "''' "
+ u.substr( j );
d = "[[" + d + "|" + u + "]]";
} else {
d = "";
s = s + "\n" + d;
d = e[ 2 ]; // [2] log entry
s = s + "\n|" + ( d ? " " + d : "" );
d = e[ 4 ]; // [4] first user edit
if ( d ) {
j = e[ 2 ];
if ( j && d.length === 10 ) {
if ( d < j.substr( 0, 10 ) ) {
d = "<s>" + d + "</s>";
d = " " + d;
} else {
d = "";
s = s + "\n|" + d;
d = e[ 5 ]; // [5] last user edit
s = s + "\n|" + ( d ? " " + d : "" );
d = e[ 6 ]; // [6] last edit
s = s + "\n|" + ( d ? " " + d : "" );
d = e[ 3 ];
if ( d ) { // [3] title
s = s + "\n| [[" + d + "]]";
} // for i
s = s + "\n\n|}\n";
this.$n.text( "completed" );
this.fold( s );
}; // .table.format()
IUTIL.table.fresh = function ( arrived ) {
// Retrieve list of category members
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON info of ajax query, or false
// Uses:
// > .cnf.project.table.source
// > .table.$n
// < .table.pages
// < .table.query
// jQuery().text()
// .table.feed()
// mw.Api.get()
// (.table.fresh)
// (.table.fault)
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.table
// 2013-01-08 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var p,
q = new mw.Api(),
t = IUTIL.table;
if ( arrived ) {
p = arrived.query;
if ( p ) {
t.pages = t.pages.concat( p.categorymembers );
p = arrived[ "query-continue" ];
if ( p ) {
p = p.categorymembers;
if ( p ) {
p = p.cmcontinue;
if ( p ) {
t.query.cmcontinue = p;
if ( ! p ) {
t.query = false;
} else { // setup
t.pages = [ ];
t.query = { action: "query",
list: "categorymembers",
indexpageids: true,
cmlimit: 15,// "max",
cmnamespace: 2,
cmprop: "title|timestamp",
cmtitle: "Category:"
+ IUTIL.cnf.project.table.source
t.$n.text( "/" + t.pages.length );
if ( t.query ) {
q.get( t.query ).done( t.fresh ).fail( t.fault );
} else {
t.feed( false );
}; // .table.fresh()
IUTIL.table.furnish = function () {
// Equip maintenance page with update control
// Uses:
// > mw.util.$content
// .utl.furnish()
// jQuery().find()
// jQuery().empty()
// .cnf.feature()
// jQuery()
// jQuery().append()
// 2013-01-19 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var s, $d;
$d = mw.util.$content.find( "#IUTIL-button-update" );
if ( $d.length ) {
s = "<button type='button'"
+ " id='IUTIL-button-update'"
+ " onclick='mw.libs.importUtility.table.fire()'>"
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( "Update" )
+ "</button>";
$d.append( $( s ) );
}; // .table.furnish()
IUTIL.utl.factory = function ( adjust, apply ) {
// Replace placeholders in string
// Precondition:
// adjust -- base string with possible placeholders {{{_}}}
// may be empty non-string
// apply -- object with key:value assignments
// Postcondition:
// Returns adapted string
// 2012-12-26 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var r = adjust,
re, s;
if ( r ) {
if ( r.indexOf( "{{{" ) >= 0 ) {
for ( s in apply ) {
re = new RegExp( "{{{" + s + "}}}", "g" );
r = r.replace( re, apply[ s ] );
} // for s in apply
return r;
}; // .utl.factory()
IUTIL.utl.filter = function ( adjust ) {
// Escape pipe symbols '|' in text, but maintain links or templates
// Precondition:
// adjust -- base string
// Postcondition:
// Return adjust with escaped pipes
// Uses:
// this
// >< .str.reWSpaces
// 2013-01-21 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var r = adjust,
if ( r.indexOf( "|" ) >= 0 ) {
if ( ! this.reWSpaces ) {
this.reWSpaces = new RegExp( "[\t\f ]+", "g" );
if ( ! this.rePipeTemplate ) {
s = "(\\{\\{[^}]+)\\|([^}]+\\}\\})";
this.rePipeTemplate = new RegExp( s );
this.rePipesTemplate = new RegExp( s, "g" );
r = r.replace( this.reWSpaces, " " )
.replace( /\]/g, "\f" )
.replace( /(\[\[[^|\f]+)\|([^\f]+\f\f)/g, "$1\t$2" );
do {
s = r;
r = r.replace( this.rePipesTemplate, "$1\t$2" );
} while ( s !== r );
r = r.replace( /\|/g, "|" )
.replace( /\f/g, "]" )
.replace( /\t/g, "|" );
return r;
}; // .utl.filter()
IUTIL.utl.firm = function () {
// Make signature with time stamp
// Postcondition:
// Return string
// Uses:
// mw.config.get()
// 2012-12-15 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var d = new Date(),
s = mw.config.get( "wgUserName" ),
r = "[[User:" + s + "|" + s + "]] " + d.toLocaleString();
return r;
}; // .utl.firm()
IUTIL.utl.fold = function ( analyze ) {
// Split page name into namespace and title
// Precondition:
// analyze -- page name
// Postcondition:
// Returns Array[3]
// [0] ns number
// [1] title
// [2] root of subpage, terminated by '/'
// Uses:
// >< .cnf.reSpace
// mw.config.get()
// 2012-12-31 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var s = analyze.replace( /%3A/ig, ":" ),
r = [ 0, s, false ],
j = s.indexOf( ":" ),
if ( j > 0 ) {
if ( ! IUTIL.cnf.reSpace ) {
IUTIL.cnf.reSpace = new RegExp( " ", "g" );
n = s.substr( 0, j ).replace( IUTIL.cnf.reSpace, "_" );
n = mw.config.get( "wgNamespaceIds" )[ n.toLowerCase() ];
if ( n ) {
r = [ n, s.substr( j + 1 ), false ];
j = s.indexOf( "/", j + 1 );
if ( j > 0 ) {
r[ 2 ] = s.substr( 0, j + 1 );
return r;
}; // .utl.fold()
IUTIL.utl.format = function ( appoint ) {
// Format Date object according to ISO 8601 UTC "Z"
// Precondition:
// appoint -- Date object
// Postcondition:
// Return ISO 8601 string in "Z" time zone
// 2013-01-05 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var r = appoint.getUTCFullYear() + "-",
i = appoint.getUTCMonth() + 1;
if ( i < 10 ) {
i = "0" + i;
r = r + i + "-";
i = appoint.getUTCDate();
if ( i < 10 ) {
i = "0" + i;
r = r + i + "T";
i = appoint.getUTCHours();
if ( i < 10 ) {
i = "0" + i;
r = r + i + ":";
i = appoint.getUTCMinutes();
if ( i < 10 ) {
i = "0" + i;
r = r + i + ":";
i = appoint.getUTCSeconds();
if ( i < 10 ) {
i = "0" + i;
return r + i + "Z";
}; // .utl.format()
IUTIL.utl.furnish = function () {
// Insert containers on page
// Precondition:
// document ready
// Uses:
// > mw.util.$content
// >< .$top
// >< .$div
// < .$msg
// mw.util.addCSS()
// jQuery()
// jQuery().prepend()
// jQuery().before()
// 2013-01-08 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
mw.util.addCSS( "#siteNotice,"
+ ".cn-fundraiser-banner,"
+ "#fundraising"
+ "{display: none ! important;}" );
if ( ! IUTIL.$div ) {
IUTIL.$div = $( "<div class='importUtilityDiv' />" );
if ( ! IUTIL.$top ) {
IUTIL.$top = $( "#mw-content-text" );
if ( IUTIL.$top.length ) {
IUTIL.$top.prepend( IUTIL.$div );
} else {
IUTIL.$top = $( "#bodyContent" );
if ( ! IUTIL.$top.length ) {
IUTIL.$top = $( "#article" );
if ( ! IUTIL.$top.length ) {
IUTIL.$top = $( "#content" );
if ( ! IUTIL.$top.length ) {
IUTIL.$top = mw.util.$content;
IUTIL.$top.before( IUTIL.$div );
IUTIL.$msg = $( "<div id='importUtilityMsg'"
+ " style='display:none;' />" );
IUTIL.$div.prepend( IUTIL.$msg );
}; // .utl.furnish()
IUTIL.versions.fault = function ( arrived ) {
// Show API failure on user notification
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON info of ajax query
// Uses:
// .batch.failed()
// mw.log()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.versions
// 2012-12-31 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
IUTIL.batch.failed( false );
mw.log( {loud:true}, "IUTIL.versions.fault()", 2, arrived );
}; // .versions.fault()
IUTIL.versions.fetch = function ( arrived ) {
// Retrieve array length from JSON result
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON result of ajax query
// Postcondition:
// Returns number
// Uses:
// 2012-12-31 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var i, q,
r = -1;
if ( typeof arrived === "object" ) {
q = arrived.query;
if ( q ) {
i = q.pageids[ 0 ];
q = q.pages;
if ( q && i > 0 ) {
q = q[ i ];
if ( q ) {
r = q.revisions.length;
return r;
}; // .versions.fetch()
IUTIL.versions.figure = function ( add ) {
// Display version number in box end edit field
// Precondition:
// add -- non-null: more versions
// Uses:
// this
// > .versions.number
// > .versions.max
// > .cnf.project.edit.sketch
// > .versions.lazy
// > .$msg
// > .versions.sketch
// .cnf.feature()
// jQuery().empty()
// jQuery().append()
// .edit.feed()
// 2013-01-05 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var s = "#00A000",
d = new Date(),
say = this.number;
if ( this.number > this.max ) {
s = "#FF0000";
say = say + ( add ? "++" : "" )
+ " (>" + this.max + ")";
say = IUTIL.cnf.project.edit.sketch
+ " <strong>" + say + "</strong>";
if ( ! this.lazy ) {
IUTIL.$msg.attr( "style", "border: solid 1px " + s + "; "
+ "color: " + s + "; "
+ "margin: 3px; "
+ "padding: 1em; " );
IUTIL.$msg.append( "<span>" + say + "</span>" );
say = IUTIL.edit.feed( false )
+ "\n* " + say.replace( /<\/?strong>/g, "'''" )
+ " " + this.sketch + " " + d.toLocaleString();
IUTIL.edit.feed( say );
}; // .versions.figure()
IUTIL.versions.fire = function ( about ) {
// Start version counting
// Precondition:
// about -- source page information
// .§ -- do not show progress information
// .lang -- source language other than current
// .from -- source page
// Uses:
// this
// document
// > mw.Api
// < .versions.lazy
// < .versions.source
// < .versions.number
// mw.Api.get()
// .batch.fired()
// mw.util.wikiScript()
// (.versions.found)
// (.versions.fault)
// 2013-01-03 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var h, p,
q = new mw.Api();
if ( about[ "§" ] ) {
this.lazy = true;
} else {
IUTIL.batch.fired( "Counting" );
this.source = about.from;
this.number = 0;
this.optURL = null;
this.query = { action: "query",
indexpageids: true,
prop: "revisions",
rvlimit: "max",
titles: this.source };
if ( about.lang ) {
h = document.location.hostname;
p = document.location.protocol + "//";
this.optURL = { url: "//" + about.lang
+ h.substr( h.indexOf( "." ) )
+ mw.util.wikiScript( "api" )
this.query.origin = p + h;
q.get( this.query, this.optURL ).done( this.found )
.fail( this.fault );
}; // .versions.fire()
IUTIL.versions.found = function ( arrived ) {
// Some versions counted
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON result of ajax query
// Uses:
// > .versions.max
// > .versions.lazy
// > .$msg
// >< .versions.number
// .versions.fetch()
// .versions.figure()
// jQuery().append()
// mw.Api.get()
// .cnf.feature()
// .batch.failed()
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.versions
// 2013-01-05 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var v = IUTIL.versions,
n = v.fetch( arrived ),
if ( n > 0 ) {
v.number += n;
q = arrived[ "query-continue" ];
if ( v.number > v.max ) {
v.figure( q );
} else if ( q ) {
q = q.revisions;
if ( q ) {
q = q.rvcontinue;
if ( q ) {
v.query.rvcontinue = q;
if ( ! v.lazy ) {
IUTIL.$msg.append( $( "<span> "
+ ( v.number - 1 )
+ ", "
+ v.number
+ ", "
+ ( v.number + 1 )
+ ", ...</span>" ) );
if ( q ) {
q = new mw.Api();
q.get( v.query, v.optURL ).done( v.found )
.fail( v.fault );
} else {
mw.log( {loud:true}, "IUTIL.versions.found() ?", 2 );
} else {
v.figure( false );
} else {
IUTIL.batch.failed( "<strong>"
+ IUTIL.cnf.feature( "NotFound" )
+ " * " + v.source
+ "</strong>" );
mw.log( {loud:true},
"IUTIL.versions.found() Not found", 2, arrived );
}; // .versions.found()
IUTIL.zone.factory = function ( appoint ) {
// Retrieve Date object from yyyymmddHHMMSS timestamp in local time
// Precondition:
// appoint -- yyyymmddHHMMSS string
// Postcondition:
// Return Date object
// Uses:
// this
// .zone.fetch()
// 2013-01-23 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var g = [ appoint.substr( 0, 4 ), // yyyy
appoint.substr( 4, 2 ), // mm
appoint.substr( 6, 2 ), // dd
appoint.substr( 8, 2 ), // HH
appoint.substr( 10, 2 ), // MM
appoint.substr( 12, 2 ) // SS
return new Date( Date.UTC( parseInt( g[0], 10 ),
parseInt( g[1], 10 ) - 1,
parseInt( g[2], 10 ),
parseInt( g[3], 10 ),
parseInt( g[4], 10 ) - this.fetch(),
parseInt( g[5], 10 ) ) );
}; // .zone.factory()
IUTIL.zone.fetch = function ( alt ) {
// Retrieve timeoffset of local time
// Precondition:
// alt -- fallback value, if number, or ignored
// Postcondition:
// Return number; at least 0
// Uses:
// this
// > window.sessionStorage
// > mw.Api
// >< .zone.justify
// (.zone.found)
// 2013-01-23 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var q, w,
r = 0;
if ( window.sessionStorage ) {
w = window.sessionStorage.getItem( "timeoffset" );
if ( w ) {
if ( /\f[0-9]+\f/.test( "\f" + w + "\f" ) ) {
this.justify = parseInt( w, 10 );
} else {
q = new mw.Api();
w = { action: "query",
meta: "siteinfo" };
q.get( w ).done( this.found );
if ( typeof this.justify !== "number" ) {
if ( typeof alt === "number" ) {
this.justify = alt;
if ( typeof this.justify === "number" ) {
r = this.justify;
return r;
}; // .zone.fetch()
IUTIL.zone.found = function ( arrived ) {
// Evaluate siteinfo query
// Precondition:
// arrived -- JSON result of ajax query
// Uses:
// > window.sessionStorage
// < .zone.justify
// Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.zone
// 2013-01-23 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var q = arrived;
if ( q ) {
q = q.query;
if ( q ) {
q = q.general;
if ( q ) {
q = q.timeoffset;
if ( typeof q === "number" ) {
this.justify = parseInt( q, 10 );
if ( window.sessionStorage ) {
window.sessionStorage.setItem( "timeoffset", q );
}; // .zone.found()
IUTIL.fire = function () {
// Analyze any page loading; try async ressource loading first
// Uses:
// this
// document
// > .cnf.(DBname)
// > .cnf.*.submitTW
// > .cnf.*.submitUP
// > .cnf.*.table.support
// < .cnf.project
// < .mode
// mw.config.get()
// mw.loader.using()
// (.spec.fair)
// (.proj.fair)
// 2013-01-19 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
var launch, self, sent;
switch ( mw.config.get( "wgNamespaceNumber" ) ) {
case -1 : // Special
switch ( mw.config.get( "wgCanonicalSpecialPageName" ) ) {
case "Import" :
this.mode = -1;
case "Export" :
this.mode = -9;
} // switch wgCanonicalSpecialPageName
if ( this.mode ) {
mw.loader.using( [ "jquery.json",
"mediawiki.util" ],
this.spec.fair );
case 4 : // Project
sent = mw.config.get( "wgAction" );
launch = ( "|view|edit|submit|".indexOf( sent ) > 0 );
if ( launch ) {
if ( sent === "edit" ) {
launch = ( document.URL.indexOf( "§ion=" )
> 0 );
if ( launch ) {
self = mw.config.get( "wgDBname" );
this.cnf.project = this.cnf[ self ];
if ( this.cnf.project ) {
switch ( mw.config.get( "wgTitle" ) ) {
case this.cnf.project.submitTW :
this.mode = 1;
case this.cnf.project.submitUP :
this.mode = 2;
case this.cnf.project.table.support :
this.mode = 3;
} // switch wgTitle
if ( this.mode ) {
mw.loader.using( [ "user",
"mediawiki.util" ],
this.proj.fair );
} // switch wgNamespaceNumber
}; // .fire()
if ( ! IUTIL.loaded ) {
IUTIL.loaded = true;
mw.loader.state( "w:de:WP:importUtility", "ready" );
}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );
// Emacs
// Local Variables:
// encoding: utf-8-dos
// coding: utf-8-dos
// fill-column: 80
// End:
/// EOF WP/importUtility/?.js </nowiki></syntaxhighlight>