Hinweis: Leere nach dem Veröffentlichen den Browser-Cache, um die Änderungen sehen zu können.
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// '''Translatable strings from [[:en:User:Lupin/popupsdev.js]]'''
// and [[:en:User:Lupin/strings-draft]]'''
// Notes for translators: If there's a string that is not
// included below, please drop a note at [[:en:User talk:Lupin]].
// These strings can be changed if they're impossible
// to translate to more flexible versions. Just ask.
// Instructions: copy this file to a .js file in your user space
// at a local wiki, translate the strings on the right, and
// load that file '''as well as''' popups.js or popupsdev.js
// from your user javascript file, e.g. using this code:
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="'
+ 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Eddideigel/strings-en.js'
+ '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="'
+ 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Lupin/popupsdev.js'
+ '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');
// English version below, to be translated into German
// See also [[:nn:User:Eddideigel/strings-nn.js]]
// and [[:nn:User:Eddideigel/strings-no.js]]
// summary data, searching etc.
'#': '#',
'article': 'article',
'category': 'category',
'categories': 'categories',
'image': 'image',
'images': 'images',
'stub': 'stub',
'Empty page': 'Empty page',
'kB': 'kB',
'bytes': 'bytes',
'day': 'day',
'days': 'days',
'hour': 'hour',
'hours': 'hours',
'minute': 'minute',
'minutes': 'minutes',
'second': 'second',
'seconds': 'seconds',
'week': 'week',
'weeks': 'weeks',
'search': 'search',
'SearchHint': 'Find English Wikipedia articles containing %s',
'global': 'global',
'globalSearchHint': 'Search across Wikipedias in different languages for %s',
'web': 'web',
'google': 'google',
'googleSearchHint': 'Search for %s using Google',
// article-related actions and info
// (some actions also apply to user pages)
'actions': 'actions', ///// view articles and view talk
'spacebar': 'space',
'view article': 'view article',
'viewHint': 'Go to %s',
'talk': 'talk',
'talk page': 'talk page',
'this revision': 'this revision',
'revision %s of %s': 'revision %s of %s',
'Revision %s of %s': 'Revision %s of %s',
'Toggle image size': 'Toggle image size',
'del': 'del', ///// delete, protect, move
'delete': 'delete',
'deleteHint': 'Delete %s',
'undeleteShort': 'un',
'UndeleteHint': 'Show the deletion history for %s',
'protect': 'protect',
'protectHint': 'Restrict editing rights to %s',
'unprotectShort': 'un',
'unprotectHint': 'Allow %s to be edited by anyone again',
'move': 'move',
'move page': 'move page',
'MovepageHint': 'Change the title of %s',
'edit': 'edit', ///// edit articles and talk
'edit article': 'edit article',
'editHint': 'Change the content of %s',
'edit talk': 'edit talk',
'new': 'new',
'new topic': 'new topic',
'newSectionHint': 'Start a new section on %s',
'null edit': 'null edit',
'nullEditHint': 'Submit an edit to %s, making no changes ',
'hist': 'hist', ///// history, diffs, editors, related
'history': 'history',
'historyHint': 'List the changes made to %s',
'last': 'last',
'lastEdit': 'lastEdit',
'show last edit': 'most recent edit',
'Show the last edit': 'Show the effects of the most recent change',
'lastContrib': 'lastContrib',
'last set of edits': 'latest edits',
'lastContribHint': 'Show the net effect of changes made by the last editor',
'cur': 'cur',
'diffCur': 'diffCur',
'Show changes since revision %s': 'Show changes since revision %s',
'Diff truncated for performance reasons': 'Diff truncated for performance reasons',
'old': 'old',
'oldEdit': 'oldEdit',
'Show the edit made to get revision': 'Show the edit made to get revision',
'sinceMe': 'sinceMe',
'changes since mine': 'diff my edit',
'sinceMeHint': 'Show changes since my last edit',
'Couldn\'t find an edit by %s\nin the last %s edits to\n%s': 'Couldn\'t find an edit by %s\nin the last %s edits to\n%s',
'eds': 'eds',
'editors': 'editors',
'editorListHint': 'List the users who have edited %s',
'related': 'related',
'relatedChanges': 'relatedChanges',
'related changes': 'related changes',
'RecentchangeslinkedHint': 'Show changes in articles related to %s',
'editOld': 'editOld', ///// edit old version, or revert
'rv': 'rv',
'revert': 'revert',
'revertHint': 'Revert to %s',
'defaultpopupRevertSummary': 'Revert to revision %s using [[:en:Wikipedia:Tools/Navigation popups|popups]]',
'Redirects': 'Redirects', // as in Redirects to ...
' to ': ' to ', // as in Redirects to ...
'Bypass redirect': 'Bypass redirect',
'Fix this redirect': 'Fix this redirect',
'defaultpopupFixRedirsSummary': 'Redirect bypass from [[%s]] to [[%s]] using [[:en:Wikipedia:Tools/Navigation popups|popups]]',
'disambig': 'disambig', ///// add or remove dab etc.
'disambigHint': 'Disambiguate this link to [[%s]]',
'Click to disambiguate this link to:': 'Click to disambiguate this link to:',
'remove this link': 'remove this link',
'remove all links to this page from this article': 'remove all links to this page from this article',
'remove all links to this disambig page from this article': 'remove all links to this disambig page from this article',
'defaultpopupFixDabsSummary': 'Disambiguate [[%s]] to [[%s]] using [[:en:Wikipedia:Tools/Navigation popups|popups]]',
'defaultpopupRmDabLinkSummary': 'Remove link to dab page [[%s]] using [[:en:Wikipedia:Tools/Navigation popups|popups]]',
'defaultpopupRedlinkSummary': 'Removing link to empty page [[%s]] using [[:en:Wikipedia:Tools/Navigation popups|popups]]',
'mainlink': 'mainlink', ///// links, watch, unwatch
'wikiLinks': 'wikiLinks',
'links here': 'links here',
'whatLinksHere': 'whatLinksHere',
'what links here': 'what links here',
'WhatlinkshereHint': 'List the pages that are hyperlinked to %s',
'unwatchShort': 'un',
'watchThingy': 'watch', // called watchThingy because {}.watch is a function
'watchHint': 'Add %s to my watchlist',
'unwatchHint': 'Remove %s from my watchlist',
// user-related actions and info
'user': 'user', ///// user page, talk, email, space
'user page': 'user page',
'user talk': 'user talk',
'edit user talk': 'edit user talk',
'leave comment': 'leave comment',
'email': 'email',
'email user': 'email user',
'EmailuserHint': 'Send an email to %s',
'space': 'userspace',
'PrefixindexHint': 'Show pages in the userspace of %s',
'count': 'count', ///// contributions, tree, log
'edit counter': 'edit counter',
'katelinkHint': 'Count the countributions made by %s',
'contribs': 'contribs',
'contributions': 'contributions',
'ContributionsHint': 'List the contributions made by %s',
'tree': 'tree',
'contribsTree': 'contribsTree',
'contribsTreeHint': 'Explore %s\'s contributions by namespace and by article',
'log': 'log',
'user log': 'user log',
'userLogHint': 'Show %s\'s user log',
'arin': 'ARIN lookup', ///// ARIN lookup, block user or IP
'Look up %s in ARIN whois database': 'Look up %s in the ARIN whois database',
'unblockShort': 'un',
'block': 'block',
'block user': 'block user',
'IpblocklistHint': 'Unblock %s',
'BlockipHint': 'Prevent %s from editing',
'block log': 'block log',
'blockLogHint': 'Show the block log for %s',
// setup of Popups
'Display navigation links at the top of the popup': 'Display navigation links at the top of the popup',
'Download preview data': 'Download preview data from the Wikipedia servers',
'Load images': 'Load images',
'Never download extra stuff for images/previews': 'Never download extra stuff for images/previews',
'Only start downloading when told to do so': 'Only start downloading when told to do so',
'Open full-size image': 'Open full-size image',
'Preview only on click': 'Preview only on click',
'Show/hide options': 'Show/hide options',
'Show image previews': 'Show image previews',
'Show navigation links': 'Show navigation links',
'Show page summary data': 'Show page summary data',
'Show previews': 'Show previews',
'Show summary data': 'Show summary data',
'Show text previews': 'Show text previews',
'Simple popups': 'Simple popups',
'Toggle this option': 'Toggle this option',
'cookies': 'cookies',
'Use cookies to store popups options': 'Use cookies to store popups options',
'zxy': 'zxy'