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 * Bug Status Update Gadget
 * Author: Rob Moen (robm)
 * Description:
 *  Finds and updates bug status templates and links on a page.
 *  Makes 1 JSONP request to Bugzilla JSON RPC api.
 * Source: [[mw:User:Robmoen/bugStatusUpdate.js]] in version [https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=User:Robmoen/bugStatusUpdate.js&oldid=535722]
 * modified by [[:w:de:User:Se4598]]
 // <nowiki>

(function($, mw) {

	var config = {};
	config.addNewStatus = true;
	config.addStatusBZlinks = true;

	config.color = {
		"RESOLVED" : "green",
		"VERIFIED" : "green",
		"FIXED" : "green",
		"DUPLICATE" : "orange",
		"WONTFIX" : "red",
		"INVALID" : "red",
		"CRITICAL" : "red",
	config.template = {};
	config.template.style = {
		'font-weight' : 'bold',
		'font-size' : '1.5em',
		'text-transform' : 'uppercase'

	config.lang = {};
	config.lang['en'] = {
		"NEW" : "NEW",

		"RESOLVED" : "RESOLVED", //should be one of the following sub-cases
		"LATER" : "RESOLVED LATER", //not used?
		"VERIFIED" : "VERIFIED", //should have the same sub-cases as resolved?
		"CLOSED" : "CLOSED", //not used?
	config.lang['de'] = {
		"UNCONFIRMED" : "Unbestätigt",
		"NEW" : "Neu",
		"ASSIGNED" : "Zugewiesen",
		"PATCH_TO_REVIEW" : "Patch anhängig",
		"REOPENED" : "Wiedereröffnet",

		"RESOLVED" : "Erledigt",
		"FIXED" : "Gelöst",
		"INVALID" : "Ungültig",
		"WONTFIX" : "Wird nicht behoben",
		"LATER" : "Wird später behoben",
		"DUPLICATE" : "Duplikat",
		"WORKSFORME" : "Scheint zu funktionieren",

		"VERIFIED" : "Verifiziert Erledigt",
		"CLOSED" : "Geschlossen",

	var mylang = mw.config.get('wgContentLanguage');

	if ( typeof (config.lang[mylang]) != 'object') {
		mylang = 'en';

	var target = 'https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/jsonrpc.cgi';

	//ugly way to compose the request parameters. though, bugzilla is happy with it
	var getParams = function(ids) {
		return 'method=Bug.get&id=158&params=[{ "ids": [' + ids.join(',') + '],"include_fields":["last_change_time","status","resolution", "id"]}]';

	var main = function() {

		//future: maybe wait for user-js

		//merge user-config with default
		//TODO user / fliegelflagel
		$.extend(true, config, {}/* user-config-obj */, {} /* fliegelflagel-config */ );

		var ids = [];
		//get the bug id numbers on the page
		$('.mw-trackedTemplate').each(function() {
			var title = $(this).find('a[title^="bugzilla:"]').attr('title');

		if (config.addStatusBZlinks) {
			$('a[title^="bugzilla:"]').each(function(index) {
				var title = $(this).attr('title');

		//make all values unique; bz returns a bug twice if id passed twice
		var ids_unique = ids.filter(function(itm, i, arr) {
			// filter empty entrys by [[bugzilla:]] and filter duplicates
			return (itm.length !== 0) && (i == arr.indexOf(itm) )

		if (ids_unique.length === 0) {
		//make jsonp
			url : target,
			dataType : 'jsonp',
			data : getParams(ids_unique),
			success : function(data) {
				var status, status_text, status_color;

				if (data.error) {
					// ex.: Bug #xxx does not exist or invalid link: [[bugzilla:bug 1]]
					// if error then data.result == null
					// TODO could be improved
					alert(data.error.message || 'Bugzilla returned an API-error');
				} else if (data.result && data.result.bugs) {
					for (var b in data.result.bugs) {
						status = data.result.bugs[b].status;
						if (status == 'RESOLVED' || status == "VERIFIED") {
							if (data.result.bugs[b].resolution) {
								status = data.result.bugs[b].resolution;
							} else {// bugzilla apparently or only sometimes doesn't return resolution for fixed ones?
								//status = 'FIXED';
						status_text = config.lang[mylang][status] || status;
						status_color = config.color[status] || '#333333';

						var $items;
						$items = $('.mw-trackedTemplate').find('a[title="bugzilla:' + data.result.bugs[b].id + '"]');

						$items.each(function(index, elem) {// for each template-link
							var $item = $(elem);
							//find child, if exists
							var $status = $item.parent().nextAll('p').last().children('span');
							//create the status element if it does not exist or we should append new one
							if ($status.length === 0 || config.addNewStatus) {
								$item.parent().parent().append($('<p />').append($('<span />').css(config.template.style).text('Status')));
							//refresh $status-element
							$status = $item.parent().nextAll('p').last().children('span');
							//udpate the status element
							$status.css('color', status_color).text(status_text);
							$status = null;
							$item = null;
						//END each
						$items = null;

						if (config.addStatusBZlinks) {
							//find all bz-links that are not in the template
							//TODO maybe also user-defined excludes?
							$items = $('a[title="bugzilla:' + data.result.bugs[b].id + '"]:not(.mw-trackedTemplate a)');
							$items.each(function(index, elem) {// for each bz-link
								var $item = $(elem);
								var $status = $('<span />').css('color', status_color).text(status_text);
								$item.append($('<span />').addClass('se4598-bugStatus').append(' (').append($status).append(')'));
								$status = null;
								$item = null;
							//END each
							$items = null;
						} //END if config.addStatusBZlinks
					} //END for data.result.bugs
				//END if data.result.bugs
			} //END success
		//END ajax
	//END main

})(jQuery, mediaWiki);

// </nowiki>