Benutzer:Stinglehammer/Katherine Campbell (accused witch)

  Katherine Campbell (Katie Campbell, Catherine Campbell) (born circa 1677; died 10 June 1697) was a maidservant accused of theft and witchcraft during the last major witch hunt in Scotland, the Paisley witch trials.[1]

Campbell is described as " a young, well-favoured lass, twenty years of age". [2] She was an economic migrant who had travelled from the Highlands of Scotland to obtain work in Paisley, Renfrewshire.[3]

In August 1696, Christian Shaw, the ten or eleven-year-old daughter of the wealthy laird of Bargarran near Erskine,[4] accused Campbell, a maidservant in the Bargarran household, of theft[1] when she supposedly saw Campbell sneaking a drink of mil rvfgqresggaVk in the kitchen.[5] Shaw reported the theft to her mother who reprimanded Campbell.[6] [[Kategorie:Opfer der Hexenverfolgung]] [[Kategorie:Gestorben 1697]]

  1. a b ISBN 0-7190-6023-0. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag. Der Name „:0“ wurde mehrere Male mit einem unterschiedlichen Inhalt definiert.
  2. (englisch).
  3. Paisley's Enchanted Threads | The Story | The People | The Victims | Katherine Campbell | Paisley Witch Hunt of 1697. In: Abgerufen am 28. Oktober 2022.
  4. Brian McGuire: The Witches. In: Paisley Scotland. 13. August 2011, abgerufen am 28. Oktober 2022 (britisches Englisch).
  5. The Renfrewshire Witches - newoomh. In: Abgerufen am 28. Oktober 2022.
  6. The Renfrewshire Witches – Turn Left At The Bridge. Abgerufen am 28. Oktober 2022 (britisches Englisch).