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Urheber 行政院


© Der Urheberrechtsinhaber dieser Datei, Exekutiv-Yuan, erlaubt es jedem, diese für jeden Zweck zu benutzen, vorausgesetzt, dass der Urheberrechtsinhaber ordnungsgemäß genannt wird. Weiterverbreitung, Abänderungen, kommerzielle Nutzung sowie jede andere Verwendung sind gestattet.

This file is licensed under the Government Website Open Information Announcement.
Authorization Method & Scope
In order to facilitate the public to better utilize the website information, all of Executive Yuan (行政院)’s publicly posted information and materials that are protected under copyright provisions may be reauthorized for public use without cost in a non-exclusive manner. The users are not limited to time and by region to reproduce, adapt, edit, publicly transmit or utilize with other methods, and as well as to develop various products or services (herein known as derivations). This authorization will not be retracted hereafter, and the users do not have to acquire any written or other methods of authorization from the Administration. However, when using it, the user should state the source.
Information on Related Items:
(a) The authorized scope is only within the scope protected under copyright. It does not include other intellectual property rights, including but not limited to the provision of patents, trademarks and administration's logo.
(b) Whether or not the said person's actively publicized or legally required publicized personal information can be collected, processed or utilized, the user must follow the related provisions based on the Personal Information Protection Act, and plan to execute the related measures required by law.
(c) For some videos, photos, sheet music and contracted case writings or other works, the administration must especially state that the approval must be duly obtained before use.

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Government Website Open Information Announcement

In order to facilitate the public to better utilize the website information, all of the Executive Yuan's website publicly posted information and materials that are protected under copyright provisions may be reauthorized for public use without cost in a non-exclusive manner. The users are not limited to time and by region to reproduce, adapt, edit, publicly transmit or utilize with other methods, and as well as to develop various products or services (herein known as derivations). This authorization will not be retracted hereafter, and the users do not have to acquire any written or other methods of authorization from the Administration. However, when using it, the user should state the source.


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