Beschreibung1927-06-18 Le Mans white house crash Bentleys.png
English: Next-day remains of a pileup crash in the "whitehouse curve" that occured at dusk in the evening of Saturday 18 June 1927 Le Mans involving the three favorite Bentleys and some other. The scene is: A Th. Schneider car stands crashed, in the middle of the road, hard to see in the dark because of the white house. Entry #1 (right) is Clement & Callingham's Bentley, was the first to hit the Th. Schneider. Callingham was thrown out of the car. On the left is #2, d'Erlanger & Duller, which was the next on the scene, Duller had jumped out just before the impact. The third Bentley (Benjafield & Davis in #3) saw the debris and Davis managed a "limited impact", and eventually continued the race. Hence, #3 is not in this picture. The "white house" (maison blanche) would maybe the the one in the back. Only minor injuries. So goes the Wikipedia story: [1]
Since this is daylight, it may be the next day.
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