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Tetun: MAP Kolleta Hare 520 Hektares Iha Munisipiu Baucau

Baucau-Ministériu Agríkultura e Pescas (MAP) Liu husi Diresaun Násional Agríkultura e Hortikultura (DNAH) halo atividade kolleta hare Jeral hamutuk 520 Hektares ba segundo epoka nian iha irrigasaun Sobabere suku Caibada postu Administrativo Baucau Villa Municipiu Baucau. Serimonia Kolleta hare jeral ne’e ofisialmente Kolleta husi Ministru MAP Pedro dos Reis, akomapnha husi DJ DNAH Maria Odete do Ceú no hetan mos partisipasaun Maximo husi Administrador postu Caibada, Komandante jeral PNTL Municipiu, funsionariu MAP no mos autoridade lokal husi postu Administrativo Baucau villa nian rasik. Atividade ne’e hala'o iha loron Sexta 10/09/21 iha suku Caibada. Tuir Ministru MAP Pedro dos Reis hateten iha nia intrevista katak, ohin loron ita Kolleta hare iha irrigasaun Sobabere total area kultivu 520 hektares ba segundu epoka nian, Ministério hamutuk ho Autoridade lokal no estensionista sira mos halo esforsu maka’as maka ohin loron halo kolleta ida ne’e tanba natar refere abandona hela kuaze tinan 15 nia laran. Nia esplika ohin ita Kolleta hare hamutuk 520 hektares hanesan simbolikamente iha area ida ne'e, problema ne’ebe iha maka hanesan hare ne'ebe ita Kolleta ne'e boen maka barak liu, Maibe importante vontade agrikultor sira nian. ba futuru Ministério ho nia Diresaun Jeral hamutuk ho ekipa tekniku, estensionista no autoridade lokal sira servisu hamutuk hodi hadia kualidade hase produsaun agrikultura ba iha futuru. “Rezultadu tuir ubinan ho aplikasaun tekniku Poc nasa, Super nasa no Harmoink ita halo ubinan mak ita foin hetan 4.2 toneladas, ba futuru ita garantia katak area Caibada iha rai ne'ebe mak bokur tebes, entaun presiza ita servisu makas atu bele dada bee husi welili ho samalari mai hodi mantein nafatin ita nia servisu. Durante ne'e Ministério ho ekipa sira esforsu makas tebes hodi halo aproximasaun hadia irrigasaun iha area Sobabere suku Caibada no inan aman sira mos iha vontade atu kuda nafatin natar.” Tenik Ministro MAP Governante ne'e esklares ita mantein nafatin atu utiliza fasilidade ne'ebe maka ita iha, ita mos tenki kolabora hamutuk atu bele responde ba ezizensia komunidade sira nian, ita mos kria modelu oinsa atu nune’e ba oin ita hatoman an ona kuda hahan saida mak ita presija ba nesecidade baziku nian. Iha fatin hanesan Xefi suku Caibada José Soares Long, sente orguilo tebes ho prezensa Ministru MAP nian. Tanba ho prezensa Ministro MAP nian bele motiva ona agrikultura sira hodi hala’o sira nia atividade. “Ami senti orgullu tebes tanba halo ona sosializasaun no iha planu ne'ebe diak tebes ba povo agrikultór sira nia servisu durante tinan barak nia laran, Maske iha difikuldade oioin maibe sira sente katak esforsu Ministério Agrikultura e Pescas nian, bele fo apoiu nafatin ekipamentus hodi normaliza irrigasaun Sobabere no ohin ita konsege kolleta duni.” Hateten Xefi suku José Nia dehan, povo agrikultor sira laos iha suku Caibada deit, maibe iha suku 6 tan maka maioria moris nu'udar povo agrikultor entaun ba oin sira mos fiar katak Ministru tenki asegura nafatin bee dalan atu nune’e agrikultor sira nafatin iha vontade hodi halai nafatin natar ne'ebe mak iha area ida ne'e, no sira ne'ebe mak sei abandona hela sira kontinua halo nafatin.

Nune’e mos Koordenador grupu Mandiri Nazario Maria Tavares haktuir katak, natar fatin ida ne’e hahú husi tempu Indoésia nunka abandona, maibe foin dadauk Timor ukun a’an ne’e maka abandona tiha kuaze tinan 15 nia laran. Maibe agora esforsu Governo nian bele hadia fali bee refere hodi halo fila fali natar. (Abril Magno)
Quelle Ministério da Agricultura e Pescas
Urheber Ministério da Agricultura e Pescas


Public domain
This file is in the public domain in East Timor, because it is published and distributed by the Government of Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, according to Article 13 of the Indonesia Copyright Law No 6, 1982, which was still valid in East Timor from independence on 20 May 2002 until 27 May 2023.[1]

There shall be no infringement of Copyright for:

  1. publication and reproduction of the symbol of the State and the national anthem in accordance with their original nature;
  2. publication and reproduction of anything which is published by or on behalf of the Government, except if the copyright is declared to be protected by law or regulation or by a statement on the work itself or at the time the work is published;
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  1. The Main Characteristics of the Timorese Legal System – a Practical Guide, p.177


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aktuell20:33, 28. Sep. 2021Vorschaubild der Version vom 20:33, 28. Sep. 2021963 × 643 (255 KB)J. Patrick Fischer{{Information |description={{tet|1=MAP Kolleta Hare 520 Hektares Iha Munisipiu Baucau Baucau-Ministériu Agríkultura e Pescas (MAP) Liu husi Diresaun Násional Agríkultura e Hortikultura (DNAH) halo atividade kolleta hare Jeral hamutuk 520 Hektares ba segundo epoka nian iha irrigasaun Sobabere suku Caibada postu Administrativo Baucau Villa Municipiu Baucau. Serimonia Kolleta hare jeral ne’e ofisialmente Kolleta husi Ministru MAP Pedro dos Reis, akomapnha husi DJ DNAH Maria Odete do Ceú no het...

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