Datei:A text-book of human physiology (1906) (14747540596).jpg

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Identifier: textbookofhumanp00tige (find matches)
Title: A text-book of human physiology
Year: 1906 (1900s)
Authors: Tigerstedt, Robert, 1853-1923 Murlin, John R. (John Raymond), b. 1874, tr
Subjects: Physiology
Publisher: New York and London, D. Appleton and Co.
Contributing Library: Columbia University Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Open Knowledge Commons

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Text Appearing Before Image:
al cord. The boundarylines in the figure mark the upper limits of sensibility for lesions at thedifferent levels. In reality the regions supplied by the different nerves, inman as in animals, overlap considerably both above and below. The areasblocked out in the figure represent therefore the central parts of the fieldsactually supplied by the separate roots. B. MOTOR NERVES In the following table are summarized, after Kocher, the distributionsof the different motor roots: ROOT. MnSCLES. I C Small neck muscles; sternohyoid; sternothyroid; omohyoid. II C. Sterno-cleido-mastoid; trapezius. III C. Platisma myoides. * IV C. Scaleni; diaphragm. V C. Rhomboidci; supra- and infraspinatus; coracobrachialis; biceps;brachialis anticus; deltoid; sui)inator longus and brevis.VI C Subscapularis; pectoralis major and minor; pronator teres andquadratus; latissimus dorsi; teres major; triceps; serratusmagnus.VII C. Extensors and flexors of the wrist.VTTT C, Extensors and flexor longus of the fingers.
Text Appearing After Image:
rig.:. Fig.l Fig. 300.—Distribution of the superficial areas served by the different sensory roots, after Kocher. Red: area of cervical roots—C-i to Ct.Yellow: area of dorsal roots—D\ to D12.Green: area of lumbar roots—L\ to Lk.Blue: area of sacral roots—<Si to Sk. THE SYMPATHETIC NERVES 685 I T. All the small muscles of the hand and fingers. I-XII T. Muscles of the back. I-XI T. Intercostal muscles. VII-XII T. Abdominal muscles. I L. Lowermost parts of the abdominal muscles; quadratus lumborum. II L. Cremaster, III L. Psoas; sartorius; iliacus minor; pectineus; adductors of the thigh. IV L. Quadriceps femoris; gracilis; obturator externus (?). V L, Gluteus medius and minimus; tensor fasciae femoris; semitendi- nosus; semimembranosus; biceps.I S. Pyriformis; obturator internus; gemelli; quadratus femoris;gluteus maximus; long extensors of the foot and toes; pero-neus longus and brevis.II S. Long flexors of the foot and toes; large calf muscles; small footmuscles. III S. E

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.

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Flickr tags
  • bookid:textbookofhumanp00tige
  • bookyear:1906
  • bookdecade:1900
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Tigerstedt__Robert__1853_1923
  • bookauthor:Murlin__John_R___John_Raymond___b__1874__tr
  • booksubject:Physiology
  • bookpublisher:New_York_and_London__D__Appleton_and_Co_
  • bookcontributor:Columbia_University_Libraries
  • booksponsor:Open_Knowledge_Commons
  • bookleafnumber:718
  • bookcollection:medicalheritagelibrary
  • bookcollection:ColumbiaUniversityLibraries
  • bookcollection:americana
  • BHL Collection
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28. Juli 2014


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