Datei:Achintya Nilsen as Miss Indonesia 2017 attending Jember Fashion Carnaval 2017 (cropped).jpg

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English: Miss Southeast Asia Tourism Ambasaddress 2016/2017, Dikna Faradiba Maharani and Miss Indonesia 2017, Achintya Holte Nilsen attended the 16th Jember Fashion Carnaval 2017
Bahasa Indonesia: Miss Southeast Asia Tourism Ambasaddress 2016/2017, Dikna Faradiba Maharani dan Miss Indonesia 2017, Achintya Holte Nilsen menghadiri Jember Fashion Carnaval ke-16 tahun 2017
Quelle Miss Southeast Asia Tourism Ambasaddress 2016/2017 and Miss Indonesia 2017 attend 16th Jember Fashion Carnaval 2017
Urheber Government of Jember Regency (Pemerintah Kabupaten Jember), East Java, Indonesia
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: Miss Southeast Asia Tourism Ambasaddress and Miss Indonesia 2017 attended the 16th Jember Fashion Carnaval 2017.jpg


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aktuell23:52, 11. Jul. 2023Vorschaubild der Version vom 23:52, 11. Jul. 2023335 × 478 (22 KB)MithoronFile:Miss Southeast Asia Tourism Ambasaddress and Miss Indonesia 2017 attended the 16th Jember Fashion Carnaval 2017.jpg cropped 73 % horizontally, 41 % vertically using CropTool with lossless mode.

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