BeschreibungAmelia Gentleman at the British Library.jpg
English: Have We Got News For You. With 5x15
This event took place on the 19th of May 2022. The information below is correct as of the publication date.
The British Library is delighted to host 5x15’s long-awaited return to in-person events. The format is simple: 5 speakers with 15 minutes each to tell a story. Together we'll be exploring the news with those who shape it, write it and are the news!
Oliver Bullough is an award-winning author and journalist, specialising in financial skulduggery. His financial exposé Moneyland (2018), was a Sunday Times business bestseller and a Waterstones Book of the Month. His new book (March 2022) is Butler to the World: How Britain became the servant of tycoons, tax dodgers, kleptocrats and criminals.
Amelia Gentleman is a reporter and author of The Windrush Betrayal, Exposing the Hostile Environment. She has won the Orwell prize and many other awards for the Windrush investigations. ‘Her reporting proves why an independent free press is so vital for democracy,’ Reni Eddo-Lodge said about her. Previously Amelia reported from Delhi, Paris and Moscow.
verbreitet werden – vervielfältigt, verbreitet und öffentlich zugänglich gemacht werden
neu zusammengestellt werden – abgewandelt und bearbeitet werden
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British journalist Amelia Gentleman speaks at the British Library 5x15
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