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English: Anne Milton, Parliamentary Under Secretary
Urheber Health Office
(Weiternutzung dieser Datei)


Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom
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  • 2012-01-19 16:51 Musical Mind20 500×333× (57368 bytes) {{Information |Description={{en|Anne Milton, Parliamentary under Secretary}} |Source= |Date= |Author=Health Office |Permission=


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aktuell11:47, 13. Mär. 2012Vorschaubild der Version vom 11:47, 13. Mär. 2012300 × 329 (45 KB)Materialscientistcentering crop, brighten a bit
23:08, 24. Feb. 2012Vorschaubild der Version vom 23:08, 24. Feb. 2012500 × 333 (56 KB)File Upload Bot (Magnus Manske) {{BotMoveToCommons|en.wikipedia|year={{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}|month={{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}}|day={{subst:CURRENTDAY}}}} {{Information |Description={{en|en:Category:Members of Parliament of the United Kingdom House of Commons [[:en:Category:Member...
23:07, 24. Feb. 2012Vorschaubild der Version vom 23:07, 24. Feb. 2012500 × 333 (56 KB)File Upload Bot (Magnus Manske) {{BotMoveToCommons|en.wikipedia|year={{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}|month={{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}}|day={{subst:CURRENTDAY}}}} {{Information |Description={{en|en:Category:Members of Parliament of the United Kingdom House of Commons [[:en:Category:Member...

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