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English: "First Lady Melania Trump poses for a photo with 2017 International Women of Courage Awardee Sister Carolin Tahhan Fachakh of Syria during a ceremony at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C., on March 29, 2017." https://www.flickr.com/photos/statephotos/32909412573/in/album-72157681980941045/ "Sister Carol, as she is known, is a member of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. Throughout the war, Sister Carol has remained in Damascus, although she was born in Aleppo. She has put her life at risk to serve the people in this war-torn country and remains a beacon of hope. The nursery school she runs establishes a safe and friendly environment for more than 200 Muslim and Christian children, many of whom have been traumatized by the events of the war. The tailoring workshop, a United Nations Human Rights Council program she manages, provides a much-needed supportive community to vulnerable internally displaced women. The women receive an income and a job prospect, as well as support for their everyday needs. During the first year of the program, there were 14 pupils. Today over 100 Muslim and Christian women participate in the program, many of which have lost everything fleeing from other parts of Syria. At the end of the year-long training, participants have two choices: they can start working at home with a sewing machine provided by the school, selling their own creations or they can seek employment in the school workshop and earn a salary. Sales profits help the school to buy food for needy families, including some of the pupils and their own families, and to pay for rent, medication, and hospital fees as needed. Sister Carol explains, "We sisters help everyone, giving our all and without making distinctions between Christian and Muslim, following Jesus' example. Our work is also aided by volunteers and Muslim partners, good and generous people who work with such dedication. We feel deeply respected by them as well as by the entire population, including the army." [1]
Datum 29. März 2017, 11:30:26
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: First Lady Melania Trump Poses for a Photo With 2017 International Women of Courage Awardee Sister Carolin Tahhan Fachakh of Syria (32909412573).jpg
Urheber U.S. Department of State


Public domain This image is a work of a United States Department of State employee, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain per 17 U.S.C. § 101 and § 105 and the Department Copyright Information.


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