Datei:Close-up of the Einstein ring around galaxy NGC 6505 ESA506346.jpg

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English: A close-up view of the centre of the NGC 6505 galaxy, with the bright Einstein ring around its nucleus, captured by ESA’s Euclid space telescope.
The Einstein ring is formed by gravitational lensing, with the mass of galaxy NGC 6505 bending and magnifying the light from a more distant galaxy into a ring. NGC 6505 is a well-known galaxy only around 590 million light-years from Earth, and Euclid’s discovery of a spectacular Einstein ring here was unexpected.
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See the Einstein ring image in full-view here
[Image Description: A thin ring of a perfect circular shape and a piercingly bright white disc in its middle are the protagonists of this image. They stand out against a uniformly coloured background of a hazy dark grey. The ring appears as if it was a faint brush stroke, where at four evenly spaced spots more pressure was applied on the brush. These stand out in the ring as four brighter and thicker spots. The white disc within the ring gives the impression of a gaping hole in the image, through its stark contrast to the dark background.]
Datum 10. Februar 2025 (Hochladedatum)
Quelle Close-up of the Einstein ring around galaxy NGC 6505
Urheber European Space Agency
Andere Versionen
Space Science
distant Dark matter; Galaxy Galaxies Galaxies


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A close-up view of the centre of the NGC 6505 galaxy, with the bright Einstein ring around its nucleus, captured by ESA’s Euclid space telescope.

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