BeschreibungCoach USA Megabus Van Hool TD925 DD415.jpg
English: Coach USA Van Hool TD925 Astromega double-deck bus DD415 waits outside Madison Square Garden and Penn Station to depart on the 1715 departure at this stop.
NOTICE (English-US): This image, work, or other file associated with it is an original work by Adam E. Moreira (carrying either this name or AEMoreira042281), a resident of the United States of America, state of New York, county of Kings. This work, or any and all derivative works created therefrom now or in the future, may be used and released only under the terms of the license(s) (or other compatible license as indicated by the Creative Commons or GFDL; whichever one is given) below this notice. Any other use outside the terms given below is a violation of copyright laws in the United States or your home country as defined or governed by local copyright laws, international treaties, and conventions. Please do not copy this image illegally by ignoring the terms of the license(s), as it has not been released to the public domain. For permission to use this picture for any purposes other than indicated by the licenses here, please contact me directly. Furthermore, if persons are present in the picture, their inclusion is merely coincidental and solely the result of the natural circumstances surrounding the target of the picture as stated in the description above, except for cases where the person is the stated subject of the picture. In such cases where the image is specifically intended to depict a person or sporting event, then your use of this image may be restricted due to trademark, personality rights, or other rights of the league or teams involved independent of my rights as the photographer. You alone are responsible for ensuring that your usage does not infringe on the rights of any third party.
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{{Information |Description={{en|1=Coach USA Van Hool TD925 double-deck bus DD415 waits outside Madison Square Garden and Penn Station to depart on the 1715 departure at this stop.}} |Source=Own work by uploader |Author=[[User:AEMoreira042281|A
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