Datei:Coat of arms of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.svg

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English: Coat of arms of Ulaanbaatar, capital of Mongolia.

Adopted by Citizens' Representatives Khural of the Capital City in 1995. The coat of arms of the capital of Mongolia is Khandardi (Garuda), the deity of Bogd khan mountain, which is placed in the center of the shield shaped circle.

  • Khangardi has a Soyombo symbol on his forehead, a symbol of statehood and knowledge.
  • In his right hand, he holds a vajra-bow key, which represents opening the gates to its people and ever continuing development.
  • In his left hand, he cherishes the lotus flower, which symbolizes pureness and a tranquil existence without suffering,
  • Trampling a snake under his feet represents the demolishing of the roots of evil.
  • Representing stability and courage, the Khangardi symbolizes the city’s great expansion and its glory throughout the world.
Монгол: Нийслэл Улаанбаатар хотын бэлгэ тэмдэг.

Уг бэлгэ тэмдэг нь Нийслэлийн иргэдийн Төлөөлөгчдийн Хурлаас 1995 онд батлагдсан. Нийслэл хотын бэлгэ тэмдэг нь мөрөвчит дугуй дүрсний төвд байрласан Богдхан уулын уламжлалт шүтээн Хангарди байна.

  • Хангарди нь магнайдаа төрт ёс, эрдэм мэдлэгийн бэлгэдэл соёмботой,
  • Баруун гартаа түмэн олондоо үүд хаалгаа цэлгэр сайхнаар нээж өөдлөн дэвжихийн санааг илэрхийлсэн очир бариулт түлхүүртэй,
  • Зүүн гартаа энэлэн үгүй ариун тэгш оршихуйн баталгаа бадам цэцгийг нандигнан барьж,
  • Аливаа хорын үндсийг эгнэгт устган дарах санааг гишгэн зогсож буй могойгоор илэрхийлсэн байна.
  • Хангарди нь бат түвшин эрэмгий байдлыг илэрхийлж, хот өргөжиж алдар нэр нь тив дэлхийд мандан бадрахын утга санааг агуулдаг.
Эх загварыг Урлагийн гавьяат зүтгэлтэн, зураач Р.Лхамсүрэн зохиосон.
Quelle Official website of Municipality of Ulaanbaatar:

Original work by Honored Artist of Mongolia R.Lkhamsuren,

faithful reproduction by User:Saruul 04


Public domain This image (or other media file) is in the public domain in Mongolia and other jurisdictions.

According to Article 7 of the Law of Mongolia on Copyright and Related Rights as amended on May 6, 2021, works first published in Mongolia are exempt from copyright if they fall under one of the following categories (details):

  • legislation, administrative norm acts, and other legal acts
  • decisions and official documents of state administrative authorities and legal entities
  • court decisions, judgments, decrees, judge's ordinance, speech at court hearings
  • official translations of documents stated above
  • state emblems, coat of arms, flags, government awards, orders, medals, currency and other payment instrument
  • any news and information which transmit the simple facts and data created for the purpose of reporting the current events and results
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It is asserted that this work falls into one or more of the above categories and is public domain.


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Coat of arms of Ulaanbaatar

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aktuell20:36, 14. Jun. 2024Vorschaubild der Version vom 20:36, 14. Jun. 2024491 × 600 (181 KB)Saruul 04Uploaded a work by Original work by Honored Artist of Mongolia R.Lkhamsuren, faithful reproduction by User:Saruul 04 from Official website of Municipality of Ulaanbaatar: with UploadWizard

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