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Beschreibung Illustration of en:Conjugate gradient method
Datum (UTC)
Quelle self-made, with en:Matlab, and then tweaked in en:Inkscape
Urheber Oleg Alexandrov
Public domain Ich, der Urheberrechtsinhaber dieses Werkes, veröffentliche es als gemeinfrei. Dies gilt weltweit.
In manchen Staaten könnte dies rechtlich nicht möglich sein. Sofern dies der Fall ist:
Ich gewähre jedem das bedingungslose Recht, dieses Werk für jedweden Zweck zu nutzen, es sei denn, Bedingungen sind gesetzlich erforderlich.

Source code (MATLAB)

% A comparision of gradient descent and conjugate gradient (guess who wins)

function main()

   % data
   A=[17, 2; 2, 7];  % the matrix 
   b=[2, 2]';        % right-hand side
   x0=[0, 0]';       % the initial guess  

   % linewidth and font size
   lw= 2; 
   fs = 25;

% colors
   red=[0.867 0.06 0.14];
   blue = [0, 129, 205]/256;
   green = [0, 200,  70]/256;
   black = [0, 0, 0];
   white = 0.99*[1, 1, 1];

   % Set up the plotting window
   figure(1); clf; set(gca, 'fontsize', fs); hold on; axis equal; axis off; 
   s = 0.16; x = A\b;
   Ax = x(1)-s; Bx = x(1)+s; Ay = x(2)-2.0*s; By =  x(2)+s;
   plot([Ax Bx Bx Ax Ax], [Ay Ay By By Ay], 'color', blue, 'linewidth', lw/2); % plot a blue box
   s=0.005; plot(Ax-s, Ay-s, '*', 'color', white); plot(Bx+0.5*s, By+0.5*s, '*', 'color', white); %markers
   Box = [Ax Bx Ay By];
   axis (Box);
   % plot the contours of the quadratic form associated with A and b
   plot_contours(A, b, Box, lw, blue);

% Do conjugate gradient and gradient descent.
% For the first one, start a bit shifted so that the two graphs don't overlap.
   shift = 0.0015*[1, -1];
   tol = eps;
   x = conj_gradient(A, b, x0, tol, lw, red,   small_rad,  shift);
   x = grad_descent (A, b, x0, tol, lw, green, small_rad);

% text
   small = 0.015;
   text(x0(1)-2*small, x0(2)-1.6*small, 'x', 'fontsize', fs); 
   text(x0(1)-0.5*small, x0(2)-3*small, '0', 'fontsize', floor(0.7*fs)); 
   text(x(1)+small, x(2)+small, 'x', 'fontsize', fs);

% some balls for beauty
   small_rad = 0.003;
   ball(x0(1)+shift(1)/2, x0(2)+shift(2)/2, small_rad, blue)
   ball(x(1), x(2), small_rad, blue)

% save to disk as eps and svg
   saveas(gcf, 'Conjugate_gradient_illustration.eps', 'psc2');
function x = conj_gradient(A, b, x, tol, lw, color, small_rad, shift)

   r=A*x - b;

   while norm(r) > tol

      % a pretty ball for beauty, to cover imperfections when two segments are joined
      ball(x(1)+shift(1), x(2)+shift(2), small_rad, color);

      alpha = -dot(r, d)/dot(A*d, d);
      x0 = x;
      x = x + alpha*d;
      r=A*x - b;
      beta = dot(A*r, d)/dot(A*d, d);
      d0 = d;
      d = -r + beta*d;

      plot([x0(1), x(1)]+shift(1), [x0(2), x(2)]+shift(2), 'color', color, 'linewidth', lw)


function x = grad_descent(A, b, x, tol, lw, color, small_rad)

   r=A*x - b;

   while norm(r) > tol

      % a pretty ball for beauty, to cover imperfections when two segments are joined
      ball(x(1), x(2), small_rad, color);
      alpha = -dot(r, d)/dot(A*d, d);
      x0 = x;
      x = x + alpha*d;
      r=A*x - b;
      beta = 0; %beta = dot(A*r, d)/dot(A*d, d);
      d0 = d;
      d = -r + beta*d;

      plot([x0(1), x(1)], [x0(2), x(2)], 'color', color, 'linewidth', lw)



function plot_contours (A, b, Box, lw, color);

   N=200;  % number of points (don't make it big, code will be slow)

   E = A\b; % the exact solution, around which we will draw the contours
   B = 0.12;
   [X, Y]=meshgrid(linspace(Box(1)-B, Box(2)+B, N), linspace(Box(3)-B, Box(4)+B, N));     % X and Y coordinates

% the quadratic form f= (1/2)*x'*A*X-b'*x;
   f = inline('0.5*A(1, 1)*X.*X + A(1, 2)*X.*Y+0.5*A(2, 2)*Y.*Y-b(1)*X-b(2)*Y', 'X', 'Y', 'A', 'b');
   Z = 0.5*A(1, 1)*X.*X + A(1, 2)*X.*Y+0.5*A(2, 2)*Y.*Y-b(1)*X-b(2)*Y;

   % prepare to draw the contours
   x0 = A\b; f0 = f(x0(1), x0(2), A, b);
   No = 25; % number of contours
   Levels = (linspace(f0, 1, No)-f0).^2+f0;

% Plot the contours with 'contour' in figure(2), and then with 'plot' in figure(1).
% This is to avoid a bug in plot2svg, it can't save output of 'contour'.
   figure(2); clf; hold on;
   for i=1:length(Levels)

      [c, stuff] = contour(X, Y, Z, [Levels(i), Levels(i)]);

      [m, n]=size(c);
      if m > 1 & n > 0

	 % extract the contour from the contour matrix and plot in figure(1)
	 l=c(2, 1);
	 x=c(1,2:(l+1));  y=c(2,2:(l+1)); 
	 figure(1); plot(x, y, 'color', color, 'linewidth', lw/2);


function ball(x, y, r, color)
   H=fill(X, Y, color);
   set(H, 'EdgeColor', 'none');


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Version vomVorschaubildMaßeBenutzerKommentar
aktuell23:49, 23. Mär. 2024Vorschaubild der Version vom 23:49, 23. Mär. 2024804 × 1.212 (2 KB)Д.ИльинOptimization
02:49, 20. Jun. 2007Vorschaubild der Version vom 02:49, 20. Jun. 2007606 × 900 (179 KB)Oleg Alexandrov{{Information |Description=Illustration of en:Conjugate gradient method |Source=self-made, with en:Matlab, and then tweaked in en:Inkscape |Date= ~~~~~ |Author= Oleg Alexandrov }} {{PD-self}} [[Category:Numerical a

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