This illustration is designed to be used together with the image Forces_oblate_spheroid2
The arrows represent tendencies that are present in the case of a buoyant mass, that is travelling in eastward direction. That is: the buoyant mass is travelling eastward with respect to the Earth. The arrow marked 'Coriolis effect' represents a tendency to move away from the Earth's axis of rotation, a tendency that is proportional to the eastward velocity. This tendency can be decomposed in a component that is normal to the surface it is resting on and a component that is tangent to the surface it is resting on. The "vertical component" is called the Eötvös effect and the "horizontal component corresponds to the Coriolis effect as it is taken into account in meteorology.
This means that wind that flows in eastward direction will tend to veer towards the equator.
Created: 11 april 2006
Source: The image is a reworked version of an image by Anders Persson, published this articleArchivkopie in der Wayback Machine. In personal email communication, permission has been granted by Anders Persson to reuse the image.
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== Summary == '''Description:'''<br> This illustration is designed to be used together with the image Forces_oblate_spheroid2 The arrows represent tendencies that are present in the case of a buoyant mass, that is t