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BeschreibungCrossroads Baker Target Ship Map.png
English: The array of target ships in Bikini lagoon for the Baker shot of Operation Crossroads, July, 25, 1946. The ten red X's mark the ten ships that sank. The black circle, with a radius of 1,000 yards from the point of detonation, outlines the area of serious ship damage. The blue circle, 330-yard radius, marks the rim of the shallow underwater crater created by the blast, as well as the circumference of the hollow water column which capsized the Arkansas. The submarines were submerged, the Pilotfish, ship #8, to a keel depth of 56 feet, and the Apogon, ship # 2, to a keel depth of 100 feet.
Own work by uploader. Data in the map come from Delgado, James P., et al., The Archeology of the Atomic Bomb, National Park Service, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1991. The Able map is on p 16, the Baker map on p 17, and ship damage and distances on pp 86-136. The full text of this reference is posted on the Internet.[1]
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