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Text Appearing Before Image:Sewell Camp at Night.
Text Appearing After Image:Sewell (El Teniente Copper Mines) near Rancagua. MINING 179 way line to Rancagua, at a spot where the junction ofthe Coya and a canal from the Cachapoal River formsa waterfall of 422 feet, yielding hydraulic power suffi-cient for the generation of 40,cxx5 H.P. A new powerhouse recently completed, on the Pangal River, an-other near-by Andean torrent joining the Cachapoaland Coya, adds to the equipment by which the BradenCompany contemplates 10,000 tons of daily crushing,operations which should result in the production ofover 70,000 tons of bar copper each year. Paralysationof international markets has so far checked the material-isation of these plans, and during 1921 the plant wasoperated at no more than half its capacity. The mostprosperous year which the mine has had so far was thatof 1918, when El Teniente produced nearly 35,000metric tons of bar copper, out of the Chilean total pro-duction of rather more than 102,200 tons: a year later,1919, the Braden Company sold and shipped onl
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29. Juli 2014
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