"Feargal gave a talk last night on the state of the music industry at the Mandrake Club. Unfortunately it left me feeling fairly disillusioned...Feargal said much about the people who are losing money due to piracy, but had no ideas to share on how to solve this problem. In Q&A I asked him whether the music industry might be better off focusing on selling scarce items (especially public appearance) rather than abundant items (such as digital artifacts, which can be shared without loss). Hat tip to JP for these ideas, by the way, I got them from him. Feargal ignored the point and said that the primary reason people make music is to make a living. citation from Flickr user Phillie Casablanca[1])
In your comments you say that Feargal said the "teenage Kicks" was about masturbation. I don't know what he was on that day but that is total nonsense. Feargal Sharkey did not write "Teenage Kicks" or any of The Undertones songs. It was written 100% by John O'Neill. The lyrics were never changed from the day it was written to the day it was recorded and it was never and is not about masturbation. John O'Neill is adamant on this matter. It is defamatory to say that that is the subject matter.
I'm sure you'd rather have the truth printed in your name so I'm sure you will want to correct this.
Andy Ferguson
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Diese Bilddatei wurde ursprünglich auf Flickr durch Phillie Casablanca in https://www.flickr.com/photos/19451080@N00/3196562798 hochgeladen. Sie wurde am 24. Januar 2009 durch den FlickreviewR-Bot geprüft und die Lizenzierung der Datei unter den Bedingungen von cc-by-2.0 wurde bestätigt.
24. Januar 2009
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{{Information |Description= Fergal gave a talk last night on the state of the music industry at the Mandrake Club. Unfortunately it left me feeling fairly disillusioned...Fergal said much about the people who are losing money due to privacy, but had no id
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