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English: Flag of Tarrant County, Texas
Quelle Eigenes Werk created using File:United States Public Domain Map.svg for the shape of Texas and GLOBAL-HERO-US-Texas-Tarrant-Flags2.jpg as a reference image.
Urheber SVG created by Offnfopt, original flag design by unknown author but aside from the shape of Texas only consists of simple shapes and text so {{PD-textlogo}} applies.
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County Waves Its First Flag By James Pinkerton Star Telegram Writer (May 27, 1981)

County fathers no longer will cringe with shame when they pass local flagpoles flying the colors of the city of Fort Worth, the great state of Texas or “Old Glory”. On Tuesday morning, the Tarrant County commissioners Court proudly gave birth to a new tradition, placing its stamp of approval on the first – ever Tarrant County flag. The flag is sky blue with a white outline of Texas flanked by two white stars. Inside the outline is a smaller white star, roughly where Tarrant County appears on state maps. The commissioners court, honored the flags’ designer, Trimble Technical High School senior, Nova Sheppard, with a framed mock-up of the first flag that will wave in front of the new county administration building. Ms. Sheppard, who graduated from Trimble Tech Tuesday night, beat out 2,500 other designs submitted from students at 115 Junior in high schools in Tarrant County and won $100 savings bond for her artwork. Her principal, Paul Galvan, received a plaque on behalf of the school in recognition of his student’s accomplishment. Members of the court were pleased, but you could remember why the county needed a flag in the first place. “I don’t know, the city has a flag, everybody has a flag, so the county ought to have a flag. I don’t know that everybody needs a flag, but we got into it.“ Commissioner Lyn Gregory said. Commissioner Dick Anderson said it became a point of honor because the city had a flag and the county had none. (1981)

Comments from Nova’s high school teachers: Her Commercial Arts teacher stated “ I said to her, how she didn’t know she could draw? She’s been terrific! I wish she would have come to that realization earlier. Best wishes for a successful future I know she’ll make it.” Anna Blair (1981)

Her English teacher said ” I told her, thank you so much for being an asset not only in English class, but also to the Annual staff. I know that this year’s book will be special, due largely to her artwork. I am glad I could share her senior year with her. God bless her always.” Maureen Baldock (1981)

Early Life

Upon graduating from high school Nova received an Art scholarship and graduated from the Art Institute of Dallas (FKA) the Fashion & Art Institute of Dallas. After graduating from the art college in 1983, she married her high school sweetheart, Andre Wilson. From their marriage they have two daughters, Tiana and Cassea, and two sons, Shane and Chase, born from 1984-1989. Nova continued her education and graduated from Texas Wesleyan University receiving her bachelors degree, and went on to pursue her Master’s degree first attending University Of North Texas Health Science Center, and then University of North Texas, in Denton Texas. In 2004, she received her Juris Doctor from Texas Wesleyan University School of Law, now Texas A&M University School of Law.


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