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English: The Fornax Galaxy Cluster is one of the closest of such groupings beyond our Local Group of galaxies. This VISTA image was constructed from images taken through Z, J and Ks filters in the near-infrared part of the spectrum and has captured many of the cluster members in a single image. At the lower-right is the elegant barred-spiral galaxy NGC 1365 and to the left the big elliptical NGC 1399, surrounded by a swarm of faint globular clusters. The image is about 1 degree by 1.5 degrees in extent and the total exposure time was 25 minutes.
Español: El Cúmulo de Galaxias Fornax es uno de los más cercanos de tales tipos de agrupaciones, aparte de nuestro Grupo Local de galaxias. Esta imagen de VISTA fue construida a partir de otras tomadas con filtros Z, J y Ks en la parte infrarroja cercana del espectro y ha logrado capturar a muchos de los miembros del cúmulo en una sola imagen. En la parte inferior derecha está la elegante galaxia espiral barrada NGC 1365 y hacia la izquierda, la gran elíptica NGC 1399 rodeada por un enjambre de débiles cúmulos globulares. La imagen es de aproximadamente 1 grado por 1,5 grados en forma extendida y el tiempo de exposición total fue de 25 minutos.
ESO/J. Emerson/VISTA. Acknowledgment: Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit
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The Fornax Galaxy Cluster is one of the closest of such groupings beyond our Local Group of galaxies. This VISTA image was constructed from images taken through Z, J and Ks filters in the near-infrared part of the spectrum and has captured many of the cluster members in a single image. At the lower-right is the elegant barred-spiral galaxy NGC 1365 and to the left the big elliptical NGC 1399, surrounded by a swarm of faint globular clusters. The image is about 1 degree by 1.5 degrees in extent and the total exposure time was 25 minutes.
ESO/J. Emerson/VISTA. Acknowledgment: Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit
European Southern Observatory
The Fornax Cluster of Galaxies
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license
11:30, 11. Dez. 2009
15.427 px
12.549 px
Bits pro Farbkomponente
Art der Kompression
Anzahl Komponenten
Horizontale Auflösung
0,086206896551724 dpi
Vertikale Auflösung
296.809 dpi
Nicht kalibriert
12.549 px
15.427 px
Datum, zu dem die Metadaten letztmalig geändert wurden