BeschreibungFortress Minethrower 12 cm (48735728027).jpg
The installation is located on a hiking trail and from the outside there is not much to see. The entrance is disguised as a water reservoir. The special feature of this minethrower is, that it was not installed as a monobloc but in a tunnel system. The guns and the entrance are only 45 m apart as shown on the sketch, but the access leads first far under the hill and then right again to the outside till the knoll. The other parts such as ammunition, technics and accommodation are also decentralized under the hill, connected with tunnels.
The <a href="">lid</a> over the gun opening is covered with earth. It is recognizable on old aerial photographs.
Because the object is located in the area of the society (AFOM) Fort Magletsch, there are efforts in progress to take over it after declassification. An interesting and worth seeing installation. According to unconfirmed information, this unusual build of a mine thrower was created because in 1940 a facility for the infantry had already been built, which was then converted. A historical aspect that has yet to be explored and verified. Switzerland, Sep 6, 2019. (2/6)
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27. Juni 2022
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