Memorial in Geneva, Switzerland, for Marcel Junod (1904-1961), Delegate and member of the International Committee of the Red Cross; Benoit Junod, the son of Marcel Junod, and family in front of the memorial (about September 2005)
Source: received from Benoit Junod via e-mail
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Required text: (c) Benoit Junod, Switzerland
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Geneva (Switzerland) memorial to the victims of the atomic bomb and to Marcel Junod delegate of the International Comittte of the Red Cross. Featuring Benoît Junod, son of Marcel with wife and kids.
Mémorial à Genève dédié aux victimes de la bombe atomique et à Marcel Junod (1904-1961) Délégué et membre du Comité International de la Croix-Rouge. En présence de Benoît Junod, fils de Marcel et sa famille.(photo de Septembre 2005 environ).
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