BeschreibungGresham's School - the school chapel - - 1250705.jpg
English: Gresham's School - the school chapel The west end of the chapel adjoins a playing field. The school chapel, designed by the Scottish architect Maxwell Ayrton, was built between 1912 and 1916, and is now a listed building. The foundation stone of the chapel was laid by the chairman of governors, Sir Edward Busk, on 8 June 1912. The Chapel bell was cast in Whitechapel in 1915 and is inscribed with the words Ring in the Christ that is to be, Donum Dedit J. R. E.. The Gresham family motto, Fiat voluntas tua ('Thy will be done') appears on the chapel's main door.
The school was founded in 1555 by Sir John Gresham, who converted Holts Manor House into a Free Grammar School as a result of Henry VIIIs suppression of the Monasteries. It survived the Great Fire of 1708 which destroyed most of medieval Holt and was extensively enlarged and refurbished in Victorian times. Renamed Old School House it currently serves as home to the Pre-Prep School. At the turn of the twentieth century, Greshams was refounded under the direction of a new and innovative headmaster, George Howson and the School moved to the existing site. The Senior School and Prep School are presently located along both sides of Cromer Road on the eastern edge of Holt. There are four boarding houses for boys and three for girls and a wide range of buildings which include Big School, the School Chapel, the Auden Theatre, the Cairns Centre, the School Library, the Music Centre, the Central Block, the Thatched Classrooms, the Reith Laboratories, the Biology Building, the Armoury, and others. In September 2005, Gresham's was one of the leading British schools.
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== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |description={{en|1=Gresham's School - the school chapel The west end of the chapel adjoins a playing field. The school chapel, designed by the Scottish architect Maxwell Ayrton, was built between 1912 and 1916, and is
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