Text Appearing Before Image: s largelypractised ; huts are throughout circular with conical or domedroofs, and pile-houses are found (Nuer). Tobacco is much smoked,many of the pipes being of enormous size (figs. 167, 168). The Jur and Dor are skilful smelters and workers of iron (fig.12), and baskets and wooden pillows are found amongst mosttribes. Art is chielly limited to the rude geometrical paintings onAcholi huts, the memorial figures carved by the Dor, and the claymodels of cattle made by the Dinka. The cliief weapons are the club, socketed spear and bow ; butwrist-knives (Acholi, Jibbeh, Latuka, fig. 169, c), spiktd wristlets <J 3 196 AFRICA (Mittu, fig. 1G9,«) and thro wing-knives (Nuor) are also found.The Ja-Luo alone use swords of the Masai pattern. Smallparrying-shields (fig. 170) of wood (Dinka, Mundu) or hide(Lango), and larger patterns of hide (Acholi, Lango, Ja-Luo, figs.163, //, 171) are in use. These tribes are governed by chiefswhose rule is of a patriarchal nature ; marriage is by purchase, Text Appearing After Image: Fig. 172.—Lizard-skin drum. Lango tribe, Uganda Protectorate. and the dead are buried. Dor graves are the most elaborate, andconsist of a shaft containing a niche. The characteristic musicalinstruments of this neighbourhood are tlae side-blown horn ofivory (fig. 169, d) or wood and the whistle of horn. A fewstringed instruments occur (Dinka, Mittu, Acholi, Ja-Luo), anddrums (fig. 172) are common. Among the tribes practising agri-culture, most of religious thought centres round rain-making(Bari); the only tribe in which the religious beliefs are known AFRICA 197 to any extent are the Dinka, who sacrifice to a creator namedDeng-Deet. On the whole, religious beliefs seem very primitiveand vague in this area. Closely connected racially and geographically with the Niloticnegroes are the transitional tribes spread over the country to the
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