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Zu den folgenden Bedingungen:
Namensnennung – Du musst angemessene Urheber- und Rechteangaben machen, einen Link zur Lizenz beifügen und angeben, ob Änderungen vorgenommen wurden. Diese Angaben dürfen in jeder angemessenen Art und Weise gemacht werden, allerdings nicht so, dass der Eindruck entsteht, der Lizenzgeber unterstütze gerade dich oder deine Nutzung besonders.
tl;dr: The appropieate credit outside wikimedia: "Photo: Nehemia Gershuni-Aylho, CC BY-SA 3.0," - yes, with live link.
I am the author & creator of the photo published here, it cost me time, money, and sweat (but no tears) - and credit for my work is the basic reward.
The image can be used freely, including for commercial purposes, under the license terms stated here.
When using the image online and/or in print media (including e-books), the following must be specified with clearly identifiable reference to the photo: my name as an author, the license ( "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 International" (CC BY-SA 3.0) and either the link to this original page (that is: the source of this file) or "". If this is not possible, another appropriate way of attribution that fulfills the same purpose must be chosen. The license is not valid, void, without that credit attached from the very first moment of publication.
For example next to the picture: "Photo: Nehemia Gershuni-Aylho, CC BY-SA 3.0,"
When using the image both online and in print publications (including e-books), please send me the relevant link or ISBN/title/author by my contact form. Also, I will be very glad to receive a free copy, for my own portfolio.
If you have any questions regarding my work or if you are interested in using this photo or other photos by me under other conditions, please contact me by my contact form.
Please do not overwrite my original version with a modified image without discussing with me first. I would like to make corrections only from the uncompressed RAW file. This ensures that changes are preserved and are based on the best possible source to achieve a high quality. If you think that changes are required, please, get in touch with the me. Otherwise, you can upload a new image with a different name without overwriting this one. Use {{Derived from}} or {{Extracted from}} for this purpose.
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