English: Holme by Newark: St Giles In its way one of the most remarkable churches in the county, wrote Nikolaus Pevsner. With the exception of the north wall, the roof, the brick gable ends and the spire, everything dates from the late fifteenth century, and is due to John Barton, who had made his fortune from the wool trade with France and began the rebuilding c. 1485. According to the 17th-century Nottinghamshire antiquarian Robert Thoroton, there was an inscription in a window of Barton's house at Holme which read: "I thanke God and ever shall / It is the sheepe hath payed for all". Barton died in 1491 and is buried in the church.
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{{Information |description={{en|1=Holme by Newark: St Giles In its way one of the most remarkable churches in the county, wrote Nikolaus Pevsner. With the exception of the north wall, the roof, the brick gable ends and the spire, everything dates from the late fifteenth century, and is due to John Barton, who had made his fortune from the wool trade with France and began the rebuilding c. 1485. According to the 17th-century Nottinghamshire antiquarian Robert Thoroton, there was an inscripti...
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