The diagram demonstrates the arguments proposed in the aquatic ape hypothesis (AAH) and related water-based models (e.g. the shore-based diet model), that swimming, diving, and a semi-aquatic lifestyle may have influenced human evolution, caused numerous adaptations in human morphology, anatomy and physiology.
This diagram is a plain description of the hypothesis and does not provide any support nor criticism to the arguments.
It must be noted that the points listed are not facts, but hypothetical claims that require further scientific investigations to verify their accuracy, falsifiability, and relevance to human evolution.
The possible adaptations are grouped into aspects: swimming, floating, diving, foraging, walking, running, pregnancy, infancy, gender, sex, and a zoom-in of the head and the upper body.
Hardy AC (1960) Was man more aquatic in the past? New Scientist 17 Mar 7 (174): 642-645
Morgan E (1982) The Aquatic Ape. Stein & Day Pub
Morgan E (1990) The Scars of Evolution. Souvenir Press
Morgan E (1997) The Aquatic Ape Hypothesis. Penguin
Roede M, Wind J, Patrick J, Reynolds V (eds.) (1991) Aquatic Ape: Fact or Fiction? Souvenir Press
Vaneechoutte M, Kuliukas AV, Verhaegen M (eds.) (2011) Was Man More Aquatic in the Past? Fifty Years After Alister Hardy - Waterside Hypothesis of Human Evolution. Bentham Science Publishers
Cunnane SC, Stewart KM (eds.) (2010) Human Brain Evolution: The Influence of Freshwater and Marine Food Resources. Wiley-Blackwell
Niemitz C (2010) The evolution of the upright posture and gait – a review and a new synthesis. Die Naturwissenschaften 97 (3): 241-263
Odent M (1996) We are All Water Babies. Celestial Arts
Verhaegen M et al.: various publications in Medical Hypotheses (1985, 1987), Nutrition and Health (1993), Ecology Research Progress (2007)
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