English: Indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) of a diprotist culture containing Colpodella sp. ATCC 50594 and Parabodo caudatus (homotypic synonym: Bodo caudatus, according to NCBI Taxonomy). Samples of the diprotist culture containing Colpodella sp. ATCC 50594 and Parabodo caudatus were fixed with absolute methanol. Panels A-D. Diprotist culture was incubated with antiserum 686 (1:100; green) and anti-β-tubulin KMX-1 (1:1000; red) followed by incubation with ALEXA-488 Goat anti-rabbit antibody (1:1000) and ALEXA 633 Goat anti-mouse antibody (1:1000). Smears were mounted with Vectashield containing DAPI for nuclear staining. Panel A, Merge of antiserum 686, KMX-1 and DAPI showing 686 antibody reactivity with cytoplasmic vesicles in the anterior section of Colpodella trophozoites and the apical tip of the cell; B, DAPI nuclear staining, C, KMX-1 reactivity on cell body and flagella of Colpodella trophozoite (red) and D, antiserum 686 reactivity (green) showing protein recognition and reactivity of the cytoplasm and vesicles.
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Uploaded a work by Tobili Sam-Yellowe, Raghavendra Yadavalli (cropped and digitally enhanced) from Fig. 3A-D in [http://www.annexpublishers.co/full-text/JMC/3103/Giemsa-Staining-and-Antibody-Characterization-of-Colpodella-sp-Apicomplexa.php ''Giemsa Staining and Antibody Characterization of ''Colpodella'' sp. (Apicomplexa)'']. In: ''Annex Publishers'': ''Journal of Mcrobiology and Modern Techniques'' volume 3, issue 1, pp 1–8, ISSN: 2575-5498; ResearchGate: [https://www.researchgate.net/...
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