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English: Orbit of a negatively charged test particle (q/m·√(K/G)=-0.25) around a positively charged and rotating Kerr-Newman black hole (charge ℧/M·√(K/G)=+0.4 and spin Jc/G/M²=+0.9). Initial local velocity and equatorial inclination: v0=0.4c, i0=40°. Red: test particle, dashed magenta: locally stationary ZAMO. For an other example with different initial conditions see here.
Quelle Eigenes Werk (Code)
Urheber Yukterez (Simon Tyran, Vienna)
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Animated thumbnail Kerr-Newman-Orbit-1-thumbnail.gif


01) Coordinate time (GM/c^3)         11) BL r coordinate (GM/c^2)         21) BH central charge (M/√(K/G))     31) Observed framedragging rate (c^3/G/M)
02) Proper time (GM/c^3)             12) BL φ coordinate (radians)        22) Particle charge (m/√(K/G))       32) Local framedragging velocity (c)
03) Total time dilation (dt/dτ)      13) BL θ coordinate (radians)        23) BH Irreducible mass (M)          33) Cartesian framedragging velocity (c)
04) Grav. time dilation (dt/dτ)      14) dr/dτ (c)                        24) Kinetic energy (mc^2)            34) Proper velocity (c, dl/dτ)
05) Local energy (dt/dτ, mc^2)       15) dφ/dτ (c^3/G/M)                  25) Potential energy (mc^2)          35) Observed velocity (c, d{x,y,z}/dt)
06) Cartesian radius (GM/c^2)        16) dθ/dτ (c^3/G/M)                  26) Total energy (mc^2)              36) Escape velocity (c)
07) x Axis (GM/c^2)                  17) d^2r/dτ^2 (c^6/G/M)              27) Carter constant (GMm/c)^2        37) Local r velocity (c)
08) y Axis (GM/c^2)                  18) d^2φ/dτ^2 (c^6/G^2/M^2)          28) φ angular momentum (GMm/c)       38) Local θ velocity (c)
09) z Axis (GM/c^2)                  19) d^2θ/dτ^2 (c^6/G^2/M^2)          29) θ angular momentum (GMm/c)       39) Local φ velocity (c)
10) travelled distance (GM/c^2)      20) Spin parameter (GM^2/c)          30) Radial momentum (mc)             40) Total local velocity (c)


Line-element in Boyer-Lindquist-coordinates:

Shorthand terms:

with the dimensionless spin parameter a=Jc/G/M² and the dimensionless electric charge parameter ℧=Qₑ/M·√(K/G). Here G=M=c=K=1 so that a=J und ℧=Qₑ, with lengths in GM/c² and times in GM/c³.

Co- and contravariant metric:

Contravariant Maxwell tensor:

The coordinate acceleration of a test-particle with the specific charge q is given by

with the Christoffel-symbols

So the second proper time derivatives are

for the time component,

for the radial component,

the poloidial component and

for the axial component of the 4-acceleration. The total time dilation is

where the differentiation goes by the proper time τ for charged (q≠0) and neutral (q=0) particles (μ=-1, v<1), and for massless particles (μ=0, v=1) by the spatial affine parameter ŝ. The relation between the first proper time derivatives and the local three-velocity components relative to a ZAMO is

The local three-velocity in terms of the position and the constants of motion is

which reduces to

if the charge of the test particle is q=0. The escape velocity of a charged particle with zero orbital angular momentum is

which for a neutral test particle with q=0 reduces to

with the gravitational time dilation of a locally stationary ZAMO

which is infinite at the horizon. The time dilation of a globally stationary particle (with respect to the fixed stars) is

which is infinite at the ergosphere. The Frame-Dragging angular velocity observed at infinity is

The local frame dragging velocity with respect to the fixed stars is therefore

which is c at the ergosphere. The axial radius of gyration is

The 3 conserved quantities are 1) the total energy:

2) the axial angular momentum:

3) the Carter constant:

The effective radial potential whose zero roots define the turning points is

and the poloidial potential

with the parameter

The azimutal and latitudinal impact parameters are

The horizons and ergospheres have the Boyer-Lindquist-radius

In this article the total mass equivalent M, which also contains the rotational and the electrical field energy, is set to 1; the relation of M with the irreducible mass is

where a is in units of M.


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Orbit eines negativ geladenen Partikels um ein positiv geladenes und rotierendes schwarzes Loch

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Version vomVorschaubildMaßeBenutzerKommentar
aktuell19:16, 13. Apr. 2019Vorschaubild der Version vom 19:16, 13. Apr. 2019758 × 544 (10,08 MB)Yukterezusing a version with rounder numbers (inclination 40° instead of arctan(5/6) rad)
17:55, 12. Apr. 2019Vorschaubild der Version vom 17:55, 12. Apr. 2019758 × 544 (4,28 MB)Yukterezthere was a glitch in the display
19:12, 14. Mär. 2019Vorschaubild der Version vom 19:12, 14. Mär. 2019758 × 544 (7,02 MB)Yukterezadding the 3 components of the local 3-velocity to the numeric display
10:29, 10. Mär. 2019Vorschaubild der Version vom 10:29, 10. Mär. 2019758 × 544 (6,91 MB)Yukterezusing a version where the testparticle is also charged
05:18, 10. Mär. 2019Vorschaubild der Version vom 05:18, 10. Mär. 2019758 × 544 (4,28 MB)Yukterezextended numeric display now showing 1st and 2nd derivatives
11:22, 22. Aug. 2017Vorschaubild der Version vom 11:22, 22. Aug. 2017758 × 500 (4,09 MB)YukterezUser created page with UploadWizard

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