English: John Titus had the contract to build the Hampton Lighthouse. It was built November, 1911 by Joseph Marshall on a parcel of land bought from Lloyd Brooks. When it was built it had a kerosene lamp that had to be lit each night at sunset and extinguished at daylight. The lightkeeper lived in his house in the village. Supplies, such as oil about five or six 45 gal. drums, brooms, rags, mops, paint, pails, soaps, etc. were brought by ship once a year, usually in June by the buoy boat "Dollard". She would heave to about a mile offshore then a large tender or walk boat with about 20 sailors, mostly French, would bring the supplies ashore. If it was low tide they would land on the beach, offload the oil drums onto planks and roll them all the way up the hill to the lighthouse. If it were high tide or if they could come along side the wharf, they would parbuckle the oil filled drums onto the wharf and roll them up the hill.
The picturesque Hampton Lighthouse was originally lit by kerosene when it was built in 1911. The lightkeeper lived in the village and travelled to the light each night to light the lamp inside the little sixth-order lens. The light was changed to electric in the 1940's. Between February and May 1993, the Coast Guard re-shingled the sides and repaired the lantern.
Location: In from end of breakwater, Chute Cove
Standing: This light is still standing.
Operating: This light is operational
Automated: All operating lights in Nova Scotia are automated.
Began: 1911
Year Lit: 1911
Structure Type: Tapered square wood tower, white
Light Characteristic: Fixed White (1992)
Tower Height: 033ft feet high.
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