This photograph was taken by Ryan Sharpe and may only be used under the terms of the license described below. As a courtesy, please send the author a quick note if you use this image outside of Wikimedia.
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The photographical reproduction of this work is covered under s. 32.2(1)(b) of the Copyright Act (Canada), which states:
32.2 (1) It is not an infringement of copyright...
(b) for any person to reproduce, in a painting, drawing, engraving, photograph or cinematographic work
(i) an architectural work, provided the copy is not in the nature of an architectural drawing or plan, or
(ii) a sculpture or work of artistic craftsmanship or a cast or model of a sculpture or work of artistic craftsmanship, that is permanently situated in a public place or building
This freedom does not apply to typical two-dimensional works such as paintings, murals, advertising hoardings, maps, posters, signs or other flat artworks. See COM:CRT/Canada#Freedom of panorama for more information.
Please do not overwrite this photograph with a modified image without first consulting with the author. The author would like to make any potential changes, even minor ones, only at his own source (often a RAW file), in order to preserve the quality of the image. If you think that changes are needed, please contact the author.
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{{User:Sharpery/templates/info |Description = {{en|The Lion's Head Lighthouse in Lion's Head, a town on the Georgian Bay shore of the Bruce Peninsula.}} |Year = 2018 |Manufacturer = Nikon |Month = 09 |Model = D40x |Day = 17 |Location = |Location-01 = Lion's Head Light |Location-02 = Lion's Head, Ontario |Location-02-display=Lion's Head |Location-03 = Northern Bruce Peninsula |Location-04 = Bruce County |CA-province = Ontario |Country = Canada...
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