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English: M. V. Rajamma, South Indian actress
தமிழ்: எம். வி. ராஜம்மா, தென்னிந்தியத் திரைப்பட நடிகை
Quelle Pesum Padam, April 1949 (Tamil magazine, Chennai, India)
institution QS:P195,Q126728474


Public domain
For background information, see the explanation on Non-U.S. copyrights. This template applies to works first published in India. For anonymous works, photographs, cinematographic works, government works, works of corporate authorship or of international organizations, and posthumous works (other than those above), this template applies to works published before January 1, 1941, and for any other kind of work, this template applies if the author died before January 1, 1941. Please also note that this template should not be used for sound recordings.

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