BeschreibungMap of cumulative COVID-19 death rates by US state.png
English: Map of cumulative COVID-19 death rates by US state per 100,000 people.
is the date of the first upload to the Commons. See the file history below for the most recent upload date. Please upload new versions. Use the upload link at the end of the file history list.
Quelle - Run your cursor over the map to see the dates and data for each state. When you first arrive at the map there will be a circle on top of one of the states (your state according to your ISP). You can remove that circle by deleting the state name above the map. A border was added (image menu, add border), and text was inserted (edit menu, insert text) on the map with freeware IrfanView. From the source page: "The data on this page is courtesy of USAFacts – a nonprofit, nonpartisan civic initiative – and includes information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state and local health departments. See a detailed methodology at the USAFacts website."
Freeware Irfanview instructions using Firefox browser.
Increase text size until color bar is at maximum size without extending past edges of map. Around 133% on my settings.
Scroll page so "Map" is barely touching top of screen.
Go to full screen. Or screenshot will not get all of map and legend.
Right click the image > take screenshot.
Have to do a "save visible" screenshot. Not a crop.
Full page is unnecessary. And produces a much smaller final image size.
Copy, not download. Paste into Irfanview.
Crop map and legend. Start crop at just above top of "Map". (Edit menu > crop selection).
Erase "Map". (Edit menu > show paint dialog > eraser).
Text below to insert with example date. Use date from hovering over a map state.
COVID-19 death rates per 100,000.
USA. May 13, 2023.
On the map select a rectangle that barely touches the top of Maine.
Or just click the map where the top left corner of that rectangle should be. Then:
Edit menu > insert text > Center the text > Arial. Regular. Black text. > Preview.
Change font size to fit the text at maximum size above the map.
Add border. (Image menu, add border).
Save as PNG. Compression level 9.
Use OptiPNG plugin; default level 2.
Do the above at the same time. Plugin lowers kilobytes significantly. Level 2 gets very slightly smaller kilobyte size then the much slower level 7! Level 2 takes a few seconds. Level 7 takes a minute.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
This map is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship. For more information, see Commons:Threshold of originality § Maps.