English: Genome organization of proposed Salmonella phage LPSEYT, Myoviridae genus LPSEYTvirus (now Rosemountvirus). Patterns are divided into four circles: the full length of the genome is indicated in the first circle; the open reading frame is indicated in the second circle, and ORFs are transcribed in the clockwise or the counterclockwise direction; GC content is indicated in the third circle; while on the fourth circle, GC skew of G-C/G+C is indicated as green and purple, and green means that the value of GC skew is greater than 0 and purple means that the value is less than 0. The open reading frames marked with red, blue, yellow and orange indicate genes encoding structural proteins, cell lysis proteins, nucleotide metabolism and genome replication proteins, and Ig-like proteins, respectively; ORFs with homology to unannotated proteins or hypothetical proteins in the database are indicated in grey.
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