Datei:Moths of the British Isles Plate158.jpg

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English: Plate 158.
DescriptionBinomial in textModern accepted name
1, 2. Common Quaker Moth. Tæniocampa stabilisOrthosia cerasi
3-7. Powdered Quaker.Tæniocampa gracilisOrthosia gracilis
8. Blossom Underwing. Tæniocampa miniosaOrthosia miniosa
9, 10. Small Quaker.Tæniocampa pulverulentaOrthosia cruda
11, 12. Twin-spotted Quaker.Tæniocampa mundaOrthosia munda
Quelle The Moths of the British Isles.
Urheber Richard South


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aktuell00:03, 5. Jan. 2013Vorschaubild der Version vom 00:03, 5. Jan. 2013925 × 1.272 (118 KB)Keith Edkins=={{int:filedesc}}== {{Information |description={{en|Plate 158. <table> <tr><td>Description</td><td style{{=}}"padding-right:2em">Binomial in text</td><td>Modern accepted name</td></tr> <tr><td style{{=}}"padding-right:2em">1, 2. Common Quaker Moth. </...

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