I drew a musical instrument classification chart in GIMP, and then ported it to Inkscape, and then I got a professional graphic artist to help with making the layout look nicer, but unfortunately the graphic artist uses commercial software on a microsoft computer, so the resulting file doesn't seem to any longer be compatible with uploading to Wikimedia Commons.
I also tried loading into Inkscape and then re-saving it, but the result still does not upload to Wikimedia Commons.
To get my drawing out from behind the copper curtain of MicrosoftAdobe and into the Free World, here is a screen capture as a bitmap image.
If anyone has any better suggestions, please advise.
NOTE: The subtitles "Earth", "Water", "Air", "Fire", and "Idea" are misleading and should not be considered accurate representations of their corresponding state of matter. This chart connects the five classical elements (from Aristotle) to states of matter, proper only in such instrumental organology and not physically accurate. It should be clarified that, in contrast to what is stated in the image, fire is indeed not a plasma, fire is a chemical reaction that is not composed of matter, thus is not categorized under any state of matter and is only visual, not physical. Plasma is a special gas state that contains interacting ions (charged particles) as opposed to non-interacting particles. Unlike what the image suggests, plasma is not merely an electrically charged gas, nor a "fire".
Furthermore, "Quintessance" should be spelled "Quintessence", and is not a "process" nor "procedure", but rather is a denotation of the vacuum energy responsible for the expansion of the universe (dark energy). With that said, it is physical and is limited to space. Its corresponding to the Quintephone is not clear. For Mann, electronic instruments, i.e. electrophones, are a proper subset of quintephones, but the category quintephone is necessary to describe computational sound synthesizers that operate by other-than-electrical means, such as synthesizers that work using optical computing. They generate their sound informatically with no apparent relation to physic's Quintessence other than the shared prefix.
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I drew a musical instrument classification chart in GIMP, and then ported it to Inkscape, and then I got a professional graphic artist to help with making the layout look nicer, but unfortunately the graphic artist uses commercial software on a microsoft