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neu zusammengestellt werden – abgewandelt und bearbeitet werden
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2007-04-02T06:14:09Z Gmaxwell 1639x1852 (931168 Bytes) Please do not include copyrighted fonts in your SVGs.
2007-04-02T06:13:22Z Gmaxwell 1639x1852 (931168 Bytes) Please do not include copyrighted fonts in your SVGs.
2007-01-09T07:33:51Z PlaneMad 1639x1852 (1025350 Bytes) uttaranchal>uttarkhand, minor color corrections and numbering correction
2006-11-13T17:04:31Z PlaneMad 1639x1852 (1042154 Bytes) designation for all highways
2006-11-09T10:59:17Z PlaneMad 1639x1852 (885509 Bytes) updated karnataka city spellings, added nh 110 112 113 114 116 117 119 121 123 153 154 155 224 225 226 227, corrections in north east states
2006-11-06T19:31:09Z PlaneMad 1639x1852 (864712 Bytes) nh designation markers on nhdp highways, rivers enabled, lightened state names, 3d locators for capitals and major cities, minor corrections north east areas
2006-10-15T18:01:16Z PlaneMad 1639x1852 (734840 Bytes) Included Nhdp phase IIIA, Changed stroke styles for highways, changed marker locators, added state names, included road legend, added more cities and towns, corrections
{{Information |Description={{en|Map showing the national highway network in India. Includes w:NHDP projects upto phase IIIB which is due to be completed by December 2012. For actual progress of the NHDP refer to the maps below.}} {{fr|Carte montrant l