Datei:Naval battles of America; great and decisive contests on the sea from colonial times to the present, including our glorious victories at Manila and Santiago; (1905) (14595892909).jpg

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Identifier: navalbattlesofam00ship (find matches)
Title: Naval battles of America; great and decisive contests on the sea from colonial times to the present, including our glorious victories at Manila and Santiago;
Year: 1905 (1900s)
Authors: Shippen, Edward, 1826- (from old catalog)
Subjects: United States. Navy
Publisher: Philadelphia, P. W. Ziegler co
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation

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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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menseconded him, not only during the actionitself, but in his subsequent escape froma superior force.In the year 1813, during the war with Great Britain,the frigate Constitution (that favorite and most usefulship, already celebrated for her capture of the Guerriere,and for her remarkable escape from the pursuit of anEnglish squadron) was found to be so decayed as torequire extensive repairs. Her crew was therefore trans-ferred to the Lakes, and when she was again ready forsea, a new one was shipped for her, and Captain Stewartwas ordered to her command. Charles Stewart was born in Philadelphia, in July, 1778Going to sea in the merchant service at the age of thirteen,he rose to the command of an East Indiaman while stilla youth. Upon the organization of the Navy, in 1798,he was appointed a Lieutenant. After seeing considerable active service in the West Indies, during which, Incommand of the schooner Experiment, he captured threeFrench privateers, he went to the Mediterranean, In 1802,
Text Appearing After Image:
Constitution, cyane and levant. 153 as first lieutenant of the Constellation. Here he sawservice against Tripoli. The next year he had commandof the brig Syren, and convoyed the party, in the ketchIntrepid, which destroyed the frigate Philadelphia. Aftercontinued service against the Tripolitans he was namedthe Senior Master Commandant, in 1804. Returninghome, he was promoted to Captain, and for some timeemployed in New York in superintending the constructionof gun-boats, after which he returned to the merchantservice for several years. During the war of 1812 hecommanded the Constellation and the Constitution. After the war he was long a.nd honorably employed,both at sea and on shore, and was retired as SeniorCommodore, in 1856, at the age of 78. In 1862he was made a Rear Admiral, on the Retired List Hedied at Bordentown, New Jersey, November 6th, 1869,aged 91, having been the senior officer of the Navy for17 years, and having been 71 years In the service. The repairs of the Constituti

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.

Urheber Shippen, Edward, 1826- [from old catalog]
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Flickr tags
  • bookid:navalbattlesofam00ship
  • bookyear:1905
  • bookdecade:1900
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Shippen__Edward__1826___from_old_catalog_
  • booksubject:United_States__Navy
  • bookpublisher:Philadelphia__P__W__Ziegler_co
  • bookcontributor:The_Library_of_Congress
  • booksponsor:Sloan_Foundation
  • bookleafnumber:160
  • bookcollection:library_of_congress
  • bookcollection:americana
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30. Juli 2014


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Capture of the Cyane and the Levant by the Constitution

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