English: British Honduras. [Mr Phillip Goldson, leader of the National Independence Party seated at his office desk with his secretary Mr Lindsey Burns]. Photograph No R 34161 Official British Honduras photograph compiled by Central Office of Information. Publicity statement on reverse. Crown copyright reserved.
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<b>Description:</b> British Honduras. [Mr Phillip Goldson, leader of the National Independence Party seated at his office desk with his secretary Mr Lindsey Burns]. Photograph No R 34161 Official British Honduras photograph compiled by Central Office of Information. Publicity statement on reverse. Crown copyright reserved.
<b>Location:</b> British Honduras
<b>Date:</b> 1965 Mar
<b>Our Catalogue Reference:</b> INF 10/67/5
This image is part of the Central Office of Information's photographic collection held at The National Archives, uploaded as part of the <a href="http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/caribbean%22>Caribbean Through a Lens project</a></p>.
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