Datei:Poincare-sphere arrows.svg
Originaldatei (SVG-Datei, Basisgröße: 600 × 600 Pixel, Dateigröße: 6 KB)
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BeschreibungPoincare-sphere arrows.svg |
English: Drawing of a Poincaré sphere, which illustrates the space of possible polarisations of electromagnetic waves. The sphere is drawn with three great circles, labels for six basic polarisations H (linear horizontal), V (linear vertical), D (linear diagonal), A (linear antidiagonal), R (right-hand circular) and L (left-hand circular) and images of the polarisation vectors for each. Additionally the coordinate system of Stokes vectors with components S₁, S₂ and S₃ is drawn in the center of the sphere.
Deutsch: Zeichnung einer Poincaré-Kugel, die den Raum der möglichen Polarisationen elektromagnetischer Wellen darstellt. Die Kugel ist mit drei Großkreisen gezeichnet, Zeichen für die sechs Basispolarisationen H (linear horizontal), V (linear vertikal), D (linear diagonal), A (linear antidiagonal), R (rechtshändig zirkular) and L (linkshändig zirkular) und mit Bildern der Polarisationsvektoren für jede davon. Zusätzlich befindet sich im Zentrum der Kugel das Koordinatensystem aus Stokesvektorkomponenten S₁, S₂ and S₃. |
Datum | |
Quelle | Eigenes Werk |
Urheber | Geek3 |
Andere Versionen | Poincare-sphere_stokes.svg (without the small images of the polarisation vectors) |
Source Code
The image is created by the following source-code. Requirements:
python source code:
import svgwrite as svg
except ImportError:
print 'You need to install svgwrite:'
# documentation at
from math import *
def to_xyz(theta, phi, r=1):
return r * sin(theta) * cos(phi), r * sin(theta) * sin(phi), r * cos(theta)
def to_theta_phi_r(x, y, z):
return atan2(z, sqrt(x**2 + y**2)), atan2(x, y), sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2)
def rotx(x, y, z, a):
y, z = cos(a) * y + sin(a) * z, cos(a) * z - sin(a) * y
return x, y, z
def ellipse_path(theta, phi, tilt, flip=False):
t, p, r2 = to_theta_phi_r(*rotx(*(to_xyz(theta, phi, 1) + (tilt,))))
a = abs(r)
b = abs(r * sin(t))
return 'M %f,%f A %f,%f %f %i,%i %f,%f' % (-r*cos(p), -r*sin(p),
a, b, p*180/pi, 0, {True:1, False:0}[flip], r*cos(p), r*sin(p))
# document
size = 600, 600
doc = svg.Drawing('poincare-sphere_arrows.svg', profile='full', size=size)
doc.set_desc('poincare-sphere_arrows.svg', '''Drawing of a poincare-sphere with polarisations H, V, D, A, R and L, a coordinate system of Stokes-Vectors P1, P2 and P3 and six little images that illustrate the polarisations
rights: GNU Free Documentation license,
Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license''')
# settings
dash = '8,6'
col = 'black'
r = 240
tilt = radians(-70)
phi = radians(-25)
cp, sp = cos(phi), sin(phi)
# background
doc.add(doc.rect(id='background', profile='full', insert=(0, 0), size=size, fill='white', stroke='none'))
# arrow markers
arrow_d = 'M -4,0 L 2,-3 L 1,0 L 2,3 L -4,0 z'
arrow1 = doc.marker(id='arrow1', orient='auto', overflow='visible')
arrow1.add(doc.path(d=arrow_d, fill=col, stroke='none',
transform='rotate(180) scale(0.7)'))
arrow2 = doc.marker(id='arrow2', orient='auto', overflow='visible')
arrow2.add(doc.path(d=arrow_d, fill=col, stroke='none',
arrow3 = doc.marker(id='arrow3', orient='auto', overflow='visible')
arrow3.add(doc.path(d='M 8.7185878,4.0337352 L -2.2072895,0.016013256 L 8.7185884,-4.0017078 C 6.9730900,-1.6296469 6.9831476,1.6157441 8.7185878,4.0337352 z', fill=col, stroke='none',
transform='scale(0.8) rotate(180)'))
# make a group for the sphere
sphere = doc.g(transform='translate(300, 300)', fill='none', stroke=col, stroke_width='2')
sphere['font-family'] = 'DejaVu Sans'
sphere['font-size'] = '42px'
# back ellipses
sphere.add(doc.path(d=ellipse_path(0, 0, tilt),
stroke_dasharray=dash, stroke=col))
sphere.add(doc.path(d=ellipse_path(pi/2, phi, tilt, True),
stroke_dasharray=dash, stroke=col))
sphere.add(doc.path(d=ellipse_path(pi/2, phi+pi/2, tilt),
stroke_dasharray=dash, stroke=col))
# draw coordinate axes
sphere.add(, 0), r=5, fill=col, stroke='none'))
for i in range(3):
xyz = [0, 0, 0]
xyz[i] = 0.3 * r
x, y, z = xyz
x, y, z = rotx(x*cp + y*sp, y*cp - x*sp, z, tilt)
line = doc.line(start=(0, 0), end=('%f' % x, '%f' % y), stroke=col)
line['marker-end'] = arrow3.get_funciri()
# the six defined points
pts = []
for x,y,z in [[0,0,-1], [0,0,1], [0,-1,0], [0,1,0], [-1,0,0], [1,0,0]]:
x, y, z = rotx(r * (x*cp + y*sp), r * (y*cp - x*sp), r * z, tilt)
if z >= 0:
pts.append((x, y))
sphere.add('%f' % x, '%f' % y), r=6,
fill=col, stroke='none'))
# inset images
rect = doc.rect((-22, -22), (44, 44), fill='white', stroke=col, fill_opacity=0.88)
gV = doc.g(transform='translate(%f, %f)' % pts[1])
gV.add(doc.line(start=(0,-11), end=(0,11), stroke_width=3,
marker_end=arrow1.get_funciri(), marker_start=arrow2.get_funciri()))
gA = doc.g(transform='translate(%f, %f)' % pts[2])
gA.add(doc.line(start=(-7,-7), end=(7,7), stroke_width=3,
marker_end=arrow1.get_funciri(), marker_start=arrow2.get_funciri()))
gL = doc.g(transform='translate(%f, %f)' % pts[0])
gL.add(doc.path(d='M -12,0 A 12,12 0 1,0 0,-12', stroke_width=3,
# V label
sphere.add(doc.text('V', text_anchor='middle',
transform='translate(144, -86)', stroke='none', fill=col))
# Stokes-Vector labels
sphere.add(doc.text('S₁', text_anchor='middle',
transform='translate(-56, 33)', stroke='none', fill=col))
sphere.add(doc.text('S₂', text_anchor='middle',
transform='translate(63, -2)', stroke='none', fill=col))
sphere.add(doc.text('S₃', text_anchor='middle',
transform='translate(-29, -59)', stroke='none', fill=col))
# sphere surface
grad1 = doc.defs.add(doc.radialGradient(id='grad1',
center=(0.375, 0.15), r=0.75, gradientUnits='objectBoundingBox'))
grad1.add_stop_color(offset=0, color='#ffffff', opacity=0.3)
grad1.add_stop_color(offset=1, color='#dddddd', opacity=0.3)
sphere.add(, 0), r=str(r),
fill='url(#grad1)', stroke='none'))
grad2 = doc.defs.add(doc.radialGradient(id='grad2',
center=(0.45, 0.45), r=0.575, gradientUnits='objectBoundingBox'))
grad2.add_stop_color(offset=0.6, color='#cccccc', opacity=0)
grad2.add_stop_color(offset=0.8, color='#cccccc', opacity=0.2)
grad2.add_stop_color(offset=1, color='#333333', opacity=0.2)
sphere.add(, 0), r=str(r),
fill='url(#grad2)', stroke='none'))
# the six defined points
for x,y,z in [[0,0,-1], [0,0,1], [0,-1,0], [0,1,0], [-1,0,0], [1,0,0]]:
x, y, z = rotx(r * (x*cp + y*sp), r * (y*cp - x*sp), r * z, tilt)
if z < 0:
pts.append((x, y))
sphere.add('%f' % x, '%f' % y), r=6,
fill=col, stroke='none'))
# H, D, A, R, L labels
sphere.add(doc.text('H', text_anchor='middle',
transform='translate(-144, 115)', stroke='none', fill=col))
sphere.add(doc.text('D', text_anchor='middle',
transform='translate(272, 52)', stroke='none', fill=col))
sphere.add(doc.text('A', text_anchor='middle',
transform='translate(-272, -26)', stroke='none', fill=col))
sphere.add(doc.text('R', text_anchor='middle',
transform='translate(0, -261)', stroke='none', fill=col))
sphere.add(doc.text('L', text_anchor='middle',
transform='translate(0, 291)', stroke='none', fill=col))
# front ellipses
sphere.add(doc.path(d=ellipse_path(0, 0, tilt, True)))
sphere.add(doc.path(d=ellipse_path(pi/2, phi, tilt)))
sphere.add(doc.path(d=ellipse_path(pi/2, phi+pi/2, tilt, True)))
# circle edge
sphere.add(, 0), r=str(r)))
# inset images
gH = doc.g(transform='translate(%f, %f)' % pts[4])
gH.add(doc.line(start=(-11,0), end=(11,0), stroke_width=3,
marker_end=arrow1.get_funciri(), marker_start=arrow2.get_funciri()))
gD = doc.g(transform='translate(%f, %f)' % pts[5])
gD.add(doc.line(start=(-7,7), end=(7,-7), stroke_width=3,
marker_end=arrow1.get_funciri(), marker_start=arrow2.get_funciri()))
gR = doc.g(transform='translate(%f, %f)' % pts[3])
gR.add(doc.path(d='M 12,0 A 12,12 0 1,1 0,-12', stroke_width=3,
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In dieser Datei abgebildete Objekte
Poincaré sphere Englisch
Einige Werte ohne einen Wikidata-Eintrag
31. August 2014
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Version vom | Vorschaubild | Maße | Benutzer | Kommentar | |
aktuell | 18:44, 31. Aug. 2014 | 600 × 600 (6 KB) | Geek3 | Poincare Sphere with Stokes vectors and polarisation arrows |
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Kurztitel | poincare-sphere_arrows.svg |
Bildtitel | Drawing of a poincare-sphere with polarisations H, V, D, A, R and L, a coordinate system of Stokes-Vectors P1, P2 and P3 and six little images that illustrate the polarisations
rights: GNU Free Documentation license, Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license |
Breite | 600 |
Höhe | 600 |