BeschreibungPremolar molarization in deperetellids - Bai et al 2019.png
English: The gradational changes of premolars in tapiroid lineages with different patterns of the premolar molarization; A: The hypothesized phylogenetic relationships of Tapiroidea after L. B. Radinsky: Origin and early evolution of North American Tapiroidea. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natujral History 17, 1963, pp. 1–106 with deperetellids added, showing the premolars of tapiroids gradually molarized through different patterns over time; the premolars in Tapiridae modified from E. Schlaikjer: A new tapir from the Lower Miocene of Wyoming. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 80 (4), 1937, pp. 229–251; B: The three patterns of premolar molarization in perissodactyls modified from L. Holbrook: The Identity and Homology of the Postprotocrista and its Role in Molarization of Upper Premolars of Perissodactyla (Mammalia). Journal of Mammalogy 22, 2015, pp. 259–269, All premolar series are shown from the left side, and the last tooth is P4; Abbreviations: pac = paraconule, pr = protocone, epc = endoprotocrista, hy = hypocone, mel = metaconule; Scale bar = 10 mm
Deutsch: Graduelle Veränderungen der Prämolaren in verschiedenen tapiroiden Linien mit unterschiedlichen Mustern der Molarisation der Prämolaren; A: Angenommene verwandtschaftliche Beziehungen der Tapiroidea nach L. B. Radinsky: Origin and early evolution of North American Tapiroidea. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natujral History 17, 1963, S. 1–106 (die Deperetellidae wurden hinzugefügt) vor dem Hintergrund der graduellen Molarizierung der Prämolaren in den Tapiroidea während der stammesgeschichtlichen Entwicklung; die Prämolaren der Tapiridae wurden nach E. Schlaikjer: A new tapir from the Lower Miocene of Wyoming. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 80 (4), 1937, S. 229–251 modifiziert; B: Drei verschiedene Muster der Molarisierung der Prämolaren bei den Unpaarhufern, modifiziert nach L. Holbrook: The Identity and Homology of the Postprotocrista and its Role in Molarization of Upper Premolars of Perissodactyla (Mammalia). Journal of Mammalogy 22, 2015, S. 259–269, alle Prämolarenreihen sind von der lin ken Seite, der letzte Zahn ist jeweils der P4; Abkürzungen: pac = Paraconule, pr = Protoconus, epc = Endoprotocrista, hy = Hypoconus, mel = Metaconule; Maßstab = 10 mm
Bin Bai, Jin Meng, Fang-Yuan Mao, Zhao-Qun Zhang und Yuan Qing Wang: A new early Eocene deperetellid tapiroid illuminates the origin of Deperetellidae and the pattern of premolar molarization in Perissodactyla. PLoS ONE 14 (11), 2019, S. e0225045 (fig. 7), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0225045
Bin Bai, Jin Meng, Fang-Yuan Mao, Zhao-Qun Zhang und Yuan Qing Wang
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{{Information |description ={{en|1=The gradational changes of premolars in tapiroid lineages with different patterns of the premolar molarization; A: The hypothesized phylogenetic relationships of Tapiroidea after L. B. Radinsky: ''Origin and early evolution of North American Tapiroidea.'' Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natujral History 17, 1963, pp. 1–106 with deperetellids added, showing the premolars of tapiroids gradually molarized through different patterns over time; the premolars...
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