Waive of rights upon previous upload by the author
Concerning the photo: Explicitly agreed by the author upon upload on boardgamegeek:
By posting or uploading content onto our site you are representing that this content does not violate our content rules and that you own all copyrights in this content or have authorization to upload from the copyright owners. By posting or uploading content onto our site you are granting us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to host your material on our servers and make those materials available to users of our site. Your content will be available for viewing in a variety of ways including reviews, session reports, articles, geeklists, image galleries, file downloads, aggregation and presentation of your content with content uploaded by other users. By uploading your content onto our site you agree to waive any copyright royalty or other fee to which you may be entitled, including but not limited to any publishing, mechanical reproduction, performance, union or guild payments. You also agree to take sole responsibility for any royalties, fees or other monies owed to any person by reason of any content you post on our site.
Concerning the game itself:
"Sculptures, paintings and action figures do not have utilitarian aspects and are therefore generally copyrighted as works of fine art. On the other hand, ordinary alarm clocks, dinner plates, gaming consoles or other objects of daily use are usually not copyrightable."
This is a complete game with a utility. (It isn't like a game figurine that can be considered a work of art and only part of a utility product but more like a gaming console with a nice design that cannot be separated from the product)
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
Ich, der Urheberrechtsinhaber dieses Werkes, veröffentliche es als gemeinfrei. Dies gilt weltweit. In manchen Staaten könnte dies rechtlich nicht möglich sein. Sofern dies der Fall ist: Ich gewähre jedem das bedingungslose Recht, dieses Werk für jedweden Zweck zu nutzen, es sei denn, Bedingungen sind gesetzlich erforderlich.
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{{Information |Description={{en|1=Princes of Florence boardgame material}} {{fr|1=Plateau de jeu du jeu Princes de Florence. (2ème édition)}} |Source=Boardgamegeek.com |Author=Juan Luis Martinez |Date= |Permission=Waive of rights upon previous upload by
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