Text Appearing Before Image: d YourImperial Highness. His son, Prince Napoleon, was a more formidableopponent, although heartily disliked and despisedby all classes and all political opinions outside asmall circle of private friends. He possessed, how-ever, brilliant talents, which, had he chosen to developthem, might have recalled something of the Napole-onic genius; whereas, in fact, he only caricaturedthe worst points of the Corsican adventurer, withoutshowing any of the grand redeeming gifts of thegreat emperor. The physical likeness was wonderful, but the ex-pression was totally different. In the good portraitsof Napoleon I., the clear eyes have a singularly pier-cing glance, at once conveying the idea of a com-manding genius. With the same cast of features,there was something peculiarly low and thoroughlybad in the face of Prince Napoleon, which recalledin a striking manner the stamp of the worstRoman Caesars. His will was despotic, his temper violent andbrutal; his tastes were cynically gross, his language Text Appearing After Image: PRINCE NAPOLEON AND PRINCESS CLOTILDE. FROM A PHOTOGRAPH BY DISOEHI & CO. UNDER THE SECOND EMPIRE 65 coarse beyond what could be imagined. While affect-ing tendencies of the most revolutionary and radicaltype, he was essentially a tyrant, and could brookno opposition to his will, always brutally expressed.He was jealous of the Emperors preeminent position,as of sornethiug stolen from himself; but, thoughin a state of chronic rebellion, he never hesitatedto accept all the worldly advantages which the titleof cousin could obtain for him. The Emperor felt a sort of indulgent affectionfor Prince Napoleon, and had the latter chosen tomake use of his undeniable talents, in accordancewith the duties of the position which he had ac-cepted, he might, duriDg the Empire, have playedan important political part, and have gathered theEmperors inheritance at the death of the PrinceImperial. But never were natural gifts so misapplied or sowasted. He could bear no restraint, no interruptionin his
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