English: This cup is sold to tourists in Samos. I bought one.
The piece of paper that comes with it says:
Tradition says Pythagoras, during water supply works in Samos around 530 BC moderated the workers' wine drinking by inventing the 'fair cup'. When the wine surpasses the line, the cup totally empties, so the greedy one is punished."
It does work. If you fill it below the line in the middle, all is well. If you fill it above the line - all the wine comes out of the bottom!
I played cynical with the young man in the shop, and said I doubted whether after all these years the story about Pythagoras inventing it were true. He said he believed it.
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{{Information |Description ={{en|1=This cup is sold to tourists in Samos. I bought one. The piece of paper that comes with it says: "CUP OF PYTHAGORAS Tradition says Pythagoras, during water supply works in Samos around 530 BC moderated the workers'