Datei:R Leporis as imaged by ALMA (ann23019a).jpg

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English: This image of R Leporis, a star in the final stages of its evolution, is the highest resolution image ever achieved with ALMA. It has an angular resolution of 5 milli-arcseconds, equivalent to seeing a 10-metre-long bus on the Moon. It was achieved using the ALMA Band 10 (high-frequency) receivers and an array configuration with a maximum baseline length of 16 km, as well as a novel calibration technique. Submillimeter-wave emission from the stellar surface is shown in orange and hydrogen cyanide maser emissions at 891 GHz are shown in blue. The observations show that the star is surrounded by a ring-like structure of gas and that gas from the star is escaping to the surrounding space.
Datum 15. November 2023 (Hochladedatum)
Diese Mediendatei wurde von der Europäischen Südsternwarte (ESO) mit der Indentifikationsnummer ann23019a zur Verfügung gestellt.

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Urheber ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)/Y. Asaki et al.
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This image of R Leporis, a star in the final stages of its evolution, is the highest resolution image ever achieved with ALMA. It has an angular resolution of 5 milli-arcseconds, equivalent to seeing a 10-metre-long bus on the Moon.

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