Datei:Rusiah Sardjono, Minister of Social Affairs of Indonesia.jpg

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English: Portrait of Rusiah Sardjono as the Minister of Social Affairs of Indonesia.
Datum Unbekanntes Datum
Quelle "Departemen Sosial: Perjalanan dan Peran dari Masa ke Masa"
Urheber Departement of Social Affairs of Indonesia


Public domain This file is in the public domain in Indonesia, because it is published and distributed by the Government of Republic of Indonesia, according to Article 43 of Law 28 of 2014 on copyrights.

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  4. Reproduction, Publication, and/or Distribution of Portraits of the President, Vice President, former Presidents, former Vice Presidents, National Heroes, heads of State institutions, heads of ministries/nonministerial government agencies, and/or the heads of regions by taking into account the dignity and appropriateness in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

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aktuell15:34, 15. Nov. 2019Vorschaubild der Version vom 15:34, 15. Nov. 2019366 × 497 (85 KB)Jeromi MikhaelUser created page with UploadWizard

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