I got an amazing chance to spend some time at Fire Station 80 - LAX / Crash Rescue on Fire Service Day. I would like to give a big thank you to the chief and crew for the tour and the hospitality!
This station is dedicated to aircraft accidents. There are 4 trucks, the oldest holds 1500 gallons of water and serves as the mobile command post. The remaining 3 trucks each hold 4000 gallons of water, and I believe 500 of foam. The two newest trucks are fitted with Snozzles, an articulated boom with an imposing spike on the end that can deliver water, foam, or halotron (a "clean" supression agent that leaves no residue, usefull in cargo holds) at any angle (or to the interior of an aircraft).
There is also a ladder truck that with a platform (similar to the galley trucks) to facilitate the offloading of passengers.
This is the last year for the current location of Station 80, a new facility is being built up the road. I hope I get to visit the new station on Fire Service Day next year!
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